44,947 research outputs found

    Combination of small molecule microarray and confocal microscopy techniques for live cell staining fluorescent dye discovery

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    Discovering new fluorochromes is significantly advanced by high-throughput screening (HTS) methods. In the present study a combination of small molecule microarray (SMM) prescreening and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was developed in order to discover novel cell staining fluorescent dyes. Compounds with high native fluorescence were selected from a 14,585-member library and further tested on living cells under the microscope. Eleven compartment- specific, cell-permeable (or plasma membrane-targeted) fluorochromes were identified. Their cytotoxicity was tested and found that between 1-10 micromolar range, they were non-toxic even during long-term incubations. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Trisubstituted pyrazolopyrimidines as novel angiogenesis inhibitors.

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    Current inhibitors of angiogenesis comprise either therapeutic antibodies (e.g. bevacicumab binding to VEGF-A) or small molecular inhibitors of receptor tyrosin kinases like e.g. sunitinib, which inhibits PDGFR and VEGFR. We have recently identified cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) as novel alternative and pharmacologically accessible target in the context of angiogenesis. In the present work we demonstrate that trisubstituted pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidines constitute a novel class of compounds which potently inhibit angiogenesis. All seven tested compounds inhibited endothelial cell proliferation with IC(50) values between 1 and 18 µM. Interestingly, this seems not to be due to cytotoxicity, since none of them showed acute cytotoxic effects on endothelial cells at a concentration of 10 µM,. The three most potent compounds (LGR1404, LGR1406 and LGR1407) also inhibited cell migration (by 27, 51 and 31%, resp.), chemotaxis (by 50, 70 and 60% in accumulative distance, resp.), and tube formation (by 25, 60 and 30% of total tube length, resp.) at the non-toxic concentration of 10 µM. Furthermore, angiogenesis was reduced in vivo in the CAM assay by these three compounds. A kinase selectivity profiling revealed that the compounds prevalently inhibit Cdk2, Cdk5 and Cdk9. The phenotype of the migrating cells (reduced formation of lamellipodia, loss of Rac-1 translocation to the membrane) resembles the previously described effects of silencing of Cdk5 in endothelial cells. We conclude that especially LGR1406 and LGR1407 are highly attractive anti-angiogenic compounds, whose effects seem to largely depend on their Cdk5 inhibiting properties

    Selective targeting of proteins by hybrid polyoxometalates: Interaction between a bis-biotinylated hybrid conjugate and avidin

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    The Keggin-type polyoxometalate [\u3b3-SiW10O36]8 12 was covalently modified to obtain a bis-biotinylated conjugate able to bind avidin. Spectroscopic studies such as UV-vis, fluorimetry, circular dichroism, coupled to surface plasmon resonance technique were used to highlight the unique interplay of supramolecular interactions between the homotetrameric protein and the bis-functionalized polyanion. In particular, the dual recognition mechanism of the avidin encompasses (i) a complementary electrostatic association between the anionic surface of the polyoxotungstate and each positively charged avidin subunit and (ii) specific host-guest interactions between each biotinylated arm and a corresponding pocket on the tetramer subunits. The assembly exhibits peroxidase-like reactivity and it was used in aqueous solution for L-methionine methyl ester oxidation by H2O2. The recognition phenomenon was then exploited for the preparation of layer-by-layer films, whose structural evolution was monitored in situ by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Finally, cell tracking studies were performed by exploiting the specific interactions with a labeled streptavidin

    Therapeutic Delivery Technology and its Economic Impact

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    Therapeutic delivery technology is a current area of high interest in both university and industrial settings. These technologies are being developed in order to deliver therapeutic agents, such as genes, proteins, and drugs, to patients more efficiently. Nanoscale delivery vehicles have proven to be useful for these applications; these vehicles may either be naturally produced or chemically synthesized. The physical properties of these nanomaterials must be characterized correctly using instrumentation that evaluates their size, morphology, and potential for agglomeration. These technologies represent a high-growth economic area that fosters entrepreneurship and innovation. Because of this innovative spirit, research and economic interest will continue to be focused on therapeutic delivery technologies

    Fluorescent and photo-oxidizing TimeSTAMP tags track protein fates in light and electron microscopy.

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    Protein synthesis is highly regulated throughout nervous system development, plasticity and regeneration. However, tracking the distributions of specific new protein species has not been possible in living neurons or at the ultrastructural level. Previously we created TimeSTAMP epitope tags, drug-controlled tags for immunohistochemical detection of specific new proteins synthesized at defined times. Here we extend TimeSTAMP to label new protein copies by fluorescence or photo-oxidation. Live microscopy of a fluorescent TimeSTAMP tag reveals that copies of the synaptic protein PSD95 are synthesized in response to local activation of growth factor and neurotransmitter receptors, and preferentially localize to stimulated synapses in rat neurons. Electron microscopy of a photo-oxidizing TimeSTAMP tag reveals new PSD95 at developing dendritic structures of immature neurons and at synapses in differentiated neurons. These results demonstrate the versatility of the TimeSTAMP approach for visualizing newly synthesized proteins in neurons

    Sizing nanomaterials in bio-fluids by cFRAP enables protein aggregation measurements and diagnosis of bio-barrier permeability

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    Sizing nanomaterials in complex biological fluids, such as blood, remains a great challenge in spite of its importance for a wide range of biomedical applications. In drug delivery, for instance, it is essential that aggregation of protein-based drugs is avoided as it may alter their efficacy or elicit immune responses. Similarly it is of interest to determine which size of molecules can pass through biological barriers in vivo to diagnose pathologies, such as sepsis. Here, we report on continuous fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (cFRAP) as a analytical method enabling size distribution measurements of nanomaterials (1-100 nm) in undiluted biological fluids. We demonstrate that cFRAP allows to measure protein aggregation in human serum and to determine the permeability of intestinal and vascular barriers in vivo. cFRAP is a new analytical technique that paves the way towards exciting new applications that benefit from nanomaterial sizing in bio-fluids

    Investigation of the marine compound spongistatin 1 links the inhibition of PKCα translocation to nonmitotic effects of tubulin antagonism in angiogenesis

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    The aims of the study were to meet the demand of new tubulin antagonists with fewer side effects by characterizing the antiangiogenic properties of the experimental compound spongistatin 1, and to elucidate nonmitotic mechanisms by which tubulin antagonists inhibit angiogenesis. Although tubulin-inhibiting drugs and their antiangiogenic properties have been investigated for a long time, surprisingly little is known about their underlying mechanisms of action. Antiangiogenic effects of spongistatin 1 were investigated in endothelial cells in vitro, including functional cell-based assays, live-cell imaging, and a kinome array, and in the mouse cornea pocket assay in vivo. Spongistatin 1 inhibited angiogenesis at nanomolar concentrations (IC50: cytotoxicity>50 nM, proliferation 100 pM, migration 1.0 nM, tube formation 1.0 nM, chemotaxis 1.0 nM, aortic ring sprouting 500 pM, neovascularization in vivo 10 μg/kg). Further, a kinome array and validating data showed that spongistatin 1 inhibits the phosphorylation activity of protein kinase Cα (PKCα), an essential kinase in angiogenesis, and its translocation to the membrane. Thus, we conclude that PKCα might be an important target for the antiangiogenic effects of tubulin antagonism. In addition, the data from the kinase array suggest that different tubulin antagonists might have individual intracellular actions.—Rothmeier, A. S., Ischenko, I., Joore, J., Garczarczyk, D., Fu¨rst, R., Bruns, C. J., Vollmar, A. M., Zahler, S. Investigation of the marine compound spongistatin 1 links the inhibition of PKCα translocation to nonmitotic effects of tubulin antagonism in angiogenesis

    Tumor detection and elimination by a targeted gallium corrole

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    Sulfonated gallium(III) corroles are intensely fluorescent macrocyclic compounds that spontaneously assemble with carrier proteins to undergo cell entry. We report in vivo imaging and therapeutic efficacy of a tumor-targeted corrole noncovalently assembled with a heregulin-modified protein directed at the human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER). Systemic delivery of this protein-corrole complex results in tumor accumulation, which can be visualized in vivo owing to intensely red corrole fluorescence. Targeted delivery in vivo leads to tumor cell death while normal tissue is spared. These findings contrast with the effects of doxorubicin, which can elicit cardiac damage during therapy and required direct intratumoral injection to yield similar levels of tumor shrinkage compared with the systemically delivered corrole. The targeted complex ablated tumors at >5 times a lower dose than untargeted systemic doxorubicin, and the corrole did not damage heart tissue. Complexes remained intact in serum and the carrier protein elicited no detectable immunogenicity. The sulfonated gallium(III) corrole functions both for tumor detection and intervention with safety and targeting advantages over standard chemotherapeutic agents