18,954 research outputs found

    Special opportunities in helicopter aerodynamics

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    Aerodynamic research relating to modern helicopters includes the study of three dimensional, unsteady, nonlinear flow fields. A selective review is made of some of the phenomenon that hamper the development of satisfactory engineering prediction techniques, but which provides a rich source of research opportunities: flow separations, compressibility effects, complex vortical wakes, and aerodynamic interference between components. Several examples of work in progress are given, including dynamic stall alleviation, the development of computational methods for transonic flow, rotor-wake predictions, and blade-vortex interactions

    Subsonic aerodynamic and flutter characteristics of several wings calculated by the SOUSSA P1.1 panel method

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    The SOUSSA (steady, oscillatory, and unsteady subsonic and supersonic aerodynamics) program is the computational implementation of a general potential flow analysis (by the Green's function method) that can generate pressure distributions on complete aircraft having arbitrary shapes, motions and deformations. Some applications of the initial release version of this program to several wings in steady and oscillatory motion, including flutter are presented. The results are validated by comparisons with other calculations and experiments. Experiences in using the program as well as some recent improvements are described

    Combining and Relating Control Effects and their Semantics

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    Combining local exceptions and first class continuations leads to programs with complex control flow, as well as the possibility of expressing powerful constructs such as resumable exceptions. We describe and compare games models for a programming language which includes these features, as well as higher-order references. They are obtained by contrasting methodologies: by annotating sequences of moves with "control pointers" indicating where exceptions are thrown and caught, and by composing the exceptions and continuations monads. The former approach allows an explicit representation of control flow in games for exceptions, and hence a straightforward proof of definability (full abstraction) by factorization, as well as offering the possibility of a semantic approach to control flow analysis of exception-handling. However, establishing soundness of such a concrete and complex model is a non-trivial problem. It may be resolved by establishing a correspondence with the monad semantics, based on erasing explicit exception moves and replacing them with control pointers.Comment: In Proceedings COS 2013, arXiv:1309.092

    Codensity Lifting of Monads and its Dual

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    We introduce a method to lift monads on the base category of a fibration to its total category. This method, which we call codensity lifting, is applicable to various fibrations which were not supported by its precursor, categorical TT-lifting. After introducing the codensity lifting, we illustrate some examples of codensity liftings of monads along the fibrations from the category of preorders, topological spaces and extended pseudometric spaces to the category of sets, and also the fibration from the category of binary relations between measurable spaces. We also introduce the dual method called density lifting of comonads. We next study the liftings of algebraic operations to the codensity liftings of monads. We also give a characterisation of the class of liftings of monads along posetal fibrations with fibred small meets as a limit of a certain large diagram.Comment: Extended version of the paper presented at CALCO 2015, accepted for publication in LMC

    An integrated approach to the optimum design of actively controlled composite wings

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    The importance of interactions among the various disciplines in airplane wing design has been recognized for quite some time. With the introduction of high gain, high authority control systems and the design of thin, flexible, lightweight composite wings, the integrated treatment of control systems, flight mechanics and dynamic aeroelasticity became a necessity. A research program is underway now aimed at extending structural synthesis concepts and methods to the integrated synthesis of lifting surfaces, spanning the disciplines of structures, aerodynamics and control for both analysis and design. Mathematical modeling techniques are carefully selected to be accurate enough for preliminary design purposes of the complicated, built-up lifting surfaces of real aircraft with their multiple design criteria and tight constraints. The presentation opens with some observations on the multidisciplinary nature of wing design. A brief review of some available state of the art practical wing optimization programs and a brief review of current research effort in the field serve to illuminate the motivation and support the direction taken in our research. The goals of this research effort are presented, followed by a description of the analysis and behavior sensitivity techniques used. The presentation concludes with a status report and some forecast of upcoming progress

    A linearized theory method of constrained optimization for supersonic cruise wing design

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    A linearized theory wing design and optimization procedure which allows physical realism and practical considerations to be imposed as constraints on the optimum (least drag due to lift) solution is discussed and examples of application are presented. In addition to the usual constraints on lift and pitching moment, constraints are imposed on wing surface ordinates and wing upper surface pressure levels and gradients. The design procedure also provides the capability of including directly in the optimization process the effects of other aircraft components such as a fuselage, canards, and nacelles

    Unsteady supersonic aerodynamic theory for interfering surfaces by the method of potential gradient

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    A generalized solution of the hyperbolic wave equation was further developed to relate the velocity components at a field point to the potential gradient distribution in the dependence domain. Singular integrals were evaluated in closed form, with numerical integration methods for more complex but analytic functions. Idealization of the lifting surfaces by trapezoidal elements with two sides parallel to the streamlines is computationally efficient. Streamwise integrals were performed analytically, and spanwise integrals were neccessary only on element leading and trailing sides. All integrands vanish on the Mach cone. Pressure distribution on a double delta wing and generalized aerodynamic coefficients for three AGARD planforms were calculated and compared with available results

    Free wake analysis of hover performance using a new influence coefficient method

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    A new approach to the prediction of helicopter rotor performance using a free wake analysis was developed. This new method uses a relaxation process that does not suffer from the convergence problems associated with previous time marching simulations. This wake relaxation procedure was coupled to a vortex-lattice, lifting surface loads analysis to produce a novel, self contained performance prediction code: EHPIC (Evaluation of Helicopter Performance using Influence Coefficients). The major technical features of the EHPIC code are described and a substantial amount of background information on the capabilities and proper operation of the code is supplied. Sample problems were undertaken to demonstrate the robustness and flexibility of the basic approach. Also, a performance correlation study was carried out to establish the breadth of applicability of the code, with very favorable results

    Predicting the wake structure of the HART II rotor using the vorticity transport model

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    Brown’s Vorticity Transport Model has been used to predict the wake structure and resultant blade loading of the rotor that was studied during the HART II experimental programme. The descending flight condition of the experiment yields significant high-frequency content to the blade loading due to the presence of blade-vortex interactions. PIV images of the wake structure were compared against numerical predictions of the detailed geometry of the rotor wake using three different computational resolutions of the flow. This was done to investigate the origin of inaccuracies exposed in an earlier study of the system in capturing the effects of blade vortex interactions on the loading on the rotor. The predicted positions of the vortex cores agree with measured data to within a fraction of the blade chord, and the strength of the vortices is preserved to well downstream of the rotor, essentially independently of the resolution of the calculation. Nevertheless the amplitude of the loading impulses induced on the blade by vortex interaction are strongly influenced by the resolution of the calculation through the effect of cell density on the minimum vortex core size that can be supported. It would appear thus that the inaccuracies in predicting the high-frequency loading on the rotor are not due to any inherent deficiency in the representation of the wake, although viscous effects may need to be considered in future in order to decouple the vortex core size from the cell size, but rather due to the inherent deficiencies of the lifting line approach used to model the blade aerodynamics