873 research outputs found

    New Approaches to Classic Graph-Embedding Problems - Orthogonal Drawings & Constrained Planarity

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    Drawings of graphs are often used to represent a given data set in a human-readable way. In this thesis, we consider different classic algorithmic problems that arise when automatically generating graph drawings. More specifically, we solve some open problems in the context of orthogonal drawings and advance the current state of research on the problems clustered planarity and simultaneous planarity

    Drawing with SAT: four methods and A tool for producing railway infrastructure schematics

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    Schematic drawings showing railway tracks and equipment are commonly used to visualize railway operations and to communicate system specifications and construction blueprints. Recent advances in on-line collaboration and modeling tools have raised the expectations for quickly making changes to models, resulting in frequent changes to layouts, text, and/or symbols in schematic drawings. Automating the creation of high-quality schematic views from geographical and topological models can help engineers produce and update drawings efficiently. This paper introduces four methods for automatically producing schematic railway drawings with increasing level of quality and control over the result. The final method, implemented in the open-source tool that we have developed, can use any combination of the following optimization criteria, which can have different priorities in different use cases: width and height of the drawing, the diagonal line lengths, and the number of bends. We show how to encode schematic railway drawings as an optimization problem over Boolean and numerical domains, using combinations of unary number encoding, lazy difference constraints, and numerical optimization into an incremental SAT formulation. We compare drawings resulting from each of the four methods, applied to models of real-world engineering projects and existing railway infrastructure. We also show how to add symbols and labels to the track plan, which is important for the usefulness of the final outputs. Since the proposed tool is customizable and efficiently produces high-quality drawings from railML 2.x models, it can be used (as it is or extended) both as an integrated module in an industrial design tool like RailCOMPLETE, or by researchers for visualization purposes.publishedVersio

    Layered Drawing of Undirected Graphs with Generalized Port Constraints

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    The aim of this research is a practical method to draw cable plans of complex machines. Such plans consist of electronic components and cables connecting specific ports of the components. Since the machines are configured for each client individually, cable plans need to be drawn automatically. The drawings must be well readable so that technicians can use them to debug the machines. In order to model plug sockets, we introduce port groups; within a group, ports can change their position (which we use to improve the aesthetics of the layout), but together the ports of a group must form a contiguous block. We approach the problem of drawing such cable plans by extending the well-known Sugiyama framework such that it incorporates ports and port groups. Since the framework assumes directed graphs, we propose several ways to orient the edges of the given undirected graph. We compare these methods experimentally, both on real-world data and synthetic data that carefully simulates real-world data. We measure the aesthetics of the resulting drawings by counting bends and crossings. Using these metrics, we compare our approach to Kieler [JVLC 2014], a library for drawing graphs in the presence of port constraints.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2020

    The many faces of planarity : matching, augmentation, and embedding algorithms for planar graphs

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    A combinatorial approach to orthogonal placement problems

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    liegt nicht vor!Wir betrachten zwei Familien von NP-schwierigen orthogonalen Platzierungsproblemen aus dem Bereich der Informationsvisualisierung von einem theoretischen und praktischen Standpunkt aus. Diese Arbeit enthält ein gemeinsames kombinatorisches Gerüst für Kompaktierungsprobleme aus dem Bereich des orthogonalen Graphenzeichnens und Beschriftungsprobleme von Punktmengen aus dem Gebiet der Computer-Kartografie. Bei den Kompaktierungsproblemen geht es darum, eine gegebene dimensionslose Beschreibung der orthogonalen Form eines Graphen in eine orthogonale Gitterzeichnung mit kurzen Kanten und geringem Flächenverbrauch zu transformieren. Die Beschriftungsprobleme haben zur Aufgabe, eine gegebene Menge von rechteckigen Labels so zu platzieren, dass eine lesbare Karte entsteht. In einer klassischen Anwendung repräsentieren die Punkte beispielsweise Städte einer Landkarte, und die Labels enthalten die Namen der Städte. Wir präsentieren neue kombinatorische Formulierungen für diese Probleme und verwenden dabei eine pfad- und kreisbasierte graphentheoretische Eigenschaft in einem zugehörigen problemspezifschen Paar von Constraint-Graphen. Die Umformulierung ermöglicht es uns, exakte Algorithmen für die Originalprobleme zu entwickeln. Umfassende experimentelle Studien mit Benchmark-Instanzen aus der Praxis zeigen, dass unsere Algorithmen, die auf linearer Programmierung beruhen, in der Lage sind, große Instanzen der Platzierungsprobleme beweisbar optimal und in kurzer Rechenzeit zu lösen. Ferner kombinieren wir die Formulierungen für Kompaktierungs- und Beschriftungsprobleme und präsentieren einen exakten algorithmischen Ansatz für ein Graphbeschriftungsproblem. Oftmals sind unsere neuen Algorithmen die ersten exakten Algorithmen für die jeweilige Problemvariante
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