133 research outputs found

    Übertragbarkeit von Archivinformationspaketen zwischen Langzeitarchivsystemen als Teil der Exit-Strategie

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet, ob und unter welchen Voraussetzungen es möglich ist, Archivinformationspakete (AIP) als Zeitkapseln digitaler Medien, zwischen verschiedenen Langzeitarchivsystemen auszutauschen. Dazu werden die Systeme Rosetta von Exlibris — a ProQuest Group und Archivematica von Artefactual Systems Inc. verglichen. Es wird untersucht, inwieweit eine Exit-Strategie Bestandteil von einigen zertifizierten Langzeitarchivsystem-Betreibern ist, und wie unterschiedlich Informationspakete verwendet werden. In der Arbeit wird der Begriff AIP-AIP-Transfer definiert und verschiedene AIP-Übernahme-Szenarien vorgestellt.:1. Einführung 1.1. Motivation 1.2. Aufbau der Arbeit 2. Exit-Strategie als Baustein der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung 2.1. Digitale Langzeitarchivierung 2.2. Begriff der Exit-Strategie 2.3. Fragestellung und Bedeutung 2.4. Aktueller Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik 2.4.1. Exit-Strategien von zertifizierten Archivinformationssystemen 2.4.2. Informationspakete 2.4.3. AIP-AIP-Transfer 2.5. Abgrenzung 3. Vorbereitung der Untersuchung 3.1. Vorbetrachtung 3.2. Aufbau und Varianten von Submission Information Packages 3.2.1. Allgemeines 3.2.2. Abbildung zwischen Intellektuellen Einheiten und SIP 3.2.3. Technische Realisierungen von SIPs 3.2.4. Technische Realisierungen von AIPs 3.3. Ingest 3.4. Typische AIP Update Szenarien 3.4.1. Was ist ein AIP Update 3.4.2. Bedingungen 3.4.3. Metadatenupdate 3.4.4. Repräsentations- und Datenupdates 3.4.5. Löschen von AIPs 3.4.6. Preservation Planning and Action 3.5. AIP-AIP Transfer Szenarien 3.5.1. Allgemein 3.5.2. Übernahme AIP → AIP über definierte Schnittstelle 3.5.3. Übernahme AIP → AIP über Direktzugriff Quell- und Zielsystem 3.5.4. Übernahme AIP → SIP → AIP über Direktzugriff Quellsystem 3.5.5. Übernahme AIP → DIP → SIP → AIP 3.5.6. Vergleichskriterien 3.6. Betrachtete Langzeitarchivierungssysteme 3.6.1. Archivematica 3.6.2. Rosetta 3.6.3. Zusammenfassende Gegenüberstellung 4. Durchführung 4.1. Beschränkung 4.2. Festlegungen 4.2.1. Festlegung Submission Information Package 4.2.2. Festlegung Metadatenanreicherung (Enrichment) 4.2.3. Festlegung AIP Update Szenarien 4.3. Zugriff auf AIPs 4.4. Analyse der entstandenen AIPs 4.4.1. AIPs von Archivematica 4.4.2. AIPs von Rosetta 4.5. Direkte Übernahme von AIPs 4.6. Archivematica AIP als Rosetta SIP 4.7. Rosetta AIP als Archivematica SIP 5. Bewertung und Ausblick 5.1. Ausspielen AIPs 5.2. Aufbau der AIPs 5.3. Bewahrungsmetadaten 5.4. Einspielen von SIPs 5.5. Empfehlungen 5.6. Beurteilung anhand Vergleichskriterien 5.7. Ausblick A. Zusätzliche Abbildungen und Quellcodes B. Literatu

    Re-envisioning access for the digital preservation community: challenges, opportunities and recommendations

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    Digital material is not new and has been preserved for a couple of decades now. With a growing digital preservation community, and a growing number of practitioners identifying as doing something digital, there is an understanding that this material is here to stay. More and more institutions are publishing digital strategies or creating networks focusing on digital material. However, when looking at this in practice there seems to be a disconnect between what is being stated within these networks and strategies and what is being made accessible to the public. This thesis will explore this disconnect by first understanding how the digital preservation community has been providing access to this material and how they are envisioning it in the future. This exploration surfaces both a) how digital material can no longer be seen as separate from the infrastructure that ensures its materiality and b) how the provision of access is not just a technological question, but also a social, legal and ethical one. This thesis will also seek to explore the ways in which those who identify as digital preservation practitioners articulate their role and responsibilities. It will do so by drawing on relevant literature and gaining perspectives from practitioners and other relevant participants through in-depth interviews. Building from this exploration, this thesis will offer recommendations for how this practice can move forward in negotiating the provision of access to digital material in the online public space of the internet. This research is part of a collaborative project with The National Archives, UK where a number of the ideas encountered during this work were explored in practice. Some of these results have helped shape the recommendations given in the final chapters of this thesis

    Encoding power: the scripting of archival structures in digital spaces using the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model

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    The Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model is a corner stone of the evolving discipline of digital preservation. It undergirds many of the systems that are used in daily practice in organizations engaging in digital preservation, and directly or indirectly influences commercial and open source tools, as well as administrative and personnel functions. Yet it also undergirds the field of digital preservation more generally as its design and revisions have taken place concurrent and in partnership with the growth of the profession into one that has boundaries, curricula, and standards of practice. There is closure around OAIS: it is ever assumed as background or foundational knowledge in new endeavors. It is a black box. Given the pervasiveness of OAIS, this research examines the values scripted into the sociotechnical object it represents. Using discourse analysis, this research traces the power relationships that arise as a result of the discourses that OAIS produces. I also explore the effects on professional practice that occur because of the discourses OAIS brings with it from its scientific origins and archive-informed terminology. The dissertation investigates terms like Designated Community and significant properties in order to lay bare the imperial tendencies scripted within OAIS as well as to expose the resistive and recuperative potential of this technology

    The American Literature Scholar in the Digital Age

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    Essays reflecting on the development of the first wave of digital American literature scholarshi

    Research in the Archival Multiverse

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    Over the past 15 years, the field of archival studies around the world has experienced unprecedented growth within the academy and within the profession, and archival studies graduate education programs today have among the highest enrolments in any information field. During the same period, there has also been unparalleled expansion and innovation in the diversity of methods and theories being applied in archival scholarship. Global in scope, Research in the Archival Multiverse compiles critical and reflective essays across a wide range of emerging research areas and interests in archival studies; it aims to provide current and future archival academics with a text addressing possible methods and theoretical frameworks that have been and might be used in archival scholarship and research

    The genealogical jigsaw puzzle - a missing piece? the right to know for A.I.D. children

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    This paper examines current UK legal regulation relating to the provision of genetic background information to children born by donor insemination (Dl) and argues in favour of changes to the existing law - the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. The proposals for reform suggested in this paper would allow for Regulations to sanction the disclosure of both non-identifying and identifying information to Dl children. These Regulations and the form they might take have been the subject of a recent government Consultation Paper, the response to which has been a majority in favour of the enactment of Regulations to allow disclosure of both types of information to donor offspring. This paper proposes that donor offspring should be granted the right to be told of their status and the right to receive information about their genetic background, whilst they are still children. This paper analyses the issues raised in the Consultation Paper and the arguments for and against the enactment of Regulations. Existing sociological and psychological research demonstrates the importance of genetic heritage information for the development of a child's identity. The provision of genealogical information can also be justified by reference to the child's right to an identity under international human rights law. However, the concepts of secrecy and anonymity have thus far influenced this area of law allowing for the protection of the rights of the social parents of Dl children and the donors respectively. Therefore, this paper advocates that the concept of openness should feature heavily in any future legislative measures. Based on evidence from other jurisdictions, this paper argues for the enactment of Regulations in the near future to allow for the protection of the rights of the Dl child, which have until now been unjustifiably overlooked by the UK legislature

    Democratising the Museum

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    Democratising the museum is a collection of articles reflecting upon the problem of how participation, technologically mediated or not, can support the museum in the process of becoming more accessible. The open museum shares power with its visitors while negotiating professionalism and the role of the museum in a modern society. The book looks at the roles and struggles of audiences/visitors and professionals and the role of digital technologies in supporting the participatory museum. While different chapters draw on a variety of empirical examples, the main analytical backbone of the book comes from an extended participatory action research study conducted at the Estonian National Museum. This book aims at both academics and professionals working in the museum field

    nestor-Handbuch - Eine kleine Enzyklopädie der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung

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    Das nestor Handbuch will nach dem Konzept des „Living Document“ das derzeitige Wissen über das vielfältige und komplexe Thema der Langzeitarchivierung und Langzeitverfügbarkeit digitaler Objekte und seine unterschiedlichen Teilaspekte sammeln und über eine „kleine Enzyklopädie“ in strukturierter Form den Interessierten in deutscher Sprache zugänglich machen. Einzelne, von verschiedenen Experten erstellte Fachbeiträge gestatten einen Überblick, manchmal auch einen vertieften Einblick in die diversen Themengebiete der Langzeitarchivierung: von technischen und rechtlichen Aspekten bis hin zur Definition von Rahmenbedingungen.1 Einführung 2 Rechtliche Aspekte 3 State of the Art 4 Rahmenbedingungen für die Langzeitarchivierung digitaler Objekte 5 Geschäftsmodelle 6 Organisation 7 Das Referenzmodell OAIS - Open Archival Information System 8 Vertrauenswürdigkeit von digitalen Langzeitarchiven 9 Formate 10 Standards und Standardisierungsbemühungen 11 Hardware 12 Digitale Erhaltungsstrategien 13 Access 14 Technischer Workflow 15 Anwendungsfelder in der Praxis 16 Lernen und weitergeben – Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebote zur Langzeitarchivierun

    Research in the Archival Multiverse

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    Over the past 15 years, the field of archival studies around the world has experienced unprecedented growth within the academy and within the profession, and archival studies graduate education programs today have among the highest enrolments in any information field. During the same period, there has also been unparalleled expansion and innovation in the diversity of methods and theories being applied in archival scholarship. Global in scope, Research in the Archival Multiverse compiles critical and reflective essays across a wide range of emerging research areas and interests in archival studies; it aims to provide current and future archival academics with a text addressing possible methods and theoretical frameworks that have been and might be used in archival scholarship and research

    Towards Interoperable Research Infrastructures for Environmental and Earth Sciences

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    This open access book summarises the latest developments on data management in the EU H2020 ENVRIplus project, which brought together more than 20 environmental and Earth science research infrastructures into a single community. It provides readers with a systematic overview of the common challenges faced by research infrastructures and how a ‘reference model guided’ engineering approach can be used to achieve greater interoperability among such infrastructures in the environmental and earth sciences. The 20 contributions in this book are structured in 5 parts on the design, development, deployment, operation and use of research infrastructures. Part one provides an overview of the state of the art of research infrastructure and relevant e-Infrastructure technologies, part two discusses the reference model guided engineering approach, the third part presents the software and tools developed for common data management challenges, the fourth part demonstrates the software via several use cases, and the last part discusses the sustainability and future directions