29,423 research outputs found

    State-based and process-based value passing

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    State-based and process-based formalisms each come with their own distinct set of assumptions and properties. To combine them in a useful way it is important to be sure of these assumptions in order that the formalisms are combined in ways which have, or which allow, the intended combined properties. Consequently we cannot necessarily expect to take on state-based formalism and one process-based formalism and combine them and get something sensible, especially since the act of combining can have subtle consequences. Here we concentrate on value-passing, how it is treated in each formalism, and how the formalisms can be combined so as to preserve certain properties. Specifically, the aim is to take from the many process-based formalisms definitions that will best fit with our chosen stat-based formalism, namely Z, so that the fit is simple, has no unintended consequences and is as elegant as possible

    Flexible refinement

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    To help make refinement more usable in practice we introduce a general, flexible model of refinement. This is defined in terms of what contexts an entity can appear in, and what observations can be made of it in those contexts. Our general model is expressed in terms of an operational semantics, and by exploiting the well-known isomorphism between state-based relational semantics and event-based labelled transition semantics we were able to take particular models from both the state- and event-based literature, reflect on them and gradually evolve our general model. We are also able to view our general model both as a testing semantics and as a logical theory with refinement as implication. Our general model can used as a bridge between different particular special models and using this bridge we compare the definition of determinism found in different special models. We do this because the reduction of nondeterminism underpins many definitions of refinement found in a variety of special models. To our surprise we find that the definition of determinism commonly used in the process algebra literature to be at odds with determinism as defined in other special models. In order to rectify this situation we return to the intuitions expressed by Milner in CCS and by formalising these intuitions we are able to define determinism in process algebra in such a way that it no longer at odds with the definitions we have taken from other special models. Using our abstract definition of determinism we are able to construct a new model, interactive branching programs, that is an implementable subset of process algebra. Later in the chapter we show explicitly how five special models, taken from the literature, are instances of our general model. This is done simply by fixing the sets of contexts and observations involved. Next we define vertical refinement on our general model. Vertical refinement can be seen both as a generalisation of what, in the literature, has been called action refinement or non-atomic refinement. Alternatively, by viewing a layer as a logical theory, vertical refinement is a theory morphism, formalised as a Galois connection. By constructing a vertical refinement between broadcast processes and interactive branching programs we can see how interactive branching programs can be implemented on a platform providing broadcast communication. But we have been unable to extend this theory morphism to implement all of process algebra using broadcast communication. Upon investigation we show the problem arises with the examples that caused the problem with the definition of determinism on process algebra. Finally we illustrate the usefulness of our flexible general model by formally developing a single entity that contains events that use handshake communication and events that use broadcast communication

    Varieties of Cost Functions.

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    Regular cost functions were introduced as a quantitative generalisation of regular languages, retaining many of their equivalent characterisations and decidability properties. For instance, stabilisation monoids play the same role for cost functions as monoids do for regular languages. The purpose of this article is to further extend this algebraic approach by generalising two results on regular languages to cost functions: Eilenberg's varieties theorem and profinite equational characterisations of lattices of regular languages. This opens interesting new perspectives, but the specificities of cost functions introduce difficulties that prevent these generalisations to be straightforward. In contrast, although syntactic algebras can be defined for formal power series over a commutative ring, no such notion is known for series over semirings and in particular over the tropical semiring

    Dimensional Confluence Algebra of Information Space Modulo Quotient Abstraction Relations in Automated Problem Solving Paradigm

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    Confluence in abstract parallel category systems is established for net class-rewriting in iterative closed multilevel quotient graph structures with uncountable node arities by multi-dimensional transducer operations in topological metrics defined by alphabetically abstracting net block homomorphism. We obtain minimum prerequisites for the comprehensive connector pairs in a multitude dimensional rewriting closure generating confluence in Participatory algebra for different horizontal and vertical level projections modulo abstraction relations constituting formal semantics for confluence in information space. Participatory algebra with formal automata syntax in its entirety representing automated problem solving paradigm generates rich variety of multitude confluence harmonizers under each fundamental abstraction relation set, horizontal structure mapping and vertical process iteration cardinality.Comment: The current work is an application as a continuation for my previous works in arXiv:1305.5637 and arXiv:1308.5321 using the key definitions of them sustaining consistency, consequently references being minimized. Readers are strongly advised to resort to the mentioned previous works for preliminaries. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1408.137

    Contexts, refinement and determinism

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    In this paper we have been influenced by those who take an ā€œengineering viewā€ of the problem of designing systems, i.e. a view that is motivated by what someone designing a real system will be concerned with, and what questions will arise as they work on their design. Specifically, we have borrowed from the testing work of Hennessy, de Nicola and van Glabbeek, e.g. [13, 5, 21, 40, 39]. Here we concentrate on one fundamental part of the engineering view and where consideration of it leads. The aspects we are concerned with are computational entities in contexts, observed by users. This leads to formalising design steps that are often left informal, and that in turn gives insights into non-determinism and ultimately leads to being able to use refinement in situations where existing techniques fail
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