1,764 research outputs found

    Reliable recovery of hierarchically sparse signals for Gaussian and Kronecker product measurements

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    We propose and analyze a solution to the problem of recovering a block sparse signal with sparse blocks from linear measurements. Such problems naturally emerge inter alia in the context of mobile communication, in order to meet the scalability and low complexity requirements of massive antenna systems and massive machine-type communication. We introduce a new variant of the Hard Thresholding Pursuit (HTP) algorithm referred to as HiHTP. We provide both a proof of convergence and a recovery guarantee for noisy Gaussian measurements that exhibit an improved asymptotic scaling in terms of the sampling complexity in comparison with the usual HTP algorithm. Furthermore, hierarchically sparse signals and Kronecker product structured measurements naturally arise together in a variety of applications. We establish the efficient reconstruction of hierarchically sparse signals from Kronecker product measurements using the HiHTP algorithm. Additionally, we provide analytical results that connect our recovery conditions to generalized coherence measures. Again, our recovery results exhibit substantial improvement in the asymptotic sampling complexity scaling over the standard setting. Finally, we validate in numerical experiments that for hierarchically sparse signals, HiHTP performs significantly better compared to HTP.Comment: 11+4 pages, 5 figures. V3: Incomplete funding information corrected and minor typos corrected. V4: Change of title and additional author Axel Flinth. Included new results on Kronecker product measurements and relations of HiRIP to hierarchical coherence measures. Improved presentation of general hierarchically sparse signals and correction of minor typo

    Hierarchical compressed sensing

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    Compressed sensing is a paradigm within signal processing that provides the means for recovering structured signals from linear measurements in a highly efficient manner. Originally devised for the recovery of sparse signals, it has become clear that a similar methodology would also carry over to a wealth of other classes of structured signals. In this work, we provide an overview over the theory of compressed sensing for a particularly rich family of such signals, namely those of hierarchically structured signals. Examples of such signals are constituted by blocked vectors, with only few non-vanishing sparse blocks. We present recovery algorithms based on efficient hierarchical hard-thresholding. The algorithms are guaranteed to converge, in a stable fashion both with respect to measurement noise as well as to model mismatches, to the correct solution provided the measurement map acts isometrically restricted to the signal class. We then provide a series of results establishing the required condition for large classes of measurement ensembles. Building upon this machinery, we sketch practical applications of this framework in machine-type communications and quantum tomography.Comment: This book chapter is a report on findings within the DFG-funded priority program `Compressed Sensing in Information Processing' (CoSIP

    One-Shot Messaging at Any Load Through Random Sub-Channeling in OFDM

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    Compressive Sensing has well boosted massive random access protocols over the last decade. In this paper we apply an orthogonal FFT basis as it is used in OFDM, but subdivide its image into so-called sub-channels and let each sub-channel take only a fraction of the load. In a random fashion the subdivision is consecutively applied over a suitable number of time-slots. Within the time-slots the users will not change their sub-channel assignment and send in parallel the data. Activity detection is carried out jointly across time-slots in each of the sub-channels. For such system design we derive three rather fundamental results: i) First, we prove that the subdivision can be driven to the extent that the activity in each sub-channel is sparse by design. An effect that we call sparsity capture effect. ii) Second, we prove that effectively the system can sustain any overload situation relative to the FFT dimension, i.e. detection failure of active and non-active users can be kept below any desired threshold regardless of the number of users. The only price to pay is delay, i.e. the number of time-slots over which cross-detection is performed. We achieve this by jointly exploring the effect of measure concentration in time and frequency and careful system parameter scaling. iii) Third, we prove that parallel to activity detection active users can carry one symbol per pilot resource and time-slot so it supports so-called one-shot messaging. The key to proving these results are new concentration results for sequences of randomly sub-sampled FFTs detecting the sparse vectors "en bloc". Eventually, we show by simulations that the system is scalable resulting in a coarsely 30-fold capacity increase compared to standard OFDM

    Semi-device-dependent blind quantum tomography

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    Extracting tomographic information about quantum states is a crucial task in the quest towards devising high-precision quantum devices. Current schemes typically require measurement devices for tomography that are a priori calibrated to a high precision. Ironically, the accuracy of the measurement calibration is fundamentally limited by the accuracy of state preparation, establishing a vicious cycle. Here, we prove that this cycle can be broken and the fundamental dependence on the measurement devices significantly relaxed. We show that exploiting the natural low-rank structure of quantum states of interest suffices to arrive at a highly scalable blind tomography scheme with a classically efficient post-processing algorithm. We further improve the efficiency of our scheme by making use of the sparse structure of the calibrations. This is achieved by relaxing the blind quantum tomography problem to the task of de-mixing a sparse sum of low-rank quantum states. Building on techniques from model-based compressed sensing, we prove that the proposed algorithm recovers a low-rank quantum state and the calibration provided that the measurement model exhibits a restricted isometry property. For generic measurements, we show that our algorithm requires a close-to-optimal number measurement settings for solving the blind tomography task. Complementing these conceptual and mathematical insights, we numerically demonstrate that blind quantum tomography is possible by exploiting low-rank assumptions in a practical setting inspired by an implementation of trapped ions using constrained alternating optimization.Comment: 22 pages, 8 Figure

    A Deep Learning Approach for Vital Signs Compression and Energy Efficient Delivery in mhealth Systems

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    © 2013 IEEE. Due to the increasing number of chronic disease patients, continuous health monitoring has become the top priority for health-care providers and has posed a major stimulus for the development of scalable and energy efficient mobile health systems. Collected data in such systems are highly critical and can be affected by wireless network conditions, which in return, motivates the need for a preprocessing stage that optimizes data delivery in an adaptive manner with respect to network dynamics. We present in this paper adaptive single and multiple modality data compression schemes based on deep learning approach, which consider acquired data characteristics and network dynamics for providing energy efficient data delivery. Results indicate that: 1) the proposed adaptive single modality compression scheme outperforms conventional compression methods by 13.24% and 43.75% reductions in distortion and processing time, respectively; 2) the proposed adaptive multiple modality compression further decreases the distortion by 3.71% and 72.37% when compared with the proposed single modality scheme and conventional methods through leveraging inter-modality correlations; and 3) adaptive multiple modality compression demonstrates its efficiency in terms of energy consumption, computational complexity, and responding to different network states. Hence, our approach is suitable for mobile health applications (mHealth), where the smart preprocessing of vital signs can enhance energy consumption, reduce storage, and cut down transmission delays to the mHealth cloud.This work was supported by NPRP through the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of the Qatar Foundation) under Grant 7-684-1-127

    Reduced order modeling of fluid flows: Machine learning, Kolmogorov barrier, closure modeling, and partitioning

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    In this paper, we put forth a long short-term memory (LSTM) nudging framework for the enhancement of reduced order models (ROMs) of fluid flows utilizing noisy measurements. We build on the fact that in a realistic application, there are uncertainties in initial conditions, boundary conditions, model parameters, and/or field measurements. Moreover, conventional nonlinear ROMs based on Galerkin projection (GROMs) suffer from imperfection and solution instabilities due to the modal truncation, especially for advection-dominated flows with slow decay in the Kolmogorov width. In the presented LSTM-Nudge approach, we fuse forecasts from a combination of imperfect GROM and uncertain state estimates, with sparse Eulerian sensor measurements to provide more reliable predictions in a dynamical data assimilation framework. We illustrate the idea with the viscous Burgers problem, as a benchmark test bed with quadratic nonlinearity and Laplacian dissipation. We investigate the effects of measurements noise and state estimate uncertainty on the performance of the LSTM-Nudge behavior. We also demonstrate that it can sufficiently handle different levels of temporal and spatial measurement sparsity. This first step in our assessment of the proposed model shows that the LSTM nudging could represent a viable realtime predictive tool in emerging digital twin systems
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