62 research outputs found

    Car smart key

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    Cilj završnog rada je opisati razvoj automobilskog ključa kroz povijest te analizirati svaki od ključeva, od pojave prvog mehaničkog ključa, sve do budućih rješenja automobilskih ključeva. Nadalje, teorijski objasniti brojne funkcije pametnog ključa automobila koji je zapravo pasivni ključ za automobil jer se aktivira automatski i nije potrebno fizički se koristiti njime pritiskom na gumb. Objašnjen je princip rada i komponente pametnog ključa za automobil. U zadnjem poglavlju prikazano je rješenje na sklopovlju Arduino Uno pločici koja je programirana putem programske podrške za Arduino kodiranje, aplikacije Arduino IDE.The purpose of this final thesis was to describe development of car key through history and to analize every type of car key, since the appearance of first mechanical car key, all the way to future solutions for car keys. Furthermore, to theoretically explain many of smart car key functions, which is actually a passive key because it is activated automaticaly and it is not necessary to physically use the key by pressing the button. Work principle and components of car key were explained. In the last chapter, hardware Arduino UNO Board solution was shown which we programmed through software for Arduino coding, application named Arduino IDE

    Vehicle remote keyless entry systems and engine immobilisers: do not believe the insurer that this technology is perfect

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    In the 1990s, governments put pressure on motor vehicle manufacturers to provide better security for vehicles. Thieves could steal cars and lorries with relative ease. The manufacturers responded by introducing electronic systems to make it more difficult for vehicles to be stolen without the key. However, as with most forms of technology, the software can be bypassed. In recent years, thieves have manipulated weaknesses in the technology, so that vehicles can be stolen without the key

    DoubleEcho: Mitigating Context-Manipulation Attacks in Copresence Verification

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    Copresence verification based on context can improve usability and strengthen security of many authentication and access control systems. By sensing and comparing their surroundings, two or more devices can tell whether they are copresent and use this information to make access control decisions. To the best of our knowledge, all context-based copresence verification mechanisms to date are susceptible to context-manipulation attacks. In such attacks, a distributed adversary replicates the same context at the (different) locations of the victim devices, and induces them to believe that they are copresent. In this paper we propose DoubleEcho, a context-based copresence verification technique that leverages acoustic Room Impulse Response (RIR) to mitigate context-manipulation attacks. In DoubleEcho, one device emits a wide-band audible chirp and all participating devices record reflections of the chirp from the surrounding environment. Since RIR is, by its very nature, dependent on the physical surroundings, it constitutes a unique location signature that is hard for an adversary to replicate. We evaluate DoubleEcho by collecting RIR data with various mobile devices and in a range of different locations. We show that DoubleEcho mitigates context-manipulation attacks whereas all other approaches to date are entirely vulnerable to such attacks. DoubleEcho detects copresence (or lack thereof) in roughly 2 seconds and works on commodity devices

    A Lightweight Cryptographic System for Implantable Biosensors

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    This paper presents a lightweight cryptographic system integrated onto a multi-function implantable biosensor prototype. The resulting heterogeneous system provides a unique and fundamental capability by immediately encrypting and signing the sensor data upon its creation within the body. By providing these security services directly on the implantable sensor, a number of low-level attacks can be prevented. This design uses the recently standardized SHA-3 Keccak secure hash function implemented in an authenticated encryption mode. The security module consists of the DuplexSponge security core and the interface wrapper. The security core occupies only 1550 gate- equivalents, which is the smallest authenticated encryption core reported to date. The circuit is fabricated using 0.18 μm CMOS technology and uses a supply voltage of 1.8 V. The simulated power consumption of the complete cryptosystem with a 500 KHz clock is below 7 μW

    A Lightweight Cryptographic System for Implantable Biosensors

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    This paper presents a lightweight cryptographic system integrated onto a multi-function implantable biosensor prototype. The resulting heterogeneous system provides a unique and fundamental capability by immediately encrypting and signing the sensor data upon its creation within the body. By providing these security services directly on the implantable sensor, a number of low-level attacks can be prevented. This design uses the recently standardized SHA-3 Keccak secure hash function implemented in an authenticated encryption mode. The security module consists of the DuplexSponge security core and the interface wrapper. The security core occupies only 1550 gate- equivalents, which is the smallest authenticated encryption core reported to date. The circuit is fabricated using 0.18 μm CMOS technology and uses a supply voltage of 1.8 V. The simulated power consumption of the complete cryptosystem with a 500 KHz clock is below 7 μW