859 research outputs found

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    Towards Supervising Remote Dexterous Robots Across Time Delay

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    The President s Vision for Space Exploration, laid out in 2004, relies heavily upon robotic exploration of the lunar surface in early phases of the program. Prior to the arrival of astronauts on the lunar surface, these robots will be required to be controlled across space and time, posing a considerable challenge for traditional telepresence techniques. Because time delays will be measured in seconds, not minutes as is the case for Mars Exploration, uploading the plan for a day seems excessive. An approach for controlling dexterous robots under intermediate time delay is presented, in which software running within a ground control cockpit predicts the intention of an immersed robot supervisor, then the remote robot autonomously executes the supervisor s intended tasks. Initial results are presented

    A modular approach for remote operation of humanoid robots in search and rescue scenarios

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    In the present work we have designed and implemented a modular, robust and user-friendly Pilot Interface meant to control humanoid robots in rescue scenarios during dangerous missions. We follow the common approach where the robot is semi-autonomous and it is remotely controlled by a human operator. In our implementation, YARP is used both as a communication channel for low-level hardware components and as an interconnecting framework between control modules. The interface features the capability to receive the status of these modules continuously and request actions when required. In addition, ROS is used to retrieve data from different types of sensors and to display relevant information of the robot status such as joint positions, velocities and torques, force/torque measurements and inertial data. Furthermore the operator is immersed into a 3D reconstruction of the environment and is enabled to manipulate 3D virtual objects. The Pilot Interface allows the operator to control the robot at three different levels. The high-level control deals with human-like actions which involve the whole robot’s actuation and perception. For instance, we successfully teleoperated IIT’s COmpliant huMANoid (COMAN) platform to execute complex navigation tasks through the composition of elementary walking commands (e.g.[walk_forward, 1m]). The mid-level control generates tasks in cartesian space, based on the position and orientation of objects of interest (i.e. valve, door handle) w.r.t. a reference frame on the robot. The low level control operates in joint space and is meant as a last resort tool to perform fine adjustments (e.g. release a trapped limb). Finally, our Pilot Interface is adaptable to different tasks, strategies and pilot’s needs, thanks to a modular architecture of the system which enables to add/remove single front-end components (e.g. GUI widgets) as well as back-end control modules on the fly

    Supervising Remote Humanoids Across Intermediate Time Delay

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    The President's Vision for Space Exploration, laid out in 2004, relies heavily upon robotic exploration of the lunar surface in early phases of the program. Prior to the arrival of astronauts on the lunar surface, these robots will be required to be controlled across space and time, posing a considerable challenge for traditional telepresence techniques. Because time delays will be measured in seconds, not minutes as is the case for Mars Exploration, uploading the plan for a day seems excessive. An approach for controlling humanoids under intermediate time delay is presented. This approach uses software running within a ground control cockpit to predict an immersed robot supervisor's motions which the remote humanoid autonomously executes. Initial results are presented

    Forming Human-Robot Teams Across Time and Space

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    NASA pushes telerobotics to distances that span the Solar System. At this scale, time of flight for communication is limited by the speed of light, inducing long time delays, narrow bandwidth and the real risk of data disruption. NASA also supports missions where humans are in direct contact with robots during extravehicular activity (EVA), giving a range of zero to hundreds of millions of miles for NASA s definition of "tele". . Another temporal variable is mission phasing. NASA missions are now being considered that combine early robotic phases with later human arrival, then transition back to robot only operations. Robots can preposition, scout, sample or construct in advance of human teammates, transition to assistant roles when the crew are present, and then become care-takers when the crew returns to Earth. This paper will describe advances in robot safety and command interaction approaches developed to form effective human-robot teams, overcoming challenges of time delay and adapting as the team transitions from robot only to robots and crew. The work is predicated on the idea that when robots are alone in space, they are still part of a human-robot team acting as surrogates for people back on Earth or in other distant locations. Software, interaction modes and control methods will be described that can operate robots in all these conditions. A novel control mode for operating robots across time delay was developed using a graphical simulation on the human side of the communication, allowing a remote supervisor to drive and command a robot in simulation with no time delay, then monitor progress of the actual robot as data returns from the round trip to and from the robot. Since the robot must be responsible for safety out to at least the round trip time period, the authors developed a multi layer safety system able to detect and protect the robot and people in its workspace. This safety system is also running when humans are in direct contact with the robot, so it involves both internal fault detection as well as force sensing for unintended external contacts. The designs for the supervisory command mode and the redundant safety system will be described. Specific implementations were developed and test results will be reported. Experiments were conducted using terrestrial analogs for deep space missions, where time delays were artificially added to emulate the longer distances found in space

    From teleoperation to the cognitive human-robot interface

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    Robots are slowly moving from factories to mines, construction sites, public places and homes. This new type of robot or robotized working machine – field and service robots (FSR) – should be capable of performing different kinds of tasks in unstructured changing environments, not only among humans but through continuous interaction with humans. The main requirements for an FSR are mobility, advanced perception capabilities, high "intelligence" and easy interaction with humans. Although mobility and perception capabilities are no longer bottlenecks, they can nevertheless still be greatly improved. The main bottlenecks are intelligence and the human - robot interface (HRI). Despite huge efforts in "artificial intelligence" research, the robots and computers are still very "stupid" and there are no major advancements on the horizon. This emphasizes the importance of the HRI. In the subtasks, where high-level cognition or intelligence is needed, the robot has to ask for help from the operator. In addition to task commands and supervision, the HRI has to provide the possibility of exchanging information about the task and environment through continuous dialogue and even methods for direct teleoperation. The thesis describes the development from teleoperation to service robot interfaces and analyses the usability aspects of both teleoperation/telepresence systems and robot interfaces based on high-level cognitive interaction. The analogue in the development of teleoperation interfaces and HRIs is also pointed out. The teleoperation and telepresence interfaces are studied on the basis of a set of experiments in which the different enhancement-level telepresence systems were tested in different tasks of a driving type. The study is concluded by comparing the usability aspects and the feeling of presence in a telepresence system. HRIs are studied with an experimental service robot WorkPartner. Different kinds of direct teleoperation, dialogue and spatial information interfaces are presented and tested. The concepts of cognitive interface and common presence are presented. Finally, the usability aspects of a human service robot interface are discussed and evaluated.reviewe

    Classifying Service Robots for Policy

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    Overview of some Command Modes for Human-Robot Interaction Systems

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    Interaction and command modes as well as their combination are essential features of modern and futuristic robotic systems interacting with human beings in various dynamical environments. This paper presents a synthetic overview concerning the most command modes used in Human-Robot Interaction Systems (HRIS). It includes the first historical command modes which are namely tele-manipulation, off-line robot programming, and traditional elementary teaching by demonstration. It then introduces the most recent command modes which have been fostered later on by the use of artificial intelligence techniques implemented on more powerful computers. In this context, we will consider specifically the following modes: interactive programming based on the graphical-user-interfaces, voice-based, pointing-on-image-based, gesture-based, and finally brain-based commands.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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