1,791 research outputs found

    RH-mote for Next-generation Wireless Sensor Networks

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    AbstractMany Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) applications are new and their requirements may not be fully anticipated during the sensor networks design and development stage. We are presenting a sensor network infrastructure that support motes’ with remote hardware and software modification to match the target applications need. Using the proposed infrastructure in next-generation WSNs will produce flexible infrastructures that will provide over-the-air remote design modification even after the deployment of WSNs on the sensing field.In this paper, we are presenting the design concept and challenges of such infrastructure. Also, we present the use of the infrastructure in one possible environmental monitoring application such as forest fire. The development of such infrastructure will have an impact on advances the research on the real- time remote sensing, heterogeneous WSN, and WSNs applications

    Embedded Sensor System for Early Pathology Detection in Building Construction

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    Structure pathology detection is an important security task in building construction, which is performed by an operator by looking manually for damages on the materials. This activity could be dangerous if the structure is hidden or difficult to reach. On the other hand, embedded devices and wireless sensor networks (WSN) are becoming popular and cheap, enabling the design of an alternative pathology detection system to monitor structures based on these technologies. This article introduces a ZigBee WSN system, intending to be autonomous, easy to use and with low power consumption. Its functional parts are fully discussed with diagrams, as well as the protocol used to collect samples from sensor nodes. Finally, several tests focused on range and power consumption of our prototype are shown, analysing whether the results obtained were as expected or not

    Implementation of Secure Key Management Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Creating a secure wireless sensor network involves authenticating and encrypting messages that are sent throughout the network. The communicating nodes must agree on secret keys in order to be able to encrypt packets. Sensor networks do not have many resources and so, achieving such key agreements is a difficult matter. Many key agreement schemes like Diffie-Hellman and public-key based schemes are not suitable for wireless sensor networks. Pre-distribution of secret keys for all pairs of nodes is not viable due to the large amount of memory used when the network size is large. We propose a novel key management system that works with the random key pre-distribution scheme where deployment knowledge is unknown. We show that our system saves users from spending substantial resources when deploying networks. We also test the new system’s memory usage, and security issues. The system and its performance evaluation are presented in this thesis

    Wireless Sensor Networks’ Node Supported with Remote Hardware Modifications Capability

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) nodes are generally have simple hardware design that can be classified as inflexible, support one or more applications, and inexpensive. These nodes are designed and programmed before their release on the application field and will stay on the field to support the need of the target application. Although the existing wireless sensor nodes are designed to support remote software modifications, they are, however, are not supporting remote hardware modifications. Using wireless sensor nodes that can support remote nodes’ modification capability for both hardware and software will provide WSNs with flexible infrastructures that can support nodes with over-the-air design modification even after the deployment of WSNs on the sensing field. In this paper, we are presenting the design concept and challenges of such infrastructure. Also, we present the use of such flexible infrastructure in potential WSNs applications. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16044

    Secure authentication for remote patient monitoring withwireless medical sensor networks

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    There is broad consensus that remote health monitoring will benefit all stakeholders in the healthcare system and that it has the potential to save billions of dollars. Among the major concerns that are preventing the patients from widely adopting this technology are data privacy and security. Wireless Medical Sensor Networks (MSNs) are the building blocks for remote health monitoring systems. This paper helps to identify the most challenging security issues in the existing authentication protocols for remote patient monitoring and presents a lightweight public-key-based authentication protocol for MSNs. In MSNs, the nodes are classified into sensors that report measurements about the human body and actuators that receive commands from the medical staff and perform actions. Authenticating these commands is a critical security issue, as any alteration may lead to serious consequences. The proposed protocol is based on the Rabin authentication algorithm, which is modified in this paper to improve its signature signing process, making it suitable for delay-sensitive MSN applications. To prove the efficiency of the Rabin algorithm, we implemented the algorithm with different hardware settings using Tmote Sky motes and also programmed the algorithm on an FPGA to evaluate its design and performance. Furthermore, the proposed protocol is implemented and tested using the MIRACL (Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++) library. The results show that secure, direct, instant and authenticated commands can be delivered from the medical staff to the MSN nodes. © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Secure Authentication for Remote Patient Monitoring with Wireless Medical Sensor Networks.

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    There is broad consensus that remote health monitoring will benefit all stakeholders in the healthcare system and that it has the potential to save billions of dollars. Among the major concerns that are preventing the patients from widely adopting this technology are data privacy and security. Wireless Medical Sensor Networks (MSNs) are the building blocks for remote health monitoring systems. This paper helps to identify the most challenging security issues in the existing authentication protocols for remote patient monitoring and presents a lightweight public-key-based authentication protocol for MSNs. In MSNs, the nodes are classified into sensors that report measurements about the human body and actuators that receive commands from the medical staff and perform actions. Authenticating these commands is a critical security issue, as any alteration may lead to serious consequences. The proposed protocol is based on the Rabin authentication algorithm, which is modified in this paper to improve its signature signing process, making it suitable for delay-sensitive MSN applications. To prove the efficiency of the Rabin algorithm, we implemented the algorithm with different hardware settings using Tmote Sky motes and also programmed the algorithm on an FPGA to evaluate its design and performance. Furthermore, the proposed protocol is implemented and tested using the MIRACL (Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++) library. The results show that secure, direct, instant and authenticated commands can be delivered from the medical staff to the MSN nodes

    Security Issues in Healthcare Applications Using Wireless Medical Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Healthcare applications are considered as promising fields for wireless sensor networks, where patients can be monitored using wireless medical sensor networks (WMSNs). Current WMSN healthcare research trends focus on patient reliable communication, patient mobility, and energy-efficient routing, as a few examples. However, deploying new technologies in healthcare applications without considering security makes patient privacy vulnerable. Moreover, the physiological data of an individual are highly sensitive. Therefore, security is a paramount requirement of healthcare applications, especially in the case of patient privacy, if the patient has an embarrassing disease. This paper discusses the security and privacy issues in healthcare application using WMSNs. We highlight some popular healthcare projects using wireless medical sensor networks, and discuss their security. Our aim is to instigate discussion on these critical issues since the success of healthcare application depends directly on patient security and privacy, for ethic as well as legal reasons. In addition, we discuss the issues with existing security mechanisms, and sketch out the important security requirements for such applications. In addition, the paper reviews existing schemes that have been recently proposed to provide security solutions in wireless healthcare scenarios. Finally, the paper ends up with a summary of open security research issues that need to be explored for future healthcare applications using WMSNs

    Exploring Broadband Enabled Smart eEnvironment: Wireless Sensor (Mesh) Network

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    This paper explored the emergent importance of the use sensors as complementary or as alternative to environmental sensing and monitoring, industrial monitoring, and surface explorations. Advances in wireless broadband technology have enabled the use Wireless Sensor (Mesh) Network (WSN), a type mobile ad hoc network (MANET), in all facet of human endeavor. As a next-generation wireless communication, which centered on energy savings, communication reliability, and security, WSN has increased our processing, sensing, and communications capabilities. Hence, this paper is an exploration of recent reliance on sensors as result of broadband enabled smart environment for activities, such as environmental and habitat monitory, military surveillance, target tracking, search and rescue, and logistical tracking and supply-chain management

    Development of a wireless sensor network for agricultural monitoring for Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Monitoring of the agricultural environment has become an important area of control and protection which provides real-time system and control communication with the physical world. This thesis focuses on Development ofa wireless Sensor Network for agricultural monitoring for Internet of things (IoT) to monitor environmental condition. Among the various technologies for Agriculture monitoring, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are perceived as an amazing one to gather and process information in the agricultural area with low-cost and low-energy consumption. WSN is capable of providing processed field data in real time from sensors which are physically distributed in the field. Agriculture and farming are one of the industries which have a late occupied their regards for WSNs, looking for this financially acute innovation to improve its production and upgrade agribusiness yield standard. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have pulled in a lot consideration in recent years.The proposed system uses WSN sensors to capture and track information pertaining to crop growth condition outside and inside greenhouses. 6LowPAN network protocol is used for low power consumption and for transmitting and receiving of data packets.This thesis introduces the agricultural monitoring system's hardware design, system architecture, and software process control. Agriculture monitoring system set-up is based on Contiki OS while device testing is carried out using real-time farm information and historical dat

    Software based deployment of encryption keys in wireless sensor networks.

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    Sensor networks are just in their infancy. Their use will continue to grow as the technology becomes cheaper and more efficient. A current shortcoming with sensor networks is the inability to efficiently provide secure communications. As sensor networks are deployed to monitor and control systems, the security of communications will become a more important. This thesis proposes a new approach to key establishment and renewal through the use of point-to-point keys and software verification and validation to ensure the integrity of two nodes. Sensor networks exist on limited resources, so power efficiency is a concern. The proposed protocol allows for the use of small keys instead of large pre-distributed keys. This thesis explores the design and implementation of a new point-to-point key generation and renewal algorithm. The main contribution is the development of an algorithm that utilizes a software integrity check to ensure the validity of a node. The thesis also utilizes a simulated sensor network to test and validate the new software algorithm
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