9 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Status Gizi Pada Balita Menggunakan Algoritma Rough Set Berdasarkan Indeks Berat Badan Menurut Umur di Kampung Tanjung Kelurahan Kuranji

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    Kesehatan dan gizi balita merupakan aspek penting dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. Pengukuran antropometri berat badan menurut umur dapat digunakan untuk memantau perkembangan fisik anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh aturan keputusan yang digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan status gizi balita di Kampung Tanjung Kelurahan Kuranji ke dalam berbagai jenis status gizi menggunakan algoritma rough set, dan juga untuk mengevaluasi keakuratan hasil klasifikasi dari aturan keputusan tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian terapan yang diawali dengan mengunjungi objek penelitian yaitu di Kampung Tanjung Kelurahan Kuranji kemudian menentukan sampel dan mengambil data penelitian dengan cara wawancara kepada narasumber. Atribut yang digunakan adalah riwayat pemberian ASI ekslusif, riwayat penyakit 1 bulan terakhir, tingkat pendidikan terakhir ibu, pendapatan orang tua dan status gizi balita. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menggunakan algoritma rough set  diperoleh 21 aturan keputusan yang dapat digunakan untuk pengklasifikasian status gizi balita di Kampung Tanjung Kelurahan Kuranji selanjutnya dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar 86,6%

    Parametric matroid of rough set

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    Rough set is mainly concerned with the approximations of objects through an equivalence relation on a universe. Matroid is a combinatorial generalization of linear independence in vector spaces. In this paper, we define a parametric set family, with any subset of a universe as its parameter, to connect rough sets and matroids. On the one hand, for a universe and an equivalence relation on the universe, a parametric set family is defined through the lower approximation operator. This parametric set family is proved to satisfy the independent set axiom of matroids, therefore it can generate a matroid, called a parametric matroid of the rough set. Three equivalent representations of the parametric set family are obtained. Moreover, the parametric matroid of the rough set is proved to be the direct sum of a partition-circuit matroid and a free matroid. On the other hand, since partition-circuit matroids were well studied through the lower approximation number, we use it to investigate the parametric matroid of the rough set. Several characteristics of the parametric matroid of the rough set, such as independent sets, bases, circuits, the rank function and the closure operator, are expressed by the lower approximation number.Comment: 15 page


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    The health and nutrition of children at the age of five are very important aspects in the children’s growth and development. An assessment of the nutritional status of toddlers that is commonly used is anthropometry. This study aims to obtain the decision rules used to classify toddlers into nutritional status groups using the rough set algorithm and determine the level of classification accuracy of the resulting decision rules. The index used in this study is the weight-for-age index. Attributes used in this study were the mother’s education level, mother’s level of knowledge, the status of exclusive breastfeeding, history of illness in the last month, and nutritional status of toddlers. The results of the analysis show that there are 21 decision rules. In this study, the resulting decision rules experience inconsistencies. The selection of decision rules that experience inconsistencies is based on each decision rule’s highest strength value.  The rough set algorithm can be used for the classification process with an accuracy rate of 86.36%

    A Novel Approach of Rough Conditional Entropy-Based Attribute Selection for Incomplete Decision System

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    Pawlak's classical rough set theory has been applied in analyzing ordinary information systems and decision systems. However, few studies have been carried out on the attribute selection problem in incomplete decision systems because of its complexity. It is therefore necessary to investigate effective algorithms to deal with this issue. In this paper, a new rough conditional entropy-based uncertainty measure is introduced to evaluate the significance of subsets of attributes in incomplete decision systems. Furthermore, some important properties of rough conditional entropy are derived and three attribute selection approaches are constructed, including an exhaustive search strategy approach, a heuristic search strategy approach, and a probabilistic search strategy approach for incomplete decision systems. Moreover, several experiments on real-life incomplete data sets are conducted to assess the efficiency of the proposed approaches. The final experimental results indicate that two of these approaches can give satisfying performances in the process of attribute selection in incomplete decision systems

    Identifying Effective Features and Classifiers for Short Term Rainfall Forecast Using Rough Sets Maximum Frequency Weighted Feature Reduction Technique

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    Precise rainfall forecasting is a common challenge across the globe in meteorological predictions. As rainfall forecasting involves rather complex dynamic parameters, an increasing demand for novel approaches to improve the forecasting accuracy has heightened. Recently, Rough Set Theory (RST) has attracted a wide variety of scientific applications and is extensively adopted in decision support systems. Although there are several weather prediction techniques in the existing literature, identifying significant input for modelling effective rainfall prediction is not addressed in the present mechanisms. Therefore, this investigation has examined the feasibility of using rough set based feature selection and data mining methods, namely NaĂŻve Bayes (NB), Bayesian Logistic Regression (BLR), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), J48, Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM), to forecast rainfall. Feature selection or reduction process is a process of identifying a significant feature subset, in which the generated subset must characterize the information system as a complete feature set. This paper introduces a novel rough set based Maximum Frequency Weighted (MFW) feature reduction technique for finding an effective feature subset for modelling an efficient rainfall forecast system. The experimental analysis and the results indicate substantial improvements of prediction models when trained using the selected feature subset. CART and J48 classifiers have achieved an improved accuracy of 83.42% and 89.72%, respectively. From the experimental study, relative humidity2 (a4) and solar radiation (a6) have been identified as the effective parameters for modelling rainfall prediction

    Active Sample Selection Based Incremental Algorithm for Attribute Reduction with Rough Sets

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    Attribute reduction with rough sets is an effective technique for obtaining a compact and informative attribute set from a given dataset. However, traditional algorithms have no explicit provision for handling dynamic datasets where data present themselves in successive samples. Incremental algorithms for attribute reduction with rough sets have been recently introduced to handle dynamic datasets with large samples, though they have high complexity in time and space. To address the time/space complexity issue of the algorithms, this paper presents a novel incremental algorithm for attribute reduction with rough sets based on the adoption of an active sample selection process and an insight into the attribute reduction process. This algorithm first decides whether each incoming sample is useful with respect to the current dataset by the active sample selection process. A useless sample is discarded while a useful sample is selected to update a reduct. At the arrival of a useful sample, the attribute reduction process is then employed to guide how to add and/or delete attributes in the current reduct. The two processes thus constitute the theoretical framework of our algorithm. The proposed algorithm is finally experimentally shown to be efficient in time and space.This is a manuscript of the publication Yang, Yanyan, Degang Chen, and Hui Wang. "Active Sample Selection Based Incremental Algorithm for Attribute Reduction With Rough Sets." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 25, no. 4 (2017): 825-838. DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2016.2581186. Posted with permission.</p

    A semantical and computational approach to covering-based rough sets

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