865 research outputs found

    3D Motion Estimation By Evidence Gathering

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    In this paper we introduce an algorithm for 3D motion estimation in point clouds that is based on Chasles’ kinematic theorem. The proposed algorithm estimates 3D motion parameters directly from the data by exploiting the geometry of rigid transformation using an evidence gathering technique in a Hough-voting-like approach. The algorithm provides an alternative to the feature description and matching pipelines commonly used by numerous 3D object recognition and registration algorithms, as it does not involve keypoint detection and feature descriptor computation and matching. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research to use kinematics theorems in an evidence gathering framework for motion estimation and surface matching without the use of any given correspondences. Moreover, we propose a method for voting for 3D motion parameters using a one-dimensional accumulator space, which enables voting for motion parameters more efficiently than other methods that use up to 7-dimensional accumulator spaces

    Multimodal Three Dimensional Scene Reconstruction, The Gaussian Fields Framework

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    The focus of this research is on building 3D representations of real world scenes and objects using different imaging sensors. Primarily range acquisition devices (such as laser scanners and stereo systems) that allow the recovery of 3D geometry, and multi-spectral image sequences including visual and thermal IR images that provide additional scene characteristics. The crucial technical challenge that we addressed is the automatic point-sets registration task. In this context our main contribution is the development of an optimization-based method at the core of which lies a unified criterion that solves simultaneously for the dense point correspondence and transformation recovery problems. The new criterion has a straightforward expression in terms of the datasets and the alignment parameters and was used primarily for 3D rigid registration of point-sets. However it proved also useful for feature-based multimodal image alignment. We derived our method from simple Boolean matching principles by approximation and relaxation. One of the main advantages of the proposed approach, as compared to the widely used class of Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithms, is convexity in the neighborhood of the registration parameters and continuous differentiability, allowing for the use of standard gradient-based optimization techniques. Physically the criterion is interpreted in terms of a Gaussian Force Field exerted by one point-set on the other. Such formulation proved useful for controlling and increasing the region of convergence, and hence allowing for more autonomy in correspondence tasks. Furthermore, the criterion can be computed with linear complexity using recently developed Fast Gauss Transform numerical techniques. In addition, we also introduced a new local feature descriptor that was derived from visual saliency principles and which enhanced significantly the performance of the registration algorithm. The resulting technique was subjected to a thorough experimental analysis that highlighted its strength and showed its limitations. Our current applications are in the field of 3D modeling for inspection, surveillance, and biometrics. However, since this matching framework can be applied to any type of data, that can be represented as N-dimensional point-sets, the scope of the method is shown to reach many more pattern analysis applications

    Geometric data understanding : deriving case specific features

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    There exists a tradition using precise geometric modeling, where uncertainties in data can be considered noise. Another tradition relies on statistical nature of vast quantity of data, where geometric regularity is intrinsic to data and statistical models usually grasp this level only indirectly. This work focuses on point cloud data of natural resources and the silhouette recognition from video input as two real world examples of problems having geometric content which is intangible at the raw data presentation. This content could be discovered and modeled to some degree by such machine learning (ML) approaches like deep learning, but either a direct coverage of geometry in samples or addition of special geometry invariant layer is necessary. Geometric content is central when there is a need for direct observations of spatial variables, or one needs to gain a mapping to a geometrically consistent data representation, where e.g. outliers or noise can be easily discerned. In this thesis we consider transformation of original input data to a geometric feature space in two example problems. The first example is curvature of surfaces, which has met renewed interest since the introduction of ubiquitous point cloud data and the maturation of the discrete differential geometry. Curvature spectra can characterize a spatial sample rather well, and provide useful features for ML purposes. The second example involves projective methods used to video stereo-signal analysis in swimming analytics. The aim is to find meaningful local geometric representations for feature generation, which also facilitate additional analysis based on geometric understanding of the model. The features are associated directly to some geometric quantity, and this makes it easier to express the geometric constraints in a natural way, as shown in the thesis. Also, the visualization and further feature generation is much easier. Third, the approach provides sound baseline methods to more traditional ML approaches, e.g. neural network methods. Fourth, most of the ML methods can utilize the geometric features presented in this work as additional features.Geometriassa käytetään perinteisesti tarkkoja malleja, jolloin datassa esiintyvät epätarkkuudet edustavat melua. Toisessa perinteessä nojataan suuren datamäärän tilastolliseen luonteeseen, jolloin geometrinen säännönmukaisuus on datan sisäsyntyinen ominaisuus, joka hahmotetaan tilastollisilla malleilla ainoastaan epäsuorasti. Tämä työ keskittyy kahteen esimerkkiin: luonnonvaroja kuvaaviin pistepilviin ja videohahmontunnistukseen. Nämä ovat todellisia ongelmia, joissa geometrinen sisältö on tavoittamattomissa raakadatan tasolla. Tämä sisältö voitaisiin jossain määrin löytää ja mallintaa koneoppimisen keinoin, esim. syväoppimisen avulla, mutta joko geometria pitää kattaa suoraan näytteistämällä tai tarvitaan neuronien lisäkerros geometrisia invariansseja varten. Geometrinen sisältö on keskeinen, kun tarvitaan suoraa avaruudellisten suureiden havainnointia, tai kun tarvitaan kuvaus geometrisesti yhtenäiseen dataesitykseen, jossa poikkeavat näytteet tai melu voidaan helposti erottaa. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan datan muuntamista geometriseen piirreavaruuteen kahden esimerkkiohjelman suhteen. Ensimmäinen esimerkki on pintakaarevuus, joka on uudelleen virinneen kiinnostuksen kohde kaikkialle saatavissa olevan datan ja diskreetin geometrian kypsymisen takia. Kaarevuusspektrit voivat luonnehtia avaruudellista kohdetta melko hyvin ja tarjota koneoppimisessa hyödyllisiä piirteitä. Toinen esimerkki koskee projektiivisia menetelmiä käytettäessä stereovideosignaalia uinnin analytiikkaan. Tavoite on löytää merkityksellisiä paikallisen geometrian esityksiä, jotka samalla mahdollistavat muun geometrian ymmärrykseen perustuvan analyysin. Piirteet liittyvät suoraan johonkin geometriseen suureeseen, ja tämä helpottaa luonnollisella tavalla geometristen rajoitteiden käsittelyä, kuten väitöstyössä osoitetaan. Myös visualisointi ja lisäpiirteiden luonti muuttuu helpommaksi. Kolmanneksi, lähestymistapa suo selkeän vertailumenetelmän perinteisemmille koneoppimisen lähestymistavoille, esim. hermoverkkomenetelmille. Neljänneksi, useimmat koneoppimismenetelmät voivat hyödyntää tässä työssä esitettyjä geometrisia piirteitä lisäämällä ne muiden piirteiden joukkoon

    Registration and Recognition in 3D

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    The simplest Computer Vision algorithm can tell you what color it sees when you point it at an object, but asking that computer what it is looking at is a much harder problem. Camera and LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) sensors generally provide streams pixel of values and sophisticated algorithms must be engineered to recognize objects or the environment. There has been significant effort expended by the computer vision community on recognizing objects in color images; however, LiDAR sensors, which sense depth values for pixels instead of color, have been studied less. Recently we have seen a renewed interest in depth data with the democratization provided by consumer depth cameras. Detecting objects in depth data is more challenging in some ways because of the lack of texture and increased complexity of processing unordered point sets. We present three systems that contribute to solving the object recognition problem from the LiDAR perspective. They are: calibration, registration, and object recognition systems. We propose a novel calibration system that works with both line and raster based LiDAR sensors, and calibrates them with respect to image cameras. Our system can be extended to calibrate LiDAR sensors that do not give intensity information. We demonstrate a novel system that produces registrations between different LiDAR scans by transforming the input point cloud into a Constellation Extended Gaussian Image (CEGI) and then uses this CEGI to estimate the rotational alignment of the scans independently. Finally we present a method for object recognition which uses local (Spin Images) and global (CEGI) information to recognize cars in a large urban dataset. We present real world results from these three systems. Compelling experiments show that object recognition systems can gain much information using only 3D geometry. There are many object recognition and navigation algorithms that work on images; the work we propose in this thesis is more complimentary to those image based methods than competitive. This is an important step along the way to more intelligent robots

    Heat Kernel Voting with Geometric Invariants

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    Here we provide a method for comparing geometric objects. Two objects of interest are embedded into an infinite dimensional Hilbert space using their Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, truncated to a finite dimensional Euclidean space, where correspondences between the objects are searched for and voted on. To simplify correspondence finding, we propose using several geometric invariants to reduce the necessary computations. This method improves on voting methods by identifying isometric regions including shapes of genus greater than 0 and dimension greater than 3, as well as almost retaining isometry