1,872 research outputs found

    SCADA and related technologies

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    Presented at SCADA and related technologies for irrigation district modernization, II: a USCID water management conference held on June 6-9, 2007 in Denver, Colorado.SCADA systems in irrigation districts have focused on remote monitoring and remote control. In many districts, the remote control is manual, but in others the automation of structures is enabled through the usage of distributed control for the automation of individual structures. This paper presents the concept of an expanded, "umbrella" SCADA system that will perform the standard functions of remote control and remote monitoring, and will also incorporate information flow in the field for operators. The umbrella SCADA system will mesh the equipment-equipment information into an equipment-program-personnel network

    SCADA and related technologies

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    Presented at SCADA and related technologies for irrigation district modernization, II: a USCID water management conference held on June 6-9, 2007 in Denver, Colorado.Northern Water (Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District) conducted field demonstrations and comparisons of flow monitoring equipment at 18 canal and ditch sites in the lower South Platter River Basin during the 2006 irrigation season. Equipment included data loggers from 8 different manufacturers, 16 different models of water level sensors from 12 manufacturers, and 4 different types of telemetry from 7 manufacturers. The data loggers that were demonstrated included four models of single-sensor with integrated data logger, four models of programmable multi-sensor data logger, and one model of basic, low-cost data logger without telemetry. Relative equipment costs for each data logger system are summarized in Table 6. The water level sensors tested included submersible pressure transducers, optical shaft encoders, ultrasonic distance sensors, bubbler level sensor, float and pulley with potentiometer, buoyancy sensor, and a laser distance sensor. Bench checks of sensor calibrations were accomplished by Northern Water staff before field installation, and again at the end of the irrigation season. Observed sensor accuracy was compared to that expected from manufacturer specifications. The telemetry systems tested in the field included license-free spread-spectrum radios from four manufacturers, licensed radio modems in the 450 MHz range, satellite radio modems to a web server, and cdma modems with static IP addresses. Increased mast height and high gain directional antenna improved radio telemetry as expected. Additionally, operational files were utilized to document telemetry performance when available. The purpose and intent of the equipment demonstration and comparison was not to identify a single best data logger, sensor, and/or telemetry system. Each has different features and strengths, as well as varying costs. For each specific flow monitoring application, different equipment may be preferred or better suited than other equipment. However, the 2006 demonstration and comparison should provide a reference point for those seeking to become more knowledgeable in equipment selection while avoiding unpleasant surprises

    Advances in Piezoelectric Systems: An Application-Based Approach.

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    Manual and automatice large-scale dimensional metrology

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    Current techniques for manual and automated determination of decametre-range are reviewed from information gained by extensive literature search and from visits made to a wide cross section of European establishments concerned with large-scale dimensional measurements. The reviews, which contain nearly 200 references, provide background information needed by systems designers. A 12m steel measuring base is described which was length stabilised to within 3 parts in 10 for periods in excess of 500 hours. Temperature of the internal water flow is monitored by a contact thermometer which controls the heat input. The theory and practice of tensioned-wire dimensional transducers are given which enables this new-class of dimensional measuring instrument to be designed. Two distinct groups of instrument described are those for transducing continuous length changes into electrical signals with better than 5 parts in 10^6 error and those for detecting changes of 1 part in 10^10 or smaller, of a nominally fixed length. Continuous subdivision transducers with 12m and 1m range are reported which incorporate mechanical mechanisms for obtaining adjustable absolute length, reduction of in-scale accuracy, errors, linear rotary output, rapid following response and simple temperature compensation. A method and practical apparatus are described which uses this type of transducer for automatic control of the position of a workhea moved on a cartesian-frame manipulator. Actual two-dimensional position is measured on a trilateral basis, a technique which eliminates the need for a massive framework when machining or inspecting large workpieces. In-situ numerically-controlled machining is possible with this system. A second frameless technique is described for automatically recording roundness variations of large rings or spigots. Repeatability of 5 parts in 10^6 or better has been proven to be possible with inexpensive equipment. This method illustrates the use of deformation wire-transducers for dynamic dimensional measurement. A similar type of instrument was used for creep determination of invariwires and carbon-fibres supported on the 12m base. Results are given which have shown that 1 part in 10^8 length stability is attainable over considerable periods. It is shown that measurement of earth strains is possible with an invar wire tensioned by a simple beam-balance. Details are given of an experiment performed in a tunnel in which solid-earth tidal strains are recorded within hours of installation. Several other possible applications are discussed for which tensioned-wire transducers seem suited. The use of position-sensitive photocells in dimensional metrology is outlined with particular reference to wire transducers where linear and rotary movements may need monitoring. It is shown that they are a simple and economic way to measure small displacements of millimetre range

    Space transportation system and associated payloads: Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    A collection of some of the acronyms and abbreviations now in everyday use in the shuttle world is presented. It is a combination of lists that were prepared at Marshall Space Flight Center and Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers, places where intensive shuttle activities are being carried out. This list is intended as a guide or reference and should not be considered to have the status and sanction of a dictionary

    Open source arc analyzer: Multi-sensor monitoring of wire arc additive manufacturing

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    Low-cost high-resolution metal 3-D printing remains elusive for the scientific community. Low-cost gas metal arc wire (GMAW)-based 3-D printing enables wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) for near net shape applications, but has limited resolution due to the complexities of the arcing process. To begin to monitor and thus control these complexities, the initial designs of the open source GMAW 3-D printer have evolved to include current and voltage monitoring. Building on this prior work, in this study, the design, fabrication and use of the open source arc analyzer is described. The arc analyzer is a multi-sensor monitoring system for quantifying the processing during WAAM, which includes voltage, current, sound, light intensity, radio frequency, and temperature data outputs. The open source arc analyzer is tested here on aluminum WAAM by varying wire feed rate and measuring the resultant changes in the sensor data. Visual inspection and microstructural analysis of the printed samples looking for the presence of porosity are used as the physical indicators of quality. The value of the sensors was assessed and the most impactful sensors were found to be the light and radio frequency sensors, which showed arc extinction events and a characteristic “good weld” peak frequency

    Mobile Robots

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    The objective of this book is to cover advances of mobile robotics and related technologies applied for multi robot systems' design and development. Design of control system is a complex issue, requiring the application of information technologies to link the robots into a single network. Human robot interface becomes a demanding task, especially when we try to use sophisticated methods for brain signal processing. Generated electrophysiological signals can be used to command different devices, such as cars, wheelchair or even video games. A number of developments in navigation and path planning, including parallel programming, can be observed. Cooperative path planning, formation control of multi robotic agents, communication and distance measurement between agents are shown. Training of the mobile robot operators is very difficult task also because of several factors related to different task execution. The presented improvement is related to environment model generation based on autonomous mobile robot observations

    Advancing Intersection Management by Utilizing Cost Effective Intelligent Vehicle Concepts and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Techniques

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    Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a growing field of research which focuses on the alleviation of traffic congestion and road accidents caused by miscommunication or confusion of human drivers. Intelligent Intersection Management is a subdivision of ITS which focuses on the seamless management of vehicles arriving at, traversing and exiting intersections to prevent congestion and collision within or around the intersection. This research sought to develop a cost effective method of implementing wireless Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication based Intelligent Intersection Management, by employing the use of 1:4.5 scale version autonomous vehicle prototypes, on a similarly scaled four-way intersection. This was accomplished by employing Robot Operating System (ROS) on a single board computer platform which communicated comma-separated integers via Zigbee XBee radio transceivers to prioritize navigation of vehicles arriving at the intersection based on arrival time and the vehicles’ projected paths

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion
