21,575 research outputs found

    MISAT: Designing a Series of Powerful Small Satellites Based upon Micro Systems Technology

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    MISAT is a research and development cluster which will create a small satellite platform based on Micro Systems Technology (MST) aiming at innovative space as well as terrestrial applications. MISAT is part of the Dutch MicroNed program which has established a microsystems infrastructure to fully exploit the MST knowledge chain involving public and industrial partners alike. The cluster covers MST-related developments for the spacecraft bus and payload, as well as the satellite architecture. Particular emphasis is given to distributed systems in space to fully exploit the potential of miniaturization for future mission concepts. Examples of current developments are wireless sensor and actuator networks with plug and play characteristics, autonomous digital Sun sensors, re-configurable radio front ends with minimum power consumption, or micro-machined electrostatic accelerometer and gradiometer system for scientific research in fundamental physics as well as geophysics. As a result of MISAT, a first nano-satellite will be launched in 2007 to demonstrate the next generation of Sun sensors, power subsystems and satellite architecture technology. Rapid access to in-orbit technology demonstration and verification will be provided by a series of small satellites. This will include a formation flying mission, which will increasingly rely on MISAT technology to improve functionality and reduce size, mass and power for advanced technology demonstration and novel scientific applications.

    Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Peer-to-Peer Kalman Filters für Fußgänger- und Indoor-Navigation

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    Smartphones are an integral part of our society by now. They are used for messaging, searching the Internet, working on documents, and of course for navigation. Although smartphones are also used for car navigation their main area of application is pedestrian navigation. Almost all smartphones sold today comprise a GPS L1 receiver which provides position computation with accuracy between 1 and 10 m as long as the environment in beneficial, i.e. the line-of-sight to satellites is not obstructed by trees or high buildings. But this is often the case in areas where smartphones are used primarily for navigation. Users walk in narrow streets with high density, in city centers, enter, and leave buildings and the smartphone is not able to follow their movement because it loses satellite signals. The approach presented in this thesis addresses the problem to enable seamless navigation for the user independently of the current environment and based on cooperative positioning and inertial navigation. It is intended to realize location-based services in areas and buildings with limited or no access to satellite data and a large amount of users like e.g. shopping malls, city centers, airports, railway stations and similar environments. The idea of this concept was for a start based on cooperative positioning between users’ devices denoted here as peers moving within an area with only limited access to satellite signals at certain places (windows, doors) or no access at all. The devices are therefore not able to provide a position by means of satellite signals. Instead of deploying solutions based on infrastructure, surveying, and centralized computations like range measurements, individual signal strength, and similar approaches a decentralized concept was developed. This concept suggests that the smartphone automatically detects if no satellite signals are available and uses its already integrated inertial sensors like magnetic field sensor, accelerometer, and gyroscope for seamless navigation. Since the quality of those sensors is very low the accuracy of the position estimation decreases with each step of the user. To avoid a continuously growing bias between real position and estimated position an update has to be performed to stabilize the position estimate. This update is either provided by the computation of a position based on satellite signals or if signals are not available by the exchange of position data with another peer in the near vicinity using peer-to-peer ad-hoc networks. The received and the own position are processed in a Kalman Filter algorithm and the result is then used as new position estimate and new start position for further navigation based on inertial sensors. The here presented concept is therefore denoted as Peer-to-Peer Kalman Filter (P2PKF)

    Relative Positioning of Mass Market Devices in Indoor Environments

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    Recently, people are demanding more and more social, ubiquitous and cognitive features on their smart phones to enhance communication and interactions between users. Indoor relative positioning technology provides potential to develop such applications. Several of projects and products of positioning systems have been carried out with different positioning technologies through past few years to demonstrate their potential features and abilities. The object of this thesis is to study and develop a practical relative positioning solution based on received signal strength measurement for locating neighbouring mass market mobile devices using passive scanning. Thus, we have implemented a python application for Linux-based mobile devices to demonstrate features and solutions. The results of the proposed positioning technique show it is feasible for implementing a practical relative-positioning application. Experiments have been carried out successfully to demonstrate the positioning technique with up to five heterogeneous devices in short range. /Kir1

    Body attenuation and path loss exponent estimation for RSS-based positioning in WSN

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    The influence of the human body in antenna systems has significant impact in the received signal strength (RSS) of wireless transmissions. Accounting for body effect is generally considered as being able to improve position estimation based on RSS measurements. In this work we perform several experiments with a wireless sensor network, using a sensor node equipped with an inertial measurement unit (IMU), in order to obtain the relative orientation between the sensor node and multiple anchor nodes. A model of the RSS attenuation induced by the body was created using experimental measurements in a controlled environment and applied to a real-time positioning system. A path loss exponent (PLE) estimation method using RSS information from neighbor anchors was also implemented and evaluated. Weighted centroid localization (WCL) algorithm was the positioning method used in this work. When the sensor node was placed on the user’s body, accounting for body effect produced negligible improvements (6%) in the best-case scenario and consistently degraded accuracy under real conditions, whether the node was placed on the user’s body (in the order of 3%), 10 cm away (from 14% to 35%) or 20 cm away from the body (from 42% to 105%) for results in the 70th percentile. The PLE estimation method showed improvements (in the order of 11%) when the sensor node is further away from the body. Results demonstrate that the distance between sensor node and the body has an extremely important influence on the accuracy of the position estimate.This work has been supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) in the scope of the project UID/EEA/04436/2013. Helder D. Silva is supported by FCT under the grant SFRH/BD/78018/2011info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cooperatively Extending the Range of Indoor Localisation

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    ̶Whilst access to location based information has been mostly possible in the\ud outdoor arena through the use of GPS, the provision of accurate positioning estimations and\ud broad coverage in the indoor environment has proven somewhat problematic to deliver.\ud Considering more time is spent in the indoor environment, the requirement for a solution is\ud obvious. The topography of an indoor location with its many walls, doors, pillars, ceilings\ud and floors etc. muffling the signals to \from mobile devices and their tracking devices, is one\ud of the many barriers to implementation. Moreover the cha racteristically noisy behaviour of\ud wireless devices such as Bluetooth headsets, cordless phones and microwaves can cause\ud interference as they all operate in the same band as Wi -Fi devices. The limited range of\ud tracking devices such as Wireless Access Point s (AP), and the restrictions surrounding their\ud positioning within a buildings’ infrastructure further exacerbate this issue, these difficulties\ud provide a fertile research area at present.\ud The genesis for this research is the inability of an indoor location based system (LBS) to\ud locate devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking devices. The hypothesis advocates a\ud solution that extends the range of Indoor LBS using Mobile Devices at the extremities of\ud Cells that have a priori knowledge of their location, and utilizing these devices to ascertain\ud the location of devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking device. This results in a\ud cooperative localisation technique where participating devices come together to aid in the\ud determination of location of device s which otherwise would be out of scope
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