80 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation of Interchangeability in Soft CSPs

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    In [8], Freuder defined interchangeability for classical Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Recently [2], we extended the definition of interchangeability to Soft CSPs and we introduced two notions of relaxation based on degradation # and on threshold # ( neighborhood interchangeability ( NI )and # neighborhood interchangeability (#NI )). In this pae

    On the Computation of Local Interchangeability in Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    Freuder in (1991) de?ned interchangeability for classical Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Recently (2002), we extended the de?nition of interchangeability to Soft CSPs and we introduced two notions of relaxations based on degradation ? and on threshold ? (?neighborhood interchangeability (?NI )and ?neighborhood interchangeability ?NI ). In this paper we study the presence of these relaxed version of interchangeability in random soft CSPs. We give a description of the implementation we used to compute interchangeabilities and to make the tests. The experiments show that there is high occurrence of ?NI and ?NI interchangeability around optimal solution in Fuzzy CSP and weighted CSPs. Thus, these algorithms can be used succesfully in solution update applications. Moreover, it is also showed that NI interchangeability can well approximate full interchangeability (FI )

    The complexity of general-valued CSPs seen from the other side

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    The constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is concerned with homomorphisms between two structures. For CSPs with restricted left-hand side structures, the results of Dalmau, Kolaitis, and Vardi [CP'02], Grohe [FOCS'03/JACM'07], and Atserias, Bulatov, and Dalmau [ICALP'07] establish the precise borderline of polynomial-time solvability (subject to complexity-theoretic assumptions) and of solvability by bounded-consistency algorithms (unconditionally) as bounded treewidth modulo homomorphic equivalence. The general-valued constraint satisfaction problem (VCSP) is a generalisation of the CSP concerned with homomorphisms between two valued structures. For VCSPs with restricted left-hand side valued structures, we establish the precise borderline of polynomial-time solvability (subject to complexity-theoretic assumptions) and of solvability by the kk-th level of the Sherali-Adams LP hierarchy (unconditionally). We also obtain results on related problems concerned with finding a solution and recognising the tractable cases; the latter has an application in database theory.Comment: v2: Full version of a FOCS'18 paper; improved presentation and small correction

    Constraint-Driven Fault Diagnosis

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    Constraint-Driven Fault Diagnosis (CDD) is based on the concept of constraint suspension [6], which was proposed as an approach to fault detection and diagnosis. In this chapter, its capabilities are demonstrated by describing how it might be applied to hardware systems. With this idea, a model-based fault diagnosis problem may be considered as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) in order to detect any unexpected behavior and Constraint Satisfaction Optimization Problem (COP) constraint optimization problem in order to identify the reason for any unexpected behavior because the parsimony principle is taken into accountMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-

    Zero-Temperature Limit of a Convergent Algorithm to Minimize the Bethe Free Energy

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    After the discovery that fixed points of loopy belief propagation coincide with stationary points of the Bethe free energy, several researchers proposed provably convergent algorithms to directly minimize the Bethe free energy. These algorithms were formulated only for non-zero temperature (thus finding fixed points of the sum-product algorithm) and their possible extension to zero temperature is not obvious. We present the zero-temperature limit of the double-loop algorithm by Heskes, which converges a max-product fixed point. The inner loop of this algorithm is max-sum diffusion. Under certain conditions, the algorithm combines the complementary advantages of the max-product belief propagation and max-sum diffusion (LP relaxation): it yields good approximation of both ground states and max-marginals.Comment: Research Repor

    Bottleneck Potentials in {Markov Random Fields}

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    We consider general discrete Markov Random Fields(MRFs) with additional bottleneck potentials which penalize the maximum (instead of the sum) over local potential value taken by the MRF-assignment. Bottleneck potentials or analogous constructions have been considered in (i) combinatorial optimization (e.g. bottleneck shortest path problem, the minimum bottleneck spanning tree problem, bottleneck function minimization in greedoids), (ii) inverse problems with LL_{\infty}-norm regularization, and (iii) valued constraint satisfaction on the (min,max)(\min,\max)-pre-semirings. Bottleneck potentials for general discrete MRFs are a natural generalization of the above direction of modeling work to Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) inference in MRFs. To this end, we propose MRFs whose objective consists of two parts: terms that factorize according to (i) (min,+)(\min,+), i.e. potentials as in plain MRFs, and (ii) (min,max)(\min,\max), i.e. bottleneck potentials. To solve the ensuing inference problem, we propose high-quality relaxations and efficient algorithms for solving them. We empirically show efficacy of our approach on large scale seismic horizon tracking problems

    When do homomorphism counts help in query algorithms?

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    A query algorithm based on homomorphism counts is a procedure for determining whether a given instance satisfies a property by counting homomorphisms between the given instance and finitely many predetermined instances. In a left query algorithm, we count homomorphisms from the predetermined instances to the given instance, while in a right query algorithm we count homomorphisms from the given instance to the predetermined instances. Homomorphisms are usually counted over the semiring N of non-negative integers; it is also meaningful, however, to count homomorphisms over the Boolean semiring B, in which case the homomorphism count indicates whether or not a homomorphism exists. We first characterize the properties that admit a left query algorithm over B by showing that these are precisely the properties that are both first-order definable and closed under homomorphic equivalence. After this, we turn attention to a comparison between left query algorithms over B and left query algorithms over N. In general, there are properties that admit a left query algorithm over N but not over B. The main result of this paper asserts that if a property is closed under homomorphic equivalence, then that property admits a left query algorithm over B if and only if it admits a left query algorithm over N. In other words and rather surprisingly, homomorphism counts over N do not help as regards properties that are closed under homomorphic equivalence. Finally, we characterize the properties that admit both a left query algorithm over B and a right query algorithm over B.Comment: 24 page