10 research outputs found

    Logical operators for ontological modeling

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    We show that logic has more to offer to ontologists than standard first order and modal operators. We first describe some operators of linear logic which we believe are particularly suitable for ontological modeling, and suggest how to interpret them within an ontological framework. After showing how they can coexist with those of classical logic, we analyze three notions of artifact from the literature to conclude that these linear operators allow for reducing the ontological commitment needed for their formalization, and even simplify their logical formulation

    Canonical extensions and ultraproducts of polarities

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    J{\'o}nsson and Tarski's notion of the perfect extension of a Boolean algebra with operators has evolved into an extensive theory of canonical extensions of lattice-based algebras. After reviewing this evolution we make two contributions. First it is shown that the failure of a variety of algebras to be closed under canonical extensions is witnessed by a particular one of its free algebras. The size of the set of generators of this algebra can be made a function of a collection of varieties and is a kind of Hanf number for canonical closure. Secondly we study the complete lattice of stable subsets of a polarity structure, and show that if a class of polarities is closed under ultraproducts, then its stable set lattices generate a variety that is closed under canonical extensions. This generalises an earlier result of the author about generation of canonically closed varieties of Boolean algebras with operators, which was in turn an abstraction of the result that a first-order definable class of Kripke frames determines a modal logic that is valid in its so-called canonical frames

    Morphisms and Duality for Polarities and Lattices with Operators

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    Structures based on polarities have been used to provide relational semantics for propositional logics that are modelled algebraically by non-distributive lattices with additional operators. This article develops a first order notion of morphism between polarity-based structures that generalises the theory of bounded morphisms for Boolean modal logics. It defines a category of such structures that is contravariantly dual to a given category of lattice-based algebras whose additional operations preserve either finite joins or finite meets. Two different versions of the Goldblatt-Thomason theorem are derived in this setting

    A Substructural Epistemic Resource Logic: Theory and Modelling Applications

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    We present a substructural epistemic logic, based on Boolean BI, in which the epistemic modalities are parametrized on agents' local resources. The new modalities can be seen as generalizations of the usual epistemic modalities. The logic combines Boolean BI's resource semantics --- we introduce BI and its resource semantics at some length --- with epistemic agency. We illustrate the use of the logic in systems modelling by discussing some examples about access control, including semaphores, using resource tokens. We also give a labelled tableaux calculus and establish soundness and completeness with respect to the resource semantics

    Resource semantics: logic as a modelling technology

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    The Logic of Bunched Implications (BI) was introduced by O'Hearn and Pym. The original presentation of BI emphasised its role as a system for formal logic (broadly in the tradition of relevant logic) that has some interesting properties, combining a clean proof theory, including a categorical interpretation, with a simple truth-functional semantics. BI quickly found significant applications in program verification and program analysis, chiefly through a specific theory of BI that is commonly known as 'Separation Logic'. We survey the state of work in bunched logics - which, by now, is a quite large family of systems, including modal and epistemic logics and logics for layered graphs - in such a way as to organize the ideas into a coherent (semantic) picture with a strong interpretation in terms of resources. One such picture can be seen as deriving from an interpretation of BI's semantics in terms of resources, and this view provides a basis for a systematic interpretation of the family of bunched logics, including modal, epistemic, layered graph, and process-theoretic variants, in terms of resources. We explain the basic ideas of resource semantics, including comparisons with Linear Logic and ideas from economics and physics. We include discussions of BI's 位-calculus, of Separation Logic, and of an approach to distributed systems modelling based on resource semantics

    Bunched logics: a uniform approach

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    Bunched logics have found themselves to be key tools in modern computer science, in particular through the industrial-level program verification formalism Separation Logic. Despite this鈥攁nd in contrast to adjacent families of logics like modal and substructural logic鈥攖here is a lack of uniform methodology in their study, leaving many evident variants uninvestigated and many open problems unresolved. In this thesis we investigate the family of bunched logics鈥攊ncluding previously unexplored intuitionistic variants鈥攖hrough two uniform frameworks. The first is a system of duality theorems that relate the algebraic and Kripke-style interpretations of the logics; the second, a modular framework of tableaux calculi that are sound and complete for both the core logics themselves, as well as many classes of bunched logic model important for applications in program verification and systems modelling. In doing so we are able to resolve a number of open problems in the literature, including soundness and completeness theorems for intuitionistic variants of bunched logics, classes of Separation Logic models and layered graph models; decidability of layered graph logics; a characterisation theorem for the classes of bunched logic model definable by bunched logic formulae; and the failure of Craig interpolation for principal bunched logics. We also extend our duality theorems to the categorical structures suitable for interpreting predicate versions of the logics, in particular hyperdoctrinal structures used frequently in Separation Logic

    Relational semantics for full linear logic

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    Contains fulltext : 127830.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access