723 research outputs found

    Device modelling for bendable piezoelectric FET-based touch sensing system

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    Flexible electronics is rapidly evolving towards devices and circuits to enable numerous new applications. The high-performance, in terms of response speed, uniformity and reliability, remains a sticking point. The potential solutions for high-performance related challenges bring us back to the timetested silicon based electronics. However, the changes in the response of silicon based devices due to bending related stresses is a concern, especially because there are no suitable models to predict this behavior. This also makes the circuit design a difficult task. This paper reports advances in this direction, through our research on bendable Piezoelectric Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (POSFET) based touch sensors. The analytical model of POSFET, complimented with Verilog-A model, is presented to describe the device behavior under normal force in planar and stressed conditions. Further, dynamic readout circuit compensation of POSFET devices have been analyzed and compared with similar arrangement to reduce the piezoresistive effect under tensile and compressive stresses. This approach introduces a first step towards the systematic modeling of stress induced changes in device response. This systematic study will help realize high-performance bendable microsystems with integrated sensors and readout circuitry on ultra-thin chips (UTCs) needed in various applications, in particular, the electronic skin (e-skin)

    Strain-Engineered MOSFETs

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    This book brings together new developments in the area of strain-engineered MOSFETs using high-mibility substrates such as SIGe, strained-Si, germanium-on-insulator and III-V semiconductors into a single text which will cover the materials aspects, principles, and design of advanced devices, their fabrication and applications. The book presents a full TCAD methodology for strain-engineering in Si CMOS technology involving data flow from process simulation to systematic process variability simulation and generation of SPICE process compact models for manufacturing for yield optimization

    Simulation study of scaling design, performance characterization, statistical variability and reliability of decananometer MOSFETs

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    This thesis describes a comprehensive, simulation based scaling study – including device design, performance characterization, and the impact of statistical variability – on deca-nanometer bulk MOSFETs. After careful calibration of fabrication processes and electrical characteristics for n- and p-MOSFETs with 35 nm physical gate length, 1 nm EOT and stress engineering, the simulated devices closely match the performance of contemporary 45 nm CMOS technologies. Scaling to 25 nm, 18 nm and 13 nm gate length n and p devices follows generalized scaling rules, augmented by physically realistic constraints and the introduction of high-k/metal-gate stacks. The scaled devices attain the performance stipulated by the ITRS. Device a.c. performance is analyzed, at device and circuit level. Extrinsic parasitics become critical to nano-CMOS device performance. The thesis describes device capacitance components, analyzes the CMOS inverter, and obtains new insights into the inverter propagation delay in nano-CMOS. The projection of a.c. performance of scaled devices is obtained. The statistical variability of electrical characteristics, due to intrinsic parameter fluctuation sources, in contemporary and scaled decananometer MOSFETs is systematically investigated for the first time. The statistical variability sources: random discrete dopants, gate line edge roughness and poly-silicon granularity are simulated, in combination, in an ensemble of microscopically different devices. An increasing trend in the standard deviation of the threshold voltage as a function of scaling is observed. The introduction of high-k/metal gates improves electrostatic integrity and slows this trend. Statistical evaluations of variability in Ion and Ioff as a function of scaling are also performed. For the first time, the impact of strain on statistical variability is studied. Gate line edge roughness results in areas of local channel shortening, accompanied by locally increased strain, both effects increasing the local current. Variations are observed in both the drive current, and in the drive current enhancement normally expected from the application of strain. In addition, the effects of shallow trench isolation (STI) on MOSFET performance and on its statistical variability are investigated for the first time. The inverse-narrow-width effect of STI enhances the current density adjacent to it. This leads to a local enhancement of the influence of junction shapes adjacent to the STI. There is also a statistical impact on the threshold voltage due to random STI induced traps at the silicon/oxide interface

    Towards Single-Chip Nano-Systems

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    Important scientific discoveries are being propelled by the advent of nano-scale sensors that capture weak signals from their environment and pass them to complex instrumentation interface circuits for signal detection and processing. The highlight of this research is to investigate fabrication technologies to integrate such precision equipment with nano-sensors on a single complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chip. In this context, several demonstration vehicles are proposed. First, an integration technology suitable for a fully integrated flexible microelectrode array has been proposed. A microelectrode array containing a single temperature sensor has been characterized and the versatility under dry/wet, and relaxed/strained conditions has been verified. On-chip instrumentation amplifier has been utilized to improve the temperature sensitivity of the device. While the flexibility of the array has been confirmed by laminating it on a fixed single cell, future experiments are necessary to confirm application of this device for live cell and tissue measurements. The proposed array can potentially attach itself to the pulsating surface of a single living cell or a network of cells to detect their vital signs

    Wide Bandgap Based Devices: Design, Fabrication and Applications, Volume II

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    Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors are becoming a key enabling technology for several strategic fields, including power electronics, illumination, and sensors. This reprint collects the 23 papers covering the full spectrum of the above applications and providing contributions from the on-going research at different levels, from materials to devices and from circuits to systems

    Variability analysis of FinFET AC/RF performances through efficient physics-based simulations for the optimization of RF CMOS stages

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    A nearly insatiable appetite for the latest electronic device enables the electronic technology sector to maintain research momentum. The necessity for advancement with miniaturization of electronic devices is the need of the day. Aggressive downscaling of electronic devices face some fundamental limits and thus, buoy up the change in device geometry. MOSFETs have been the leading contender in the electronics industry for years, but the dire need for miniaturization is forcing MOSFET to be scaled to nano-scale and in sub-50 nm scale. Short channel effects (SCE) become dominant and adversely affect the performance of the MOSFET. So, the need for a novel structure was felt to suppress SCE to an acceptable level. Among the proposed devices, FinFETs (Fin Field Effect Transistors) were found to be most effective to counter-act SCE in electronic devices. Today, many industries are working on electronic circuits with FinFETs as their primary element.One of limitation which FinFET faces is device variability. The purpose of this work was to study the effect that different sources of parameter fluctuations have on the behavior and characteristics of FinFETs. With deep literature review, we have gained insight into key sources of variability. Different sources of variations, like random dopant fluctuation, line edge roughness, fin variations, workfunction variations, oxide thickness variation, and source/drain doping variations, were studied and their impact on the performance of the device was studied as well. The adverse effect of these variations fosters the great amount of research towards variability modeling. A proper modeling of these variations is required to address the device performance metric before the fabrication of any new generation of the device on the commercial scale. The conventional methods to address the characteristics of a device under variability are Monte-Carlo-like techniques. In Monte Carlo analysis, all process parameters can be varied individually or simultaneously in a more realistic approach. The Monte Carlo algorithm takes a random value within the range of each process parameter and performs circuit simulations repeatedly. The statistical characteristics are estimated from the responses. This technique is accurate but requires high computational resources and time. Thus, efforts are being put by different research groups to find alternative tools. If the variations are small, Green’s Function (GF) approach can be seen as a breakthrough methodology. One of the most open research fields regards "Variability of FinFET AC performances". One reason for the limited AC variability investigations is the lack of commercially available efficient simulation tools, especially those based on accurate physics-based analysis: in fact, the only way to perform AC variability analysis through commercial TCAD tools like Synopsys Sentaurus is through the so-called Monte Carlo approach, that when variations are deterministic, is more properly referred to as incremental analysis, i.e., repeated solutions of the device model with varying physical parameters. For each selected parameter, the model must be solved first in DC operating condition (working point, WP) and then linearized around the WP, hence increasing severely the simulation time. In this work, instead, we used GF approach, using our in-house Simulator "POLITO", to perform AC variability analysis, provided that variations are small, alleviating the requirement of double linearization and reducing the simulation time significantly with a slight trade-off in accuracy. Using this tool we have, for the first time addressed the dependency of FinFET AC parameters on the most relevant process variations, opening the way to its application to RF circuits. This work is ultimately dedicated to the successful implementation of RF stages in commercial applications by incorporating variability effects and controlling the degradation of AC parameters due to variability. We exploited the POLITO (in-house simulator) limited to 2D structures, but this work can be extended to the variability analysis of 3D FinFET structure. Also variability analysis of III-V Group structures can be addressed. There is also potentiality to carry out the sensitivity analysis for the other source of variations, e.g., thermal variations

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    Miniaturized Transistors, Volume II

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    In this book, we aim to address the ever-advancing progress in microelectronic device scaling. Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) devices continue to endure miniaturization, irrespective of the seeming physical limitations, helped by advancing fabrication techniques. We observe that miniaturization does not always refer to the latest technology node for digital transistors. Rather, by applying novel materials and device geometries, a significant reduction in the size of microelectronic devices for a broad set of applications can be achieved. The achievements made in the scaling of devices for applications beyond digital logic (e.g., high power, optoelectronics, and sensors) are taking the forefront in microelectronic miniaturization. Furthermore, all these achievements are assisted by improvements in the simulation and modeling of the involved materials and device structures. In particular, process and device technology computer-aided design (TCAD) has become indispensable in the design cycle of novel devices and technologies. It is our sincere hope that the results provided in this Special Issue prove useful to scientists and engineers who find themselves at the forefront of this rapidly evolving and broadening field. Now, more than ever, it is essential to look for solutions to find the next disrupting technologies which will allow for transistor miniaturization well beyond silicon’s physical limits and the current state-of-the-art. This requires a broad attack, including studies of novel and innovative designs as well as emerging materials which are becoming more application-specific than ever before

    Feature Papers in Electronic Materials Section

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    This book entitled "Feature Papers in Electronic Materials Section" is a collection of selected papers recently published on the journal Materials, focusing on the latest advances in electronic materials and devices in different fields (e.g., power- and high-frequency electronics, optoelectronic devices, detectors, etc.). In the first part of the book, many articles are dedicated to wide band gap semiconductors (e.g., SiC, GaN, Ga2O3, diamond), focusing on the current relevant materials and devices technology issues. The second part of the book is a miscellaneous of other electronics materials for various applications, including two-dimensional materials for optoelectronic and high-frequency devices. Finally, some recent advances in materials and flexible sensors for bioelectronics and medical applications are presented at the end of the book

    21st Century Nanostructured Materials

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    Nanostructured materials (NMs) are attracting interest as low-dimensional materials in the high-tech era of the 21st century. Recently, nanomaterials have experienced breakthroughs in synthesis and industrial and biomedical applications. This book presents recent achievements related to NMs such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, plasmonic materials, metal nanowires, metal oxides, nanoparticles, metamaterials, nanofibers, and nanocomposites, along with their physical and chemical aspects. Additionally, the book discusses the potential uses of these nanomaterials in photodetectors, transistors, quantum technology, chemical sensors, energy storage, silk fibroin, composites, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and sustainable agriculture and environmental applications
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