6,542 research outputs found

    Reforming ICT graduate programs to meet professional needs

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    A cross-analysis of EU masters’ programs and professional profiles in information and communication technology reveals deficiencies in many areas. Reform initiatives are already addressing some of these deficiencies, but work remainsMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia EA2008-004

    Promoting Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Cultivation in Cameroon Higher Education: Significance, Challenges and Opportunities

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    Many African countries are involved in the implementation of numerous strategic programs to achieve national emergence and development. These efforts are encountering many difficulties, especially in terms of the availability of higher-skilled human resources. Cameroon, a Sub-Saharan African country, is not an exception to this situation in this group of countries. Cameroon is making tremendous development-related efforts but the shortage of an innovative workforce is superseding its social and economic growth. One of the core missions assigned to the country's higher education is to produce innovative and entrepreneurial individuals that are valuable assets to the effective development of the country. Based on available research and information, this study focuses on the issue of talent cultivation in Cameroon higher education. It investigates the significance of promoting the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the country's higher education. It further identifies the core challenges faced by the Cameroonian higher education concerning innovative and entrepreneurial talent cultivation. Lastly, it recommends some relevant strategies that involve boosting the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the country's higher education. Keywords: talent cultivation, innovative and entrepreneurial talents, higher education, Cameroon DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-35-08 Publication date: December 31st 202

    European Union Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness Support Policy for Businesses

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    To a great extent, growth in entrepreneurship and innovativeness as significant factors in the economic development of Europe and Poland is dependent on the elimination of administrative barriers for companies and the introduction of the facilitating of information and communication (ICT) as needed for them to function.Wzrost przedsiębiorczości i innowacyjności jako istotnych czynników rozwoju gospodarczego w Europie i w Polsce zależą w dużym stopniu od znoszenia barier administracyjnych dla przedsiębiorstw i wprowadzania ułatwień informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ICT) dla ich funkcjonowania

    Інтеграція ІТ-освіти України в Європейський освітній простір.

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    A systematic approach to determining the requirements of the IT industry for the Master’s degree of Information Systems, a systematic analysis of the European framework of ICT competencies and the MSIS2016 international standard competencies for the development of a competency paradigm of IT education and methods for processing statistical information to analysis the results of the employer’s survey were applied. The scientific novelty is the methodology of development of an educational program for Master’s in Information Systems based on systematization of the IT industry requirements regarding competencies of graduates and statistical analysis of the results of the employer’s survey. Approbation of the research results within the framework of Erasmus+ MASTIS project of the European Union program during pilot implementation of the educational program of Master in Information Systems at six Ukrainian universities gave positive results.Системний підхід до визначення вимог ІТ- галузі до магістрів з інформаційних систем, аналіз European ICT Competence Frameworks та міжнародного стандарту компетенції MSIS2016 для розробки компетентностної парадигми ІТ-освіти та методів обробки результатів опитування роботодавця. Науковий новизною є методика розробки освітньої програми для магістрів з інформаційних систем, яка базується на вимогах роботодавців щодо компетентностей випускників та результатів аналізу опитування роботодавця. Апробація розробленої програми, яка вібдувалась у в шести українських університетах в межах проекту Erasmus + MASTIS програми Європейського Союзу дала позитивні результати

    Challenges of Building a Knowledge Based Economy in Croatia

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the essential nature of knowledge-based economy and to examine the current position of Croatian economy in the process of establishing sufficient conditions for transition to it. Particular attention is given to the production, transmission and transfer of knowledge and information and communication technology (ICT) in Croatia which determine the pace, direction and success of creating a knowledge-based economy. The paper concludes with the policy suggestions how to narrow the gap between Croatia and developed nations relying on the knowledge and ICT as two essential and interrelated core elements of any strategy aiming to build a knowledge-based economy.knowledge-based economy, knowledge, information and communication technology, Croatia

    Reforming the Doctorate in the Social Sciences : a report on good practice

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationThis report responds to the changing nature of doctoral education and the need to engage in a reflection andreform process, especially during times of economic downturn when public university funding comes under increasing threat. It is based on a project that was initiated by the European University Institute (EUI) in late 2015 to provide a neutral forum for discussion. A distinguished Task Force of eminent professors from across Europe carried out the mandate to identify 'good practice' in doctoral education. As general discussions on the doctorate tend to pay main attention to medicine and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects, this project was to focus specifically on doctoral education in the social sciences (broadly understood). This focus also distinguishes the present project from much important work that has been done by the European University Association (EUA), the largest representative body of higher education at a European level which seeks to promote European policies, networking opportunities, and the visibility of European universities more generally. The compilation of good practice in the present report has no regulatory function, as it was assessed and collected by active academics and not policymakers; but it is expected to be of use as a first necessary mapping of good practice in doctoral education in social sciences


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    Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Squaring the circle: a new alternative to alternative-assessment

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    Many quality assurance systems rely on high-stakes assessment for course certification. Such methods are not as objective as they might appear; they can have detrimental effects on student motivation and may lack relevance to the needs of degree courses increasingly oriented to vocational utility. Alternative assessment methods can show greater formative and motivational value for students but are not well suited to the demands of course certification. The widespread use of virtual learning environments and electronic portfolios generates substantial learner activity data to enable new ways of monitoring and assessing students through Learning Analytics. These emerging practices have the potential to square the circle by generating objective, summative reports for course certification while at the same time providing formative assessment to personalise the student experience. This paper introduces conceptual models of assessment to explore how traditional reliance on numbers and grades might be displaced by new forms of evidence-intensive student profiling and engagement