257 research outputs found

    Coronary Artery Segmentation and Motion Modelling

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    Conventional coronary artery bypass surgery requires invasive sternotomy and the use of a cardiopulmonary bypass, which leads to long recovery period and has high infectious potential. Totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass (TECAB) surgery based on image guided robotic surgical approaches have been developed to allow the clinicians to conduct the bypass surgery off-pump with only three pin holes incisions in the chest cavity, through which two robotic arms and one stereo endoscopic camera are inserted. However, the restricted field of view of the stereo endoscopic images leads to possible vessel misidentification and coronary artery mis-localization. This results in 20-30% conversion rates from TECAB surgery to the conventional approach. We have constructed patient-specific 3D + time coronary artery and left ventricle motion models from preoperative 4D Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) scans. Through temporally and spatially aligning this model with the intraoperative endoscopic views of the patient's beating heart, this work assists the surgeon to identify and locate the correct coronaries during the TECAB precedures. Thus this work has the prospect of reducing the conversion rate from TECAB to conventional coronary bypass procedures. This thesis mainly focus on designing segmentation and motion tracking methods of the coronary arteries in order to build pre-operative patient-specific motion models. Various vessel centreline extraction and lumen segmentation algorithms are presented, including intensity based approaches, geometric model matching method and morphology-based method. A probabilistic atlas of the coronary arteries is formed from a group of subjects to facilitate the vascular segmentation and registration procedures. Non-rigid registration framework based on a free-form deformation model and multi-level multi-channel large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping are proposed to track the coronary motion. The methods are applied to 4D CTA images acquired from various groups of patients and quantitatively evaluated

    Segmentation and skeletonization techniques for cardiovascular image analysis

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    Computerized Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Images to Study Cerebral Anatomy in Developing Neonates

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    The study of cerebral anatomy in developing neonates is of great importance for the understanding of brain development during the early period of life. This dissertation therefore focuses on three challenges in the modelling of cerebral anatomy in neonates during brain development. The methods that have been developed all use Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) as source data. To facilitate study of vascular development in the neonatal period, a set of image analysis algorithms are developed to automatically extract and model cerebral vessel trees. The whole process consists of cerebral vessel tracking from automatically placed seed points, vessel tree generation, and vasculature registration and matching. These algorithms have been tested on clinical Time-of- Flight (TOF) MR angiographic datasets. To facilitate study of the neonatal cortex a complete cerebral cortex segmentation and reconstruction pipeline has been developed. Segmentation of the neonatal cortex is not effectively done by existing algorithms designed for the adult brain because the contrast between grey and white matter is reversed. This causes pixels containing tissue mixtures to be incorrectly labelled by conventional methods. The neonatal cortical segmentation method that has been developed is based on a novel expectation-maximization (EM) method with explicit correction for mislabelled partial volume voxels. Based on the resulting cortical segmentation, an implicit surface evolution technique is adopted for the reconstruction of the cortex in neonates. The performance of the method is investigated by performing a detailed landmark study. To facilitate study of cortical development, a cortical surface registration algorithm for aligning the cortical surface is developed. The method first inflates extracted cortical surfaces and then performs a non-rigid surface registration using free-form deformations (FFDs) to remove residual alignment. Validation experiments using data labelled by an expert observer demonstrate that the method can capture local changes and follow the growth of specific sulcus

    High-performance geometric vascular modelling

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    Image-based high-performance geometric vascular modelling and reconstruction is an essential component of computer-assisted surgery on the diagnosis, analysis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. However, it is an extremely challenging task to efficiently reconstruct the accurate geometric structures of blood vessels out of medical images. For one thing, the shape of an individual section of a blood vessel is highly irregular because of the squeeze of other tissues and the deformation caused by vascular diseases. For another, a vascular system is a very complicated network of blood vessels with different types of branching structures. Although some existing vascular modelling techniques can reconstruct the geometric structure of a vascular system, they are either time-consuming or lacking sufficient accuracy. What is more, these techniques rarely consider the interior tissue of the vascular wall, which consists of complicated layered structures. As a result, it is necessary to develop a better vascular geometric modelling technique, which is not only of high performance and high accuracy in the reconstruction of vascular surfaces, but can also be used to model the interior tissue structures of the vascular walls.This research aims to develop a state-of-the-art patient-specific medical image-based geometric vascular modelling technique to solve the above problems. The main contributions of this research are:- Developed and proposed the Skeleton Marching technique to reconstruct the geometric structures of blood vessels with high performance and high accuracy. With the proposed technique, the highly complicated vascular reconstruction task is reduced to a set of simple localised geometric reconstruction tasks, which can be carried out in a parallel manner. These locally reconstructed vascular geometric segments are then combined together using shape-preserving blending operations to faithfully represent the geometric shape of the whole vascular system.- Developed and proposed the Thin Implicit Patch method to realistically model the interior geometric structures of the vascular tissues. This method allows the multi-layer interior tissue structures to be embedded inside the vascular wall to illustrate the geometric details of the blood vessel in real world

    Three-dimensional model-based analysis of vascular and cardiac images

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    This thesis is concerned with the geometrical modeling of organs to perform medical image analysis tasks. The thesis is divided in two main parts devoted to model linear vessel segments and the left ventricle of the heart, respectively. Chapters 2 to 4 present different aspects of a model-based technique for semi-automated quantification of linear vessel segments from 3-D Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). Chapter 2 is concerned with a multiscale filter for the enhancement of vessels in 2-D and 3-D angiograms. Chapter 3 applies the filter developed in Chapter 2 to determine the central vessel axis in 3-D MRA images. This procedure is initialized using an efficient user interaction technique that naturally incorporates the knowledge of the operator about the vessel of interest. Also in this chapter, a linear vessel model is used to recover the position of the vessel wall in order to carry out an accurate quantitative analysis of vascular morphology. Prior knowledge is provided in two main forms: a cylindrical model introduces a shape prior while prior knowledge on the image acquisition (type of MRA technique) is used to define an appropriate vessel boundary criterion. In Chapter 4 an extensive in vitro and in vivo evaluation of the algorithm introduced in Chapter 3 is described. Chapters 5 to 7 change the focus to 3D cardiac image analysis from Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Chapter 5 presents an extensive survey, a categorization and a critical review of the field of cardiac modeling. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 present successive refinements of a method for building statistical models of shape variability with particular emphasis on cardiac modeling. The method is based on an elastic registration method using hierarchical free-form deformations. A 3D shape model of the left and right ventricles of the heart was constructed. This model contains both the average shape of these organs as well as their shape variability. The methodology presented in the last two chapters could also be applied to other anatomical structures. This has been illustrated in Chapter 6 with examples of geometrical models of the nucleus caudate and the radius

    Imaging Biomarkers for Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis

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    Automatic Spatiotemporal Analysis of Cardiac Image Series

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    RÉSUMÉ À ce jour, les maladies cardiovasculaires demeurent au premier rang des principales causes de décès en Amérique du Nord. Chez l’adulte et au sein de populations de plus en plus jeunes, la soi-disant épidémie d’obésité entraînée par certaines habitudes de vie tels que la mauvaise alimentation, le manque d’exercice et le tabagisme est lourde de conséquences pour les personnes affectées, mais aussi sur le système de santé. La principale cause de morbidité et de mortalité chez ces patients est l’athérosclérose, une accumulation de plaque à l’intérieur des vaisseaux sanguins à hautes pressions telles que les artères coronaires. Les lésions athérosclérotiques peuvent entraîner l’ischémie en bloquant la circulation sanguine et/ou en provoquant une thrombose. Cela mène souvent à de graves conséquences telles qu’un infarctus. Outre les problèmes liés à la sténose, les parois artérielles des régions criblées de plaque augmentent la rigidité des parois vasculaires, ce qui peut aggraver la condition du patient. Dans la population pédiatrique, la pathologie cardiovasculaire acquise la plus fréquente est la maladie de Kawasaki. Il s’agit d’une vasculite aigüe pouvant affecter l’intégrité structurale des parois des artères coronaires et mener à la formation d’anévrismes. Dans certains cas, ceux-ci entravent l’hémodynamie artérielle en engendrant une perfusion myocardique insuffisante et en activant la formation de thromboses. Le diagnostic de ces deux maladies coronariennes sont traditionnellement effectués à l’aide d’angiographies par fluoroscopie. Pendant ces examens paracliniques, plusieurs centaines de projections radiographiques sont acquises en séries suite à l’infusion artérielle d’un agent de contraste. Ces images révèlent la lumière des vaisseaux sanguins et la présence de lésions potentiellement pathologiques, s’il y a lieu. Parce que les séries acquises contiennent de l’information très dynamique en termes de mouvement du patient volontaire et involontaire (ex. battements cardiaques, respiration et déplacement d’organes), le clinicien base généralement son interprétation sur une seule image angiographique où des mesures géométriques sont effectuées manuellement ou semi-automatiquement par un technicien en radiologie. Bien que l’angiographie par fluoroscopie soit fréquemment utilisé partout dans le monde et souvent considéré comme l’outil de diagnostic “gold-standard” pour de nombreuses maladies vasculaires, la nature bidimensionnelle de cette modalité d’imagerie est malheureusement très limitante en termes de spécification géométrique des différentes régions pathologiques. En effet, la structure tridimensionnelle des sténoses et des anévrismes ne peut pas être pleinement appréciée en 2D car les caractéristiques observées varient selon la configuration angulaire de l’imageur. De plus, la présence de lésions affectant les artères coronaires peut ne pas refléter la véritable santé du myocarde, car des mécanismes compensatoires naturels (ex. vaisseaux----------ABSTRACT Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in North America. In adult and, alarmingly, ever younger populations, the so-called obesity epidemic largely driven by lifestyle factors that include poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking, incurs enormous stresses on the healthcare system. The primary cause of serious morbidity and mortality for these patients is atherosclerosis, the build up of plaque inside high pressure vessels like the coronary arteries. These lesions can lead to ischemic disease and may progress to precarious blood flow blockage or thrombosis, often with infarction or other severe consequences. Besides the stenosis-related outcomes, the arterial walls of plaque-ridden regions manifest increased stiffness, which may exacerbate negative patient prognosis. In pediatric populations, the most prevalent acquired cardiovascular pathology is Kawasaki disease. This acute vasculitis may affect the structural integrity of coronary artery walls and progress to aneurysmal lesions. These can hinder the blood flow’s hemodynamics, leading to inadequate downstream perfusion, and may activate thrombus formation which may lead to precarious prognosis. Diagnosing these two prominent coronary artery diseases is traditionally performed using fluoroscopic angiography. Several hundred serial x-ray projections are acquired during selective arterial infusion of a radiodense contrast agent, which reveals the vessels’ luminal area and possible pathological lesions. The acquired series contain highly dynamic information on voluntary and involuntary patient movement: respiration, organ displacement and heartbeat, for example. Current clinical analysis is largely limited to a single angiographic image where geometrical measures will be performed manually or semi-automatically by a radiological technician. Although widely used around the world and generally considered the gold-standard diagnosis tool for many vascular diseases, the two-dimensional nature of this imaging modality is limiting in terms of specifying the geometry of various pathological regions. Indeed, the 3D structures of stenotic or aneurysmal lesions may not be fully appreciated in 2D because their observable features are dependent on the angular configuration of the imaging gantry. Furthermore, the presence of lesions in the coronary arteries may not reflect the true health of the myocardium, as natural compensatory mechanisms may obviate the need for further intervention. In light of this, cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion imaging is increasingly gaining attention and clinical implementation, as it offers a direct assessment of myocardial tissue viability following infarction or suspected coronary artery disease. This type of modality is plagued, however, by motion similar to that present in fluoroscopic imaging. This issue predisposes clinicians to laborious manual intervention in order to align anatomical structures in sequential perfusion frames, thus hindering automation o

    Imaging Biomarkers for Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis

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