14,642 research outputs found

    6. The 1960s

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    From David Moore – “I served as dean of the ILR School during the 1960s. This was a period that started in relative tranquility and ended in tumultuous disarray with students demonstrating, administrators trying to maintain control, and faculty worrying about traditional academic freedom and values.” Includes: Remembrances of Things Past – 1963-71; Creation of the Public Employment Relations Board; and Alumni Perspectives

    Natural Killer Cells: Remembrances of Things Past

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    . Sperm competition, mating rate and the evolution of testis and ejaculate sizes: a population model. Biol. Lett. 1, 235-238. 5. Ramm, S., Parker, G.A., and Stockley, P. Sperm competition and the evolution of male reproductive anatomy in rodents. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 272, 949-955

    Tolmie Family Remembrances

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    "Hon. S.F. Tolmie, Ex-Premier of British Columbia, is the author of an extended and bountifully illustrated article in the Victoria Daily Times of December 8, 1934, entitled 'Tolmie Family Remembrance of Things Past'… [Tolmie] refers to… many historic events in the father's career and adds a wealth of family remembrances not available elsewhere.

    Remembrances of things past and future: memory and its significance for politics in Nietzsche, Sophocles, and Isaiah

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    This thesis is an inquiry into memory and its significance for politics as described in three sources. Part of its task is to grasp Nietzsche’s phenomenology of memory thought and to inquire into what understanding about politics emerges. Nietszche speaks about memory with respect to the self, yet he offers little elaboration about intersubjectivity or transcendence for linking memory to justice. To further investigate his approach, this essay examines two other texts, Philoctetes, by Sophocles, and Isaiah, which set this discussion on a political stage. What emerges is an approach to how memory can have an impact on self, community, and politics in the search for justice

    Dedication to Professor Edward Yorio

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    The Board of Editors of the Fordham Law Review Dedicates this Issue to the memory of Professor Edward Yorio Professor of Contracts. Edward Yorio graduated from Harvard Law School with honors in 1971 and was appointed to the faculty of Fordham Law School in 1973. In a very short time, he became a dearly valued member of the legal profession and of the Fordham Law School community. To students who had the privilege of taking his Contracts class, he was a dedicated teacher who inspired them with his energy, mind, and ability to teach. Utilizing his keen wit, Professor Yorio challenged students to think and respond to arguments as skilled lawyers should. To his colleagues, Professor Yorio was a respected scholar who published numerous articles on tax and contract law in leading journals. To the law school as a whole, Ed Yorio exemplified a spirit of unsurpassed scholarship, leadership, and collegiality. The following pages contain some thoughts of people who knew him well

    Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before Us

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    Self-Understanding And Community In Wordsworth\u27s Poetry

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    Usos públicos de passados ditatoriais: Visualizações na Alemanha

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    This article aims to reconstruct the visualization of the past in Germany between 1945 and 2005. The remembrances of the National Socialism shows the myriad ways in which Germans have sought to memorialize this dark part of their history. The remembrances of the experiences of the Holocaust and the Nazism were incorporated in the society according to political situations. In this study we found five different stages that describe multiple discussions over forgetting and memory. In order to examine this subject, we offer an analysis based on a theoretical framework and historical events.Este artigo objetiva reconstruir a visualização do passado na Alemanha entre 1945 e 2005. As lembranças do nacional-socialismo manifestam as inúmeras maneiras pelas quais os alemães têm buscado para memorar esta parte tenebrosa de sua história. As lembranças das experiências do Holocausto e do nazismo foram incorporadas na sociedade de acordo com situações políticas. Neste estudo, encontramos cinco diferentes estágios que descrevem múltiplas discussões acerca do esquecimento e da memória. A fim de examinar esse assunto, oferecemos uma análise teoricamente estruturada e amparada por eventos históricos.Fil: Svampa, María Lucila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentin

    The Enclosure of Eden: John Clare and the Politics of Place and Past

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