547 research outputs found

    Fast and modular regularized topic modelling

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    Topic modelling is an area of text mining that has been actively developed in the last 15 years. A probabilistic topic model extracts a set of hidden topics from a collection of text documents. It defines each topic by a probability distribution over words and describes each document with a probability distribution over topics. In applications, there are often many requirements, such as, for example, problem-specific knowledge and additional data, to be taken into account. Therefore, it is natural for topic modelling to be considered a multiobjective optimization problem. However, historically, Bayesian learning became the most popular approach for topic modelling. In the Bayesian paradigm, all requirements are formalized in terms of a probabilistic generative process. This approach is not always convenient due to some limitations and technical difficulties. In this work, we develop a non-Bayesian multiobjective approach called the Additive Regularization of Topic Models (ARTM). It is based on regularized Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), and we show that many of the well-known Bayesian topic models can be re-formulated in a much simpler way using the regularization point of view. We review some of the most important types of topic models: multimodal, multilingual, temporal, hierarchical, graph-based, and short-text. The ARTM framework enables easy combination of different types of models to create new models with the desired properties for applications. This modular “lego-style” technology for topic modelling is implemented in the open-source library BigARTM

    Recommendation System for Issues Found in R&D

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    Este proyecto nació a partir de la necesidad de encontrar conocimiento y resumir la gran cantidad de problemas descubiertos en las fases de desarrollo de Software para módulos automotrices. Parte de ese conocimiento se puede obtener con base en los problemas del pasado en conjunto con sus propias soluciones. Con el crecimiento de la tecnología es mucho más factible recopilar toda esta información en diferentes formatos y procesarla. Esta información crece día con día, la cual se encuentra principalmente en forma de texto. Leer grandes cantidades de texto por una persona o incluso un conjunto de personas, para extraer información y visualizar datos importantes a la par de ese crecimiento de información es una tarea poco práctica o casi imposible de realizar de manera eficiente. A través de las nuevas tecnologías de IA y Big Data, nos es posible cumplir con estos objetivos. En especial, las técnicas de Procesamiento Natural del Lenguaje por parte de IA y las bases de datos tanto SQL como noSQL nos facilitaron el análisis y proceso en nuestro proyecto.ITESO, A. C

    Social media bot detection with deep learning methods: a systematic review

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    Social bots are automated social media accounts governed by software and controlled by humans at the backend. Some bots have good purposes, such as automatically posting information about news and even to provide help during emergencies. Nevertheless, bots have also been used for malicious purposes, such as for posting fake news or rumour spreading or manipulating political campaigns. There are existing mechanisms that allow for detection and removal of malicious bots automatically. However, the bot landscape changes as the bot creators use more sophisticated methods to avoid being detected. Therefore, new mechanisms for discerning between legitimate and bot accounts are much needed. Over the past few years, a few review studies contributed to the social media bot detection research by presenting a comprehensive survey on various detection methods including cutting-edge solutions like machine learning (ML)/deep learning (DL) techniques. This paper, to the best of our knowledge, is the first one to only highlight the DL techniques and compare the motivation/effectiveness of these techniques among themselves and over other methods, especially the traditional ML ones. We present here a refined taxonomy of the features used in DL studies and details about the associated pre-processing strategies required to make suitable training data for a DL model. We summarize the gaps addressed by the review papers that mentioned about DL/ML studies to provide future directions in this field. Overall, DL techniques turn out to be computation and time efficient techniques for social bot detection with better or compatible performance as traditional ML techniques

    Near Real-Time Sentiment and Topic Analysis of Sport Events

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    Sport events’ media consumption patterns have started transitioning to a multi-screen paradigm, where, through multitasking, viewers are able to search for additional information about the event they are watching live, as well as contribute with their perspective of the event to other viewers. The audiovisual and multimedia industries, however, are failing to capitalize on this by not providing the sports’ teams and those in charge of the audiovisual production with insights on the final consumers perspective of sport events. As a result of this opportunity, this document focuses on presenting the development of a near real-time sentiment analysis tool and a near real-time topic analysis tool for the analysis of sports events’ related social media content that was published during the transmission of the respective events, thus enabling, in near real-time, the understanding of the sentiment of the viewers and the topics being discussed through each event.Os padrões de consumo de media, têm vindo a mudar para um paradigma de ecrãs múltiplos, onde, através de multitasking, os telespetadores podem pesquisar informações adicionais sobre o evento que estão a assistir, bem como partilhar a sua perspetiva do evento. As indústrias do setor audiovisual e multimédia, no entanto, não estão a aproveitar esta oportunidade, falhando em fornecer às equipas desportivas e aos responsáveis pela produção audiovisual uma visão sobre a perspetiva dos consumidores finais dos eventos desportivos. Como resultado desta oportunidade, este documento foca-se em apresentar o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de análise de sentimento e uma ferramenta de análise de tópicos para a análise, em perto de tempo real, de conteúdo das redes sociais relacionado com eventos esportivos e publicado durante a transmissão dos respetivos eventos, permitindo assim, em perto de tempo real, perceber o sentimento dos espectadores e os tópicos mais falados durante cada evento

    Machine Learning Models for Educational Platforms

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    Scaling up education online and onlife is presenting numerous key challenges, such as hardly manageable classes, overwhelming content alternatives, and academic dishonesty while interacting remotely. However, thanks to the wider availability of learning-related data and increasingly higher performance computing, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to turn such challenges into an unparalleled opportunity. One of its sub-fields, namely Machine Learning, is enabling machines to receive data and learn for themselves, without being programmed with rules. Bringing this intelligent support to education at large scale has a number of advantages, such as avoiding manual error-prone tasks and reducing the chance that learners do any misconduct. Planning, collecting, developing, and predicting become essential steps to make it concrete into real-world education. This thesis deals with the design, implementation, and evaluation of Machine Learning models in the context of online educational platforms deployed at large scale. Constructing and assessing the performance of intelligent models is a crucial step towards increasing reliability and convenience of such an educational medium. The contributions result in large data sets and high-performing models that capitalize on Natural Language Processing, Human Behavior Mining, and Machine Perception. The model decisions aim to support stakeholders over the instructional pipeline, specifically on content categorization, content recommendation, learners’ identity verification, and learners’ sentiment analysis. Past research in this field often relied on statistical processes hardly applicable at large scale. Through our studies, we explore opportunities and challenges introduced by Machine Learning for the above goals, a relevant and timely topic in literature. Supported by extensive experiments, our work reveals a clear opportunity in combining human and machine sensing for researchers interested in online education. Our findings illustrate the feasibility of designing and assessing Machine Learning models for categorization, recommendation, authentication, and sentiment prediction in this research area. Our results provide guidelines on model motivation, data collection, model design, and analysis techniques concerning the above applicative scenarios. Researchers can use our findings to improve data collection on educational platforms, to reduce bias in data and models, to increase model effectiveness, and to increase the reliability of their models, among others. We expect that this thesis can support the adoption of Machine Learning models in educational platforms even more, strengthening the role of data as a precious asset. The thesis outputs are publicly available at https://www.mirkomarras.com

    Enriching Unsupervised User Embedding via Medical Concepts

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    Clinical notes in Electronic Health Records (EHR) present rich documented information of patients to inference phenotype for disease diagnosis and study patient characteristics for cohort selection. Unsupervised user embedding aims to encode patients into fixed-length vectors without human supervisions. Medical concepts extracted from the clinical notes contain rich connections between patients and their clinical categories. However, existing unsupervised approaches of user embeddings from clinical notes do not explicitly incorporate medical concepts. In this study, we propose a concept-aware unsupervised user embedding that jointly leverages text documents and medical concepts from two clinical corpora, MIMIC-III and Diabetes. We evaluate user embeddings on both extrinsic and intrinsic tasks, including phenotype classification, in-hospital mortality prediction, patient retrieval, and patient relatedness. Experiments on the two clinical corpora show our approach exceeds unsupervised baselines, and incorporating medical concepts can significantly improve the baseline performance.Comment: accepted at ACM CHIL 2022. a revision for section reforma

    Modelling Digital Media Objects

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