13 research outputs found

    Computing system reliability modeling, analysis, and optimization

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    An Introduction to the Basics of Reliability and Risk Analysis

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji su prezentirani rezultati istraživanja eksploatacijske pouzdanosti i pogodnosti održavanja (popravljivosti) brzookretnih radijalnih brodskih dizelskih motora. Za primjenu opće teorije pouzdanosti na motore tipa „Zvezda“ M 504 B2, koji čine najvažniji dio propulzijskog podsustava raketnih topovnjača HRM (RTOP 11 i RTOP 12), učinjena je statistička obrada i znanstvena analiza velikog broja podataka uzetih iz prakse, a sve u cilju poboljšanja i unapređenja ukupne pouzdanosti cijele flote. U analizi je predložen model pouzdanosti raketne topovnjače gdje se vide svi njezini podsustavi, a praksa je pokazala da propulzijski podsustav najviše utječe na ukupnu pouzdanost tih brodova, pa time i na ratnu spremnost. Stoga je kao predmet istraživanja odabran glavni motor kojeg je trebalo raščlaniti na podsustave, a sve na osnovi eksploatacijskih podataka i u cilju utvrđivanja pouzdanosti svakog pojedinog podsustava. Cilj istraživanja je bilo utvrditi funkciju pouzdanosti, funkciju intenziteta kvara i funkciju popravljivosti motora u zahtijevanim operativnim uvjetima Jadranskog akvatorija, te dobivene rezultate usporediti s istraživanjima drugih autora u svrhu sagledavanja trendova i znanstvene relevantnosti. Znanstveno je dokazano kako Weibullova distribucija najbolje aproksimira karakteristiku eksploatacijske pouzdanosti, a očekivano vrijeme rada bez kvara može se dobro aproksimirati srednjim vremenom između kvara. Jednako tako utvrđeno je kako Normalna distribucija najbolje aproksimira empirijsku funkciju pogodnosti održavanja odnosno popravljivosti, a srednja vrijednost vremena održavanja odgovara srednjem vremenu popravka motora po podsustavima. Rezultati istraživanja se mogu primijeniti i na druge slične brodske motore, ali i na dizelske motore drugih platformi. U disertaciji su povezani rezultati istraživanja i znanstveno priopćenje na način da se povezuju teorijske postavke iz znanstvene literature i neposredna praktična primjena u cilju povećanja operativne raspoloživosti. Neposredna korisnost očituje se u predviđanju kvarova vitalnih podsustava i dijelova dizelskih motora te alociranju potrebnih remontnih kapaciteta, financijskih potreba i nabave pričuvnih dijelova, kao i u povećanju kvalitete obuke i osposobljavanja kadrova u eksploataciji i održavanju. Naglašena je i važnost kvalitetnog vođenja dokumentacije u cilju poboljšanja predloženog modela.This doctoral dissertation provides results of a research on operational reliability and maintainability of a high speed radial diesel engine. To apply the general theory of reliability on engines type ‘’Zvezda’’ M 504 B2, which are the most important part of the propulsion subsystem of missile boats (RTOP 11 and RTOP 12), statistical analysis was performed and scientific analysis of a large number of data taken from practice and all with the aim of improving overall reliability of the whole Fleet. In the analysis proposed model of reliability of missile boats is one where it can be seen all of its subsystem, but practice has shown that the propulsion subsystem has the greatest impact on the overall reliability of these ships, and therefore on the war preparedness. Therefore, as a research subject selected is a main engine which had to be broken down in subsystem and all based on exploitation data and all in order to ascertain the reliability of each individual subsystem. The aim of this research was to determine a reliability function, failure intensity function as well as maintainability function of the engine in demanding operational conditions in the Adriatic sea and to compare the results with those obtained by different researches in order to perceive trends and their scientific relevance. It has been concluded that the Weibull distribution approximates the best the operational reliability and the expected trouble-free period of operation can be well approximated by the mean time between failures. It has also been found out that the normal distribution best approximates the empirical function of maintainability or engine reparability and the mean maintenance time complies with the mean engine repair time by subsystems. The research results can be applied to other similar boat engines as well as to diesel engines of different platforms. This doctoral dissertation connects the research results with scientific reports in the way that theoretical hypotheses from the literature are related to direct applications in order to improve the operational availability. Immediate usefulness is evident in predicting failures in vital subsystems and of different diesel engine parts and in the allocation of necessary ship repair facilities, financial needs and spare parts procurement as well as in improving the quality of training and qualification. Emphasize the importance of high-quality document management in order to improve the proposed model


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    U doktorskoj disertaciji su prezentirani rezultati istraživanja eksploatacijske pouzdanosti i pogodnosti održavanja (popravljivosti) brzookretnih radijalnih brodskih dizelskih motora. Za primjenu opće teorije pouzdanosti na motore tipa „Zvezda“ M 504 B2, koji čine najvažniji dio propulzijskog podsustava raketnih topovnjača HRM (RTOP 11 i RTOP 12), učinjena je statistička obrada i znanstvena analiza velikog broja podataka uzetih iz prakse, a sve u cilju poboljšanja i unapređenja ukupne pouzdanosti cijele flote. U analizi je predložen model pouzdanosti raketne topovnjače gdje se vide svi njezini podsustavi, a praksa je pokazala da propulzijski podsustav najviše utječe na ukupnu pouzdanost tih brodova, pa time i na ratnu spremnost. Stoga je kao predmet istraživanja odabran glavni motor kojeg je trebalo raščlaniti na podsustave, a sve na osnovi eksploatacijskih podataka i u cilju utvrđivanja pouzdanosti svakog pojedinog podsustava. Cilj istraživanja je bilo utvrditi funkciju pouzdanosti, funkciju intenziteta kvara i funkciju popravljivosti motora u zahtijevanim operativnim uvjetima Jadranskog akvatorija, te dobivene rezultate usporediti s istraživanjima drugih autora u svrhu sagledavanja trendova i znanstvene relevantnosti. Znanstveno je dokazano kako Weibullova distribucija najbolje aproksimira karakteristiku eksploatacijske pouzdanosti, a očekivano vrijeme rada bez kvara može se dobro aproksimirati srednjim vremenom između kvara. Jednako tako utvrđeno je kako Normalna distribucija najbolje aproksimira empirijsku funkciju pogodnosti održavanja odnosno popravljivosti, a srednja vrijednost vremena održavanja odgovara srednjem vremenu popravka motora po podsustavima. Rezultati istraživanja se mogu primijeniti i na druge slične brodske motore, ali i na dizelske motore drugih platformi. U disertaciji su povezani rezultati istraživanja i znanstveno priopćenje na način da se povezuju teorijske postavke iz znanstvene literature i neposredna praktična primjena u cilju povećanja operativne raspoloživosti. Neposredna korisnost očituje se u predviđanju kvarova vitalnih podsustava i dijelova dizelskih motora te alociranju potrebnih remontnih kapaciteta, financijskih potreba i nabave pričuvnih dijelova, kao i u povećanju kvalitete obuke i osposobljavanja kadrova u eksploataciji i održavanju. Naglašena je i važnost kvalitetnog vođenja dokumentacije u cilju poboljšanja predloženog modela.This doctoral dissertation provides results of a research on operational reliability and maintainability of a high speed radial diesel engine. To apply the general theory of reliability on engines type ‘’Zvezda’’ M 504 B2, which are the most important part of the propulsion subsystem of missile boats (RTOP 11 and RTOP 12), statistical analysis was performed and scientific analysis of a large number of data taken from practice and all with the aim of improving overall reliability of the whole Fleet. In the analysis proposed model of reliability of missile boats is one where it can be seen all of its subsystem, but practice has shown that the propulsion subsystem has the greatest impact on the overall reliability of these ships, and therefore on the war preparedness. Therefore, as a research subject selected is a main engine which had to be broken down in subsystem and all based on exploitation data and all in order to ascertain the reliability of each individual subsystem. The aim of this research was to determine a reliability function, failure intensity function as well as maintainability function of the engine in demanding operational conditions in the Adriatic sea and to compare the results with those obtained by different researches in order to perceive trends and their scientific relevance. It has been concluded that the Weibull distribution approximates the best the operational reliability and the expected trouble-free period of operation can be well approximated by the mean time between failures. It has also been found out that the normal distribution best approximates the empirical function of maintainability or engine reparability and the mean maintenance time complies with the mean engine repair time by subsystems. The research results can be applied to other similar boat engines as well as to diesel engines of different platforms. This doctoral dissertation connects the research results with scientific reports in the way that theoretical hypotheses from the literature are related to direct applications in order to improve the operational availability. Immediate usefulness is evident in predicting failures in vital subsystems and of different diesel engine parts and in the allocation of necessary ship repair facilities, financial needs and spare parts procurement as well as in improving the quality of training and qualification. Emphasize the importance of high-quality document management in order to improve the proposed model

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems