23,166 research outputs found

    The Two-fold Role of Observables in Classical and Quantum Kinematics

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    Observables have a dual nature in both classical and quantum kinematics: they are at the same time \emph{quantities}, allowing to separate states by means of their numerical values, and \emph{generators of transformations}, establishing relations between different states. In this work, we show how this two-fold role of observables constitutes a key feature in the conceptual analysis of classical and quantum kinematics, shedding a new light on the distinguishing feature of the quantum at the kinematical level. We first take a look at the algebraic description of both classical and quantum observables in terms of Jordan-Lie algebras and show how the two algebraic structures are the precise mathematical manifestation of the two-fold role of observables. Then, we turn to the geometric reformulation of quantum kinematics in terms of K\"ahler manifolds. A key achievement of this reformulation is to show that the two-fold role of observables is the constitutive ingredient defining what an observable is. Moreover, it points to the fact that, from the restricted point of view of the transformational role of observables, classical and quantum kinematics behave in exactly the same way. Finally, we present Landsman's general framework of Poisson spaces with transition probability, which highlights with unmatched clarity that the crucial difference between the two kinematics lies in the way the two roles of observables are related to each other.Comment: Corrected typos; revised final arguments of section 2.2 and added a figure at the end of this sectio

    Model theoretic reformulation of the Baum-Connes and Farrell-Jones conjectures

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    The Isomorphism Conjectures are translated into the language of homotopical algebra, where they resemble Thomason's descent theorems.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum logic and decohering histories

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    An introduction is given to an algebraic formulation and generalisation of the consistent histories approach to quantum theory. The main technical tool in this theory is an orthoalgebra of history propositions that serves as a generalised temporal analogue of the lattice of propositions of standard quantum logic. Particular emphasis is placed on those cases in which the history propositions can be represented by projection operators in a Hilbert space, and on the associated concept of a `history group'.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX; Writeup of lecture given at conference ``Theories of fundamental interactions'', Maynooth Eire 24--26 May 1995

    Vertex operator algebras and operads

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    Vertex operator algebras are mathematically rigorous objects corresponding to chiral algebras in conformal field theory. Operads are mathematical devices to describe operations, that is, nn-ary operations for all nn greater than or equal to 00, not just binary products. In this paper, a reformulation of the notion of vertex operator algebra in terms of operads is presented. This reformulation shows that the rich geometric structure revealed in the study of conformal field theory and the rich algebraic structure of the theory of vertex operator algebras share a precise common foundation in basic operations associated with a certain kind of (two-dimensional) ``complex'' geometric object, in the sense in which classical algebraic structures (groups, algebras, Lie algebras and the like) are always implicitly based on (one-dimensional) ``real'' geometric objects. In effect, the standard analogy between point-particle theory and string theory is being shown to manifest itself at a more fundamental mathematical level.Comment: 16 pages. Only the definitions of "partial operad" and of "rescaling group" have been improve

    On Large Games with a Bio-Social Typology

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    We present a comprehensive theory of large non-anonymous games in which agents have a name and a determinate social-type and/or biological trait to resolve the dissonance of a (matching-pennies type) game with an exact pure-strategy Nash equilibrium with finite agents, but without one when modeled on the Lebesgue unit interval. We (i) establish saturated player spaces as both necessary and sufficient for an existence result for Nash equilibrium in pure strategies, (ii) clarify the relationship between pure, mixed and behavioral strategies via the exact law of large numbers in a framework of Fubini extension, (iii) illustrate corresponding asymptotic results.

    Culture and Cognitive Theory: Toward a Reformulation

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    In a provocative and important recent article Anthony Marsella (1998) makes an eloquent plea for the forging of a new metadiscipline of psychology that he labels global-community psychology. Marsella argues that we need a radical rethinking of the fundamental premises of psychology, rooted as they are in Western cultural traditions. Features of an emergent global-community psychology include an emphasis on multicultural and multidisciplinary approaches to human behavior that draw attention to the importance of context and meaning in human lives. Marsella's call for a global-community psychology reflects, in part, a growing body of literature that demonstrates the importance of cultural factors in a diver-sity of psychological domains such as cognition, emotion, social behavior, and psychopathology

    Three-Hilbert-Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics

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    In paper [Znojil M., Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008), 085003, 5 pages, arXiv:0809.2874] the two-Hilbert-space (2HS, a.k.a. cryptohermitian) formulation of Quantum Mechanics has been revisited. In the present continuation of this study (with the spaces in question denoted as H(auxiliary){\cal H}^{\rm (auxiliary)} and H(standard){\cal H}^{\rm (standard)}) we spot a weak point of the 2HS formalism which lies in the double role played by H(auxiliary){\cal H}^{\rm (auxiliary)}. As long as this confluence of roles may (and did!) lead to confusion in the literature, we propose an amended, three-Hilbert-space (3HS) reformulation of the same theory. As a byproduct of our analysis of the formalism we offer an amendment of the Dirac's bra-ket notation and we also show how its use clarifies the concept of covariance in time-dependent cases. Via an elementary example we finally explain why in certain quantum systems the generator H(gen)H_{\rm (gen)} of the time-evolution of the wave functions may differ from their Hamiltonian HH