1,172 research outputs found

    Trinity symmetry and kaleidoscopic regular maps

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    A cellular embedding of a connected graph (also known as a map) on an orientable surface has trinity symmetry if it is isomorphic to both its dual and its Petrie dual. A map is regular if for any two incident vertex-edge pairs there is an automorphism of the map sending the first pair onto the second. Given a map M with all vertices of the same degree d, for any e relatively prime to d the power map Me is formed from M by replacing the cyclic rotation of edges at each vertex on the surface with the e th power of the rotation. A map is kaleidoscopic if all of its power maps are pairwise isomorphic. In this paper, we present a covering construction that gives infinite families of kaleidoscopic regular maps with trinity symmetry

    Regular Embeddings of Canonical Double Coverings of Graphs

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    AbstractThis paper addresses the question of determining, for a given graphG, all regular maps havingGas their underlying graph, i.e., all embeddings ofGin closed surfaces exhibiting the highest possible symmetry. We show that ifGsatisfies certain natural conditions, then all orientable regular embeddings of its canonical double covering, isomorphic to the tensor productGāŠ—K2, can be described in terms of regular embeddings ofG. This allows us to ā€œliftā€ the classification of regular embeddings of a given graph to a similar classification for its canonical double covering and to establish various properties of the ā€œderivedā€ maps by employing those of the ā€œbaseā€ maps. We apply these results to determining all orientable regular embeddings of the tensor productsKnāŠ—K2(known as the cocktail-party graphs) and of then-dipolesDn, the graphs consisting of two vertices and n parallel edges joining them. In the first case we show, in particular, that regular embeddings ofKnāŠ—K2exist only ifnis a prime powerpl, and there are 2Ļ†(nāˆ’1) orĻ†(nāˆ’1) isomorphism classes of such maps (whereĻ†is Euler's function) according to whetherlis even or odd. Forleven an interesting new infinite family of regular maps is discovered. In the second case, orientable regular embeddings ofDnexist for each positive integern, and their number is a power of 2 depending on the decomposition ofninto primes

    Recent trends and future directions in vertex-transitive graphs

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    A graph is said to be vertex-transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the vertex set. Some recent developments and possible future directions regarding two famous open problems, asking about existence of Hamilton paths and existence of semiregular automorphisms in vertex-transitive graphs, are discussed, together with some recent results on arc-transitive graphs and half-arc-transitive graphs, two special classes of vertex-transitive graphs that have received particular attention over the last decade


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    Automorphism groups survey similarities on mathematical systems, which appear nearly in all mathematical branches, such as those of algebra, combinatorics, geometry, Ā· Ā· Ā· and theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry, etc.. In geometry, configurations with high symmetry born symmetrical patterns, a kind of beautiful pictures in aesthetics. Naturally, automorphism groups enable one to distinguish systems by similarity. More automorphisms simply more symmetries of that system. This fact has established the fundamental role of automorphism groups in modern sciences. So it is important for graduate students knowing automorphism groups with applications

    Regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges revisited

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    Regularne vložitve ciklov z večkratnimi povezavami se pojavljajo v literaturi že kar nekaj časa, tako v topoloŔki teoriji grafov kot tudi izven nje. Ta članek izriŔe kompletno podobo teh zemljevidov na ta način, da povsem opiŔe, klasificira in enumerira regularne vložitve ciklov z večkratnimi povezavami tako na orientabilnih kot tudi na neorientabilnih ploskvah. Večina rezultatov je sicer znana v tej ali oni obliki, toda tu so predstavljeni iz poenotenega zornega kota, osnovanega na teoriji končnih grup. NaŔ pristop daje dodatno informacijo tako o zemljevidih kot o njihovih grupah avtomorfizmov, priskrbi pa tudi dodaten vpogled v njihove odnose.Regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges have been reappearing in the literature for quite some time, both in and outside topological graph theory. The present paper aims to draw a complete picture of these maps by providing a detailed description, classification, and enumeration of regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges on both orientable and non-orientable surfaces. Most of the results have been known in one form or another, but here they are presented from a unique viewpoint based on finite group theory. Our approach brings additional information about both the maps and their automorphism groups, and also gives extra insight into their relationships

    Jacobians of Finite and Infinite Voltage Covers of Graphs

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    The Jacobian group (also known as the critical group or sandpile group) is an important invariant of a graph X; it is a finite abelian group whose cardinality is equal to the number of spanning trees of X (Kirchhoff\u27s Matrix Tree Theorem). This dissertation proves results about the Jacobians of certain families of covering graphs, Y, of a base graph X, that are constructed from an assignment of elements from a group G to the edges of X (G is called the voltage group and Y is called the derived graph). The principal aim is to relate the Jacobian of Y to that of X.We develop the basic theory of derived graphs, including computational methods for determining their Jacobians in terms of X. Of particular interest is when the voltage assignment is given by mapping a generator of the cyclic group of order d to a single edge of X (all other edges are assigned the identity), called a single voltage assignment. We show that, in general, the voltage group G acts as graph automorphisms of the derived graph Y, that the group of divisors of Y becomes a module over the group ring Z[G], and that the Laplacian endomorphism on the group of divisors of Y---which is used to compute the Jacobian of Y---can be described by a matrix with entries from Z[G] called the voltage Laplacian. Using this and matrix computations, we determine both the order and abelian group structure of the Jacobian of single voltage assignment derived graphs when the base graph X is the complete graph on n vertices, for every n and d. When G is abelian, the determinant of the voltage Laplacian matrix is called the reduced Stickelberger element; and it is shown to be a power of two times the graph Stickelberger element defined in the literature in terms of Ihara zeta-functions. Also using zeta-functions, we develop some general product formulas that relate the order of the Jacobian of Y to that of X; these formulas, that involve the reduced Stickelberger element, become very simple and explicit in the special case of single voltage covers of X. We adapt aspects of classical Iwasawa Theory (from number theory) to the study of towers of derived graphs. We obtain formulas for the orders of the Sylow p-subgroups of Jacobians in an infinite voltage p-tower, for any prime p, in terms of classical Ī¼ and Ī» invariants by using the decomposition of a finitely generated module over the Iwasawa Algebra
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