8 research outputs found

    A cloud-based virtual computing laboratory for teaching computer networks

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    This paper presents a novel ‘Cloud-based’ solution for teaching computer networks in an educational context. One key advantage of the system is its ability to commission and decommission virtual infrastructures comprised of routers, switches and virtual machines on demand. It makes use of hardware located in different physical locations, VMWare software to manage the virtual resources and NetLab+ to manage the configuration of multiple different virtual scenarios. The key features of the cloud infrastructure are described and evaluated


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    The project proposes an advanced system for process management via a credit card sized single board computer called raspberry pi based multi parameter monitoring hardware system designed using RS232 and microcontroller that measures and controls various global parameters. The system comprises of a single master and multiple slaves with wireless mode of communication and a raspberry pi system that can either operate on windows or linux operating system. The parameters that can be tracked are temperature, light intensity, water level, gas detection and fire extinguisher. Along these lines we can screen and control the gadgets through remote PC as it is specifically transmitted through program it can be seen anyplace on the planet and can be effortlessly controlled. .Now the users are no longer required to dedicatedly present on-site to monitor the process. Instead any employ of industry can do this task along with his other activities


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    This paper proposes an advanced system for process management via a credit card sized single board computer called raspberry pi based multi parameter monitoring hardware system designed using that measures and controls various global parameters. The system comprises of a single master and slave with wireless mode of communication and a raspberry pi system that can either operate on windows or Linux operating system. The parameters that can be tracked are current, voltage, temperature & light intensity. The master board use raspberry Pi, LM35 & LDR Sensors, Water level sensor(IC CD4066) ZIGBEE and Wi-Fi . From slave board the data is sent to the master and from master the data is sent to personal computer. We can monitor the data through Personal computer, display device (16x2 LCD) and simultaneously we will get email alerts when the parameter readings exceed the limit

    Esnek üretim sisteminin gerçek zamanlı uzaktan erişimli kontrolü ve mekatronik eğitimine uygulanması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Son yıllarda elektrik-elektronik, bilgisayar ve kontrol sistemlerinde çok büyük gelişmeler yaşanmaktadır. Elektrik-elektronik, pnömatik-hidrolik, bilgisayar ve mekanik teknolojilerinin birlikte kullanılması neredeyse bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Bunun sonucu olarak çok geniş bir alanı kapsayan mekatronik yeni bir mühendislik disiplini olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Günümüzde sadece mekanik veya sadece elektronik ürünler neredeyse hiç bulunmamaktadır. Bu etkili değişiklikten dolayı günümüzün mühendislik eğitiminde de önemli gelişmeler yaşanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda mekatronik sistemler ve eğitimi oldukça önem kazanmıştır. Teorik bilgilerin pekiştirilmesi ve teoriyle uygulama arasındaki uyum derecesinin gösterilebilmesi amacıyla mühendislik eğitiminin değişik bölümlerinde ilgili dersler kapsamında veya bağımsız bir ders olarak laboratuvar uygulamalarına yer verilmesi gerekmektedir. Verilen eğitimin hedefine ulaşabilmesi için teorik bilginin yanında bu bilgilerin gerçek sistemler üzerinde de uygulanarak pekiştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Mekatronik eğitiminde kullanılmak amacıyla Festo Didaktik firması tarafından üretilen Esnek Üretim Sistemi; mekanik, elektrik, elektronik, sensörler, hareket elemanları, pnömatik ve robot teknolojileri gibi birçok disiplinlerarası mühendislik uygulama konusunu kapsamaktadır. Fakat bu deney seti, mevcut haliyle lisans düzeyindeki bir öğrenci bakışıyla çok karmaşık bir mekanik ve kontrol algoritmasına sahip olarak görülmektedir. Bu nedenle sistem mevcut haliyle öğrenci müdahalesinden uzak, sadece gösterim amaçlı olarak kullanılabilmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında, mevcut Esnek Üretim Sistemi'nin mekanik ve elektriksel yapısı değiştirilmeden sisteme ilave olarak elektronik ve kontrol sistemi için yeni tasarımlar yapılmıştır. Böylece, deney seti temel düzeydeki öğrencilerin de mekatronik sistemler konusunda en yüksek derecede fayda sağlayabileceği ve kapsadığı teknolojik konuların uygulamalarını kolayca gerçekleştirebileceği bir yapıya kavuşturulmuştur. Bu amaçla, Esnek Üretim Sistemi istasyonlarının kontrollerini sağlamak amacıyla mikrokontrolör tabanlı elektronik kartlar tasarlanmıştır. Bu sayede, mekatronik sistemlerde önemli bir yere sahip olan mikrokontrolörler ile gerçek bir sistem üzerinde uygulama yapma imkânı sağlanmıştır. Sistemin kendi donanımı ve istasyonları arası haberleşmeyi sağlamak amacıyla CAN ağı kurulmuştur. İstasyonları CAN ağı üzerinden programlamak, dağıtık kontrol uygulamaları geliştirmek ve sistem için anlık durum izleme amacıyla LabVIEW tabanlı kullanıcı arayüzleri tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca bazı istasyonların web ortamında uzaktan programlanabilmesi imkanı da sağlanmıştır.In recent years, great developments have been experienced in electric-electronic, computer and control systems. Using of electric-electronic, pneumatic-hydraulic, computer and mechanic technologies together has become an obligation. Consequently, the mechatronics that covers a very wide area has appeared as a new discipline. Today, neither mechanic nor electronic products are almost not available alone. Because of this effective change, very important developments have been experienced in the engineering education of today. With this regard, mechatronics systems and education has gained a great deal of importance. One of the most important phases of the engineering education is undoubtedly the laboratory applications. For a productive education, the courses must be given both theoretically and practically by being applied on real systems. In this study made for purpose of giving an applied and detailed mechatronics education, with the changes made on the electronic and control system by using the mechanical structure of the flexible manufacturing system manufactured by the Festo Company, a structure that the students can get the highest degree of benefit from the system and understand the principles of technological subjects it covers has been established. However, this experiment set, in its current situation, seems having a very complex mechanic and control algorithm in view of an undergraduate student. For this reason, the system can only be used for purpose of demonstration far from intervention of a student. In this study, new designs have been developed for the electric and control system without making any modification in the mechanic structure of the system. In this manner, the experiment set, with its current structure, college students will be benefited by the highest rate in mechatronics subject and applications of the technological subjects in covers will be easily realized. Therefore microcontroller based controlling stations of the flexible manufacturing system cards have been designed. In this way, the application opportunity on a real system with microcontrollers which have an important role in mechatronics systems has been ensured. CAN bus protocol has been set up to ensure communication between the stations and hardware of the system. LabVIEW graphical programming based user interfaces have been designed to program stations via network, develop distributed control applications and online monitoring the status for the system. In addition these, as a very important development of this study, web based programming of some certain FMS stations has been realized. Hence users of the experiment set-up can be adapt own programs to the system

    Herramientas para la Docencia en Automática Orientadas hacia la Metodología ECTS

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    En los últimos años se han desarrollado una amplia variedad de herramientas educativas para la docencia. En especial, los laboratorios virtuales y remotos, como medios de educación, se van imponiendo en varios campos de la docencia. La teoría de control no está ajena a este desarrollo y son cada día más las universidades que implementan estas herramientas con el objetivo de optimizar sus recursos. Por ello, en esta tesis, se realiza un análisis de varias de las plataformas de laboratorios virtuales y remotos actuales. Este estudio sirvió de base para la implementación del Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia (SLD). El Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia tiene como ventajas fundamentales la independencia entre las estaciones de trabajo y el servidor, lo que permite que se puedan compartir recursos entre lugares distantes, a través de Internet. Además, la posibilidad de tener más de una estación de trabajo, con la misma práctica, controladas por el mismo servidor, lo que le brinda un mayor paralelismo. Por último, mencionar el hecho de permitir la realización de prácticas en tiempo real. En esta tesis se detalla la implementación de las prácticas remotas para el Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia usadas en la asignatura de Regulación Automática durante los cursos 2008-2009 al 2010-2011. Estas prácticas fueron utilizadas, además de para las actividades prácticas de laboratorio, en el desarrollo de un proyecto de control, actividad ejecutada por los alumnos con un alto valor formativo. También se describen los trabajos prácticos desarrollados en el curso mediante el uso de AulaWeb. Se propone una metodología que se nutre de los resultados de cada curso con vistas a su mejoramiento. La realización de prácticas de forma presencial y remota permite combinar las ventajas de ambos métodos. La realización presencial de prácticas en el laboratorio tiene un gran valor formativo para los alumnos, permitiéndole conocer y manipular los equipos físicos con los que trabaja. Una vez que el alumno está familiarizado con los sistemas que utiliza puede trabajar con ellos a distancia, con las ventajas que ello conlleva de puesta a punto de los equipos y optimización de los recursos. El tiempo efectivo de uso de los sistemas físicos suele ser reducido, ya que la programación y captura de datos suele requerir entre 10 y 20 minutos. La realización de trabajos a distancia ahorra tiempo para el alumno a la vez que favorece el uso compartido de recursos. Otro aspecto de interés que surge al realizar actividades remotas es que no se limita el tiempo de utilización de los equipos, los alumnos pueden manipularlos sin restricciones de tiempo hasta que consideren que han alcanzado los objetivos deseados. La metodología aplicada permite la adquisición de competencias en los alumnos, específicamente las competencias para diseñar y ejecutar experimentos de control; así como analizar críticamente sus resultados. Todo desde un punto de vista de trabajo en equipo, y de forma colaborativa haciendo uso de las herramientas educativas AulaWeb y el Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia (SLD) para la implementación de los experimentos remotos sobre equipos reales. Esta tesis se ajusta y da respuesta a los objetivos definidos como prioritarios por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en sus líneas de prioritarias para la Innovación Educativa. De igual forma cumple con el modelo educativo de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Plan de eficiencia educativa), así como con las recomendaciones sobre competencias del Consejo de Acreditación de Ingeniería y Tecnología (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, ABET). Se analizan los datos recogidos mediante la observación participante, las encuestas y las entrevistas grupales por cada curso académico en los que se realizó la investigación, y se proponen los cambios y mejoras para el próximo período académico. De igual forma se exponen los resultados de los alumnos en los tres cursos que duró la investigación. Esta investigación se ha desarrollado en el marco de dos proyectos de Innovación Educativa financiados por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Además, ha formado parte del Programa de Cooperación Universitaria Institucional (IUC) de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV) con el Consejo de Universidades Flamencas (VLIR)

    Desenvolvimento de laboratório de experimentação remota didático para aprendizagem na área da conformação mecânica

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    Esta tese trata do desenvolvimento de um laboratório remoto didático para estudos na área da Conformação Mecânica, chamado de Laboratório Online de Conformação Mecânica (LABCONM), o qual visa proporcionar a aprendizagem da Conformação Mecânica usando experimentos reais operados remotamente. Este laboratório é formado por duas partes principais: A primeira parte é um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Aprendizagem (SGA) contendo todos os menus, atividades e tarefas, agenda e painel de acesso e controle aos experimentos. A segunda parte é a parte física, ou seja, o experimento remoto, que nesta primeira versão do LABCONM é a “Máquina Didática Teleoperada de Ensaio de Compressão” (MDTEC). No painel de controle da MDTEC o estudante controla e visualiza remotamente um ensaio de compressão real e exporta os dados. Uma atividade de aprendizagem experimental foi desenvolvida para guiar os estudantes na busca da solução do problema, gerando assim a aprendizagem da curva de escoamento. Para validar o laboratório, foram feitos dois tipos de testes: O primeiro é funcional e técnico, que analisa os resultados do experimento remoto, avaliando a similaridade e a repetibilidade para fins didáticos. E o segundo teste é uma validação acadêmica, que foi dividida em duas partes. A primeira, foi direta, e feita por um grupo de estudantes da disciplina de Conformação Mecânica, onde responderam questionários após uso do laboratório. A segunda etapa foi indireta, feita pela comparação das notas da prova entre os estudantes que "usaram" com aqueles que "não usaram" o laboratório, visando obter a influência do uso do laboratório na aprendizagem. Os resultados dos testes técnicos e funcionais mostram que a MDTEC é um experimento que tem condições de realizar ensaios de compressão reais, fornecendo dados com boa repetibilidade para levantamento de curvas de escoamento. Na avaliação dos estudantes o LABCONM demonstrou ter cumprido com o objetivo de ensino aprendizagem. Em relação à avaliação da prova aplicada com ambos os grupos de estudantes com e sem acesso ao LABCONM, observou-se que houve uma influencia positiva nos resultados da turma que acessou o laboratório, visto que nenhum destes estudantes do grupo teve nota insatisfatória no exercício de cálculo.This thesis deals with the development of a remote didactic laboratory for studies in the area of Metal Forming, called the Online Laboratory of Metal Forming (LABCONM), which aims to provide the learning of the Metal Forming using real remotely operated experiments. This lab consists of two main parts: The first part is a Learning Management System (SGA) containing all the menus, activities and tasks, agenda and access panel and control to the experiments. The second part is the physical part, that is, the remote experiment, which in this first version of LABCONM is the "Teleoperated Testing Machine for Compression Testing" (MDTEC). In the MDTEC control panel the student remotely controls and visualizes a real compression test and exports the data. An experimental learning activity was developed to guide the students in the search of the solution of the problem, thus generating learning the flow curve. To validate the laboratory, two types of tests were performed: The first one is functional and technical, which analyzes the results of the remote experiment, evaluating similarity and repeatability for didactic purposes. And the second test is an academic validation, which was divided into two parts. The first one was direct, and made by a group of students of the discipline of Mechanical Conformation, where they answered questionnaires after using the laboratory. The second stage was indirect, made by comparing test scores among students who "used" those who "did not use" the laboratory, in order to obtain the influence of the use of the laboratory in learning. The results of the technical and functional tests show that the MDTEC is an experiment that is able to perform real compression tests, providing data with good repeatability for survey of flow curves. In the evaluation of the students the LABCONM has demonstrated to have fulfilled with the objective of teaching-learning. Regarding the evaluation of the test applied with both groups of students with and without access to LABCONM, it was observed that there was a positive influence on the results of the group that visited the laboratory, since none of these students of the group had an unsatisfactory grade in the calculation

    Enabling peer-to-peer remote experimentation in distributed online remote laboratories

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    Remote Access Laboratories (RALs) are online platforms that allow human user interaction with physical instruments over the Internet. Usually RALs follow a client-server paradigm. Dedicated providers create and maintain experiments and corresponding educational content. In contrast, this dissertation focuses on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service model for RALs where users are encouraged to host experiments at their location. This approach can be seen as an example of an Internet of Things (IoT) system. A set of smart devices work together providing a cyber-physical interface for users to run experiments remotely via the Internet. The majority of traditional RAL learning activities focus on undergraduate education where hands-on experience such as building experiments, is not a major focus. In contrast this work is motivated by the need to improve Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education for school-aged children. Here physically constructing experiments forms a substantial part of the learning experience. In the proposed approach, experiments can be designed with relatively simple components such as LEGO Mindstorms or Arduinos. The user interface can be programed using SNAP!, a graphical programming tool. While the motivation for the work is educational in nature, this thesis focuses on the technical details of experiment control in an opportunistic distributed environment. P2P RAL aims to enable any two random participants in the system - one in the role of maker creating and hosting an experiment and one in the role of learner using the experiment - to establish a communication session during which the learner runs the remote experiment through the Internet without requiring a centralized experiment or service provider. The makers need to have support to create the experiment according to a common web based programing interface. Thus, the P2P approach of RALs requires an architecture that provides a set of heterogeneous tools which can be used by makers to create a wide variety of experiments. The core contribution of this dissertation is an automaton-based model (twin finite state automata) of the controller units and the controller interface of an experiment. This enables the creation of experiments based on a common platform, both in terms of software and hardware. This architecture enables further development of algorithms for evaluating and supporting the performance of users which is demonstrated through a number of algorithms. It can also ensure the safety of instruments with intelligent tools. The proposed network architecture for P2P RALs is designed to minimise latency to improve user satisfaction and learning experience. As experiment availability is limited for this approach of RALs, novel scheduling strategies are proposed. Each of these contributions has been validated through either simulations, e.g. in case of network architecture and scheduling, or test-bed implementations, in case of the intelligent tools. Three example experiments are discussed along with users' feedback on their experience of creating an experiment and using others’ experimental setup. The focus of the thesis is mainly on the design and hosting of experiments and ensuring user accessibility to them. The main contributions of this thesis are in regards to machine learning and data mining techniques applied to IoT systems in order to realize the P2P RALs system. This research has shown that a P2P architecture of RALs can provide a wide variety of experimental setups in a modular environment with high scalability. It can potentially enhance the user-learning experience while aiding the makers of experiments. It presents new aspects of learning analytics mechanisms to monitor and support users while running experiments, thus lending itself to further research. The proposed mathematical models are also applicable to other Internet of Things applications