144 research outputs found

    Transition control based on grey, neural states

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    Neural networks in control engineering

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    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the viability of integrating neural networks into control structures. These networks are an attempt to create artificial intelligent systems with the ability to learn and remember. They mathematically model the biological structure of the brain and consist of a large number of simple interconnected processing units emulating brain cells. Due to the highly parallel and consequently computationally expensive nature of these networks, intensive research in this field has only become feasible due to the availability of powerful personal computers in recent years. Consequently, attempts at exploiting the attractive learning and nonlinear optimization characteristics of neural networks have been made in most fields of science and engineering, including process control. The control structures suggested in the literature for the inclusion of neural networks in control applications can be divided into four major classes. The first class includes approaches in which the network forms part of an adaptive mechanism which modulates the structure or parameters of the controller. In the second class the network forms part of the control loop and replaces the conventional control block, thus leading to a pure neural network control law. The third class consists of topologies in which neural networks are used to produce models of the system which are then utilized in the control structure, whilst the fourth category includes suggestions which are specific to the problem or system structure and not suitable for a generic neural network-based-approach to control problems. Although several of these approaches show promising results, only model based structures are evaluated in this thesis. This is due to the fact that many of the topologies in other classes require system estimation to produce the desired network output during training, whereas the training data for network models is obtained directly by sampling the system input(s) and output(s). Furthermore, many suggested structures lack the mathematical motivation to consider them for a general structure, whilst the neural network model topologies form natural extensions of their linear model based origins. Since it is impractical and often impossible to collect sufficient training data prior to implementing the neural network based control structure, the network models have to be suited to on-line training during operation. This limits the choice of network topologies for models to those that can be trained on a sample by sample basis (pattern learning) and furthermore are capable of learning even when the variation in training data is relatively slow as is the case for most controlled dynamic systems. A study of feedforward topologies (one of the main classes of networks) shows that the multilayer perceptron network with its backpropagation training is well suited to model nonlinear mappings but fails to learn and generalize when subjected to slow varying training data. This is due to the global input interpretation of this structure, in which any input affects all hidden nodes such that no effective partitioning of the input space can be achieved. This problem is overcome in a less flexible feedforward structure, known as regular Gaussian network. In this network, the response of each hidden node is limited to a -sphere around its center and these centers are fixed in a uniform distribution over the entire input space. Each input to such a network is therefore interpreted locally and only effects nodes with their centers in close proximity. A deficiency common to all feedforward networks, when considered as models for dynamic systems, is their inability to conserve previous outputs and states for future predictions. Since this absence of dynamic capability requires the user to identify the order of the system prior to training and is therefore not entirely self-learning, more advanced network topologies are investigated. The most versatile of these structures, known as a fully recurrent network, re-uses the previous state of each of its nodes for subsequent outputs. However, despite its superior modelling capability, the tests performed using the Williams and Zipser training algorithm show that such structures often fail to converge and require excessive computing power and time, when increased in size. Despite its rigid structure and lack of dynamic capability, the regular Gaussian network produces the most reliable and robust models and was therefore selected for the evaluations in this study. To overcome the network initialization problem, found when using a pure neural network model, a combination structure· _in which the network operates in parallel with a mathematical model is suggested. This approach allows the controller to be implemented without any prior network training and initially relies purely on the mathematical model, much like conventional approaches. The network portion is then trained during on-line operation in order to improve the model. Once trained, the enhanced model can be used to improve the system response, since model exactness plays an important role in the control action achievable with model based structures. The applicability of control structures based on neural network models is evaluated by comparing the performance of two network approaches to that of a linear structure, using a simulation of a nonlinear tank system. The first network controller is developed from the internal model control (IMC) structure, which includes a forward and inverse model of the system to be controlled. Both models can be replaced by a combination of mathematical and neural topologies, the network portion of which is trained on-line to compensate for the discrepancies between the linear model _ and nonlinear system. Since the network has no dynamic ·capacity, .former system outputs are used as inputs to the forward and inverse model. Due to this direct feedback, the trained structure can be tuned to perform within limits not achievable using a conventional linear system. As mentioned previously the IMC structure uses both forward and inverse models. Since the control law requires that these models are exact inverses, an iterative inversion algorithm has to be used to improve the values produced by the inverse combination model. Due to deadtimes and right-half-plane zeroes, many systems are furthermore not directly invertible. Whilst such unstable elements can be removed from mathematical models, the inverse network is trained directly from the forward model and can not be compensated. These problems could be overcome by a control structure for which only a forward model is required. The neural predictive controller (NPC) presents such a topology. Based on the optimal control philosophy, this structure uses a model to predict several future outputs. The errors between these and the desired output are then collected to form the cost function, which may also include other factors such as the magnitude of the change in input. The input value that optimally fulfils all the objectives used to formulate the cost function, can then be found by locating its minimum. Since the model in this structure includes a neural network, the optimization can not be formulated in a closed mathematical form and has to be performed using a numerical method. For the NPC topology, as for the neural network IMC structure, former system outputs are fed back to the model and again the trained network approach produces results not achievable with a linear model. Due to the single network approach, the NPC topology furthermore overcomes the limitations described for the neural network IMC structure and can be extended to include multivariable systems. This study shows that the nonlinear modelling capability of neural networks can be exploited to produce learning control structures with improved responses for nonlinear systems. Many of the difficulties described are due to the computational burden of these networks and associated algorithms. These are likely to become less significant due to the rapid development in computer technology and advances in neural network hardware. Although neural network based control structures are unlikely to replace the well understood linear topologies, which are adequate for the majority of applications, they might present a practical alternative where (due to nonlinearity or modelling errors) the conventional controller can not achieve the required control action

    Feature Enforcing PINN (FE-PINN): A Framework to Learn the Underlying-Physics Features Before Target Task

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    In this work, a new data-free framework called Feature Enforcing Physics Informed Neural Network (FE-PINN) is introduced. This framework is capable of learning the underlying pattern of any problem with low computational cost before the main training loop. The loss function of vanilla PINN due to the existence of two terms of partial differential residuals and boundary condition mean squared error is imbalanced. FE-PINN solves this challenge with just one minute of training instead of time-consuming hyperparameter tuning for loss function that can take hours. The FE-PINN accomplishes this process by performing a sequence of sub-tasks. The first sub-task learns useful features about the underlying physics. Then, the model trains on the target task to refine the calculations. FE-PINN is applied to three benchmarks, flow over a cylinder, 2D heat conduction, and an inverse problem of calculating inlet velocity. FE-PINN can solve each case with, 15x, 2x, and 5x speed up accordingly. Another advantage of FE-PINN is that reaching lower order of value for loss function is systematically possible. In this study, it was possible to reach a loss value near 1e-5 which is challenging for vanilla PINN. FE-PINN also has a smooth convergence process which allows for utilizing higher learning rates in comparison to vanilla PINN. This framework can be used as a fast, accurate tool for solving a wide range of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) across various fields.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Learning understandable classifier models.

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    The topic of this dissertation is the automation of the process of extracting understandable patterns and rules from data. An unprecedented amount of data is available to anyone with a computer connected to the Internet. The disciplines of Data Mining and Machine Learning have emerged over the last two decades to face this challenge. This has led to the development of many tools and methods. These tools often produce models that make very accurate predictions about previously unseen data. However, models built by the most accurate methods are usually hard to understand or interpret by humans. In consequence, they deliver only decisions, and are short of any explanations. Hence they do not directly lead to the acquisition of new knowledge. This dissertation contributes to bridging the gap between the accurate opaque models and those less accurate but more transparent for humans. This dissertation first defines the problem of learning from data. It surveys the state-of-the-art methods for supervised learning of both understandable and opaque models from data, as well as unsupervised methods that detect features present in the data. It describes popular methods of rule extraction from unintelligible models which rewrite them into an understandable form. Limitations of rule extraction are described. A novel definition of understandability which ties computational complexity and learning is provided to show that rule extraction is an NP-hard problem. Next, a discussion whether one can expect that even an accurate classifier has learned new knowledge. The survey ends with a presentation of two approaches to building of understandable classifiers. On the one hand, understandable models must be able to accurately describe relations in the data. On the other hand, often a description of the output of a system in terms of its input requires the introduction of intermediate concepts, called features. Therefore it is crucial to develop methods that describe the data with understandable features and are able to use those features to present the relation that describes the data. Novel contributions of this thesis follow the survey. Two families of rule extraction algorithms are considered. First, a method that can work with any opaque classifier is introduced. Artificial training patterns are generated in a mathematically sound way and used to train more accurate understandable models. Subsequently, two novel algorithms that require that the opaque model is a Neural Network are presented. They rely on access to the network\u27s weights and biases to induce rules encoded as Decision Diagrams. Finally, the topic of feature extraction is considered. The impact on imposing non-negativity constraints on the weights of a neural network is considered. It is proved that a three layer network with non-negative weights can shatter any given set of points and experiments are conducted to assess the accuracy and interpretability of such networks. Then, a novel path-following algorithm that finds robust sparse encodings of data is presented. In summary, this dissertation contributes to improved understandability of classifiers in several tangible and original ways. It introduces three distinct aspects of achieving this goal: infusion of additional patterns from the underlying pattern distribution into rule learners, the derivation of decision diagrams from neural networks, and achieving sparse coding with neural networks with non-negative weights

    Blind source separation the effects of signal non-stationarity

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    Identification and Optimal Linear Tracking Control of ODU Autonomous Surface Vehicle

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    Autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) are being used for diverse applications of civilian and military importance such as: military reconnaissance, sea patrol, bathymetry, environmental monitoring, and oceanographic research. Currently, these unmanned tasks can accurately be accomplished by ASVs due to recent advancements in computing, sensing, and actuating systems. For this reason, researchers around the world have been taking interest in ASVs for the last decade. Due to the ever-changing surface of water and stochastic disturbances such as wind and tidal currents that greatly affect the path-following ability of ASVs, identification of an accurate model of inherently nonlinear and stochastic ASV system and then designing a viable control using that model for its planar motion is a challenging task. For planar motion control of ASV, the work done by researchers is mainly based on the theoretical modeling in which the nonlinear hydrodynamic terms are determined, while some work suggested the nonlinear control techniques and adhered to simulation results. Also, the majority of work is related to the mono- or twin-hull ASVs with a single rudder. The ODU-ASV used in present research is a twin-hull design having two DC trolling motors for path-following motion. A novel approach of time-domain open-loop observer Kalman filter identifications (OKID) and state-feedback optimal linear tracking control of ODU-ASV is presented, in which a linear state-space model of ODU-ASV is obtained from the measured input and output data. The accuracy of the identified model for ODU-ASV is confirmed by validation results of model output data reconstruction and benchmark residual analysis. Then, the OKID-identified model of the ODU-ASV is utilized to design the proposed controller for its planar motion such that a predefined cost function is minimized using state and control weighting matrices, which are determined by a multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm technique. The validation results of proposed controller using step inputs as well as sinusoidal and arc-like trajectories are presented to confirm the controller performance. Moreover, real-time water-trials were performed and their results confirm the validity of proposed controller in path-following motion of ODU-ASV

    Review of Back Propagation Neural Networks and Tradidonal Statistical Methods

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    Occupational and Adult Educatio

    Mudstone porosity and clay fraction in overpressured basins

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    This thesis demonstrates the use of a mixture of standard and novel petrophysical techniques to estimate physical parameters of mudstone and explores the use of a generic, clay fraction-dependent compaction model in the context of pore pressure evaluation. Mudstones are often highly heterogeneous, yet many authors use a single compaction trend to describe their behaviour. Previous work has shown that the rate of a mudstone's compaction with vertical effective stress is a function of its clay fraction, the proportion of the sediment matrix with a particle diameter of less than 2μm. This observation forms the basis of the generic mudstone compaction model used in this thesis. The use of the generic compaction model is explored in two case studies using characterised mudstone samples and wireline log data from the Gulf of Thailand and Gulf of Mexico. Further mudstone samples from the Central North Sea were characterised. An error analysis showed that the compaction model can provide estimates of pressure to within ±1.8MPa at a burial depth of 3km (equivalent to ±0.5ppg mudweight) when the input parameters are constrained to an attainable level. In both cases studied, standard methods of analysis could not provide reasonable estimates of pressure in mudstone using wireline resistivity and porosity log data compared to pressure measurements in associated sand bodies. The deep sediments of the two wells studied from the Gulf of Thailand are overconsolidated with respect to their current stress state. The generic compaction model was used to determine that the overconsolidated sediments were uplifted by 1,300m and have been reburied beneath 900m of sediment that now overlies a regional unconformity. The generic compaction model was used in conjunction with an artificial neural network technique for the characterisation of mudstones from wireline data to determine pressure estimates in the mudstones of three deepwater wells in the Gulf of Mexico. A pressure transition zone in one well was shown to be associated with a 10% increase of mudstone clay fraction within the zone compared to surrounding rocks. In both case studies disequilibrium compaction was identified as the key overpressure generation mechanism

    Estimation of reliability measures for artificial neural networks

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