7 research outputs found

    Reflections on Tiles (in Self-Assembly)

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    We define the Reflexive Tile Assembly Model (RTAM), which is obtained from the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) by allowing tiles to reflect across their horizontal and/or vertical axes. We show that the class of directed temperature-1 RTAM systems is not computationally universal, which is conjectured but unproven for the aTAM, and like the aTAM, the RTAM is computationally universal at temperature 2. We then show that at temperature 1, when starting from a single tile seed, the RTAM is capable of assembling n x n squares for n odd using only n tile types, but incapable of assembling n x n squares for n even. Moreover, we show that n is a lower bound on the number of tile types needed to assemble n x n squares for n odd in the temperature-1 RTAM. The conjectured lower bound for temperature-1 aTAM systems is 2n-1. Finally, we give preliminary results toward the classification of which finite connected shapes in Z^2 can be assembled (strictly or weakly) by a singly seeded (i.e. seed of size 1) RTAM system, including a complete classification of which finite connected shapes be strictly assembled by a "mismatch-free" singly seeded RTAM system.Comment: New results which classify the types of shapes which can self-assemble in the RTAM have been adde

    Self-Assembly of 4-sided Fractals in the Two-handed Tile Assembly Model

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    We consider the self-assembly of fractals in one of the most well-studied models of tile based self-assembling systems known as the Two-handed Tile Assembly Model (2HAM). In particular, we focus our attention on a class of fractals called discrete self-similar fractals (a class of fractals that includes the discrete Sierpi\'nski carpet). We present a 2HAM system that finitely self-assembles the discrete Sierpi\'nski carpet with scale factor 1. Moreover, the 2HAM system that we give lends itself to being generalized and we describe how this system can be modified to obtain a 2HAM system that finitely self-assembles one of any fractal from an infinite set of fractals which we call 4-sided fractals. The 2HAM systems we give in this paper are the first examples of systems that finitely self-assemble discrete self-similar fractals at scale factor 1 in a purely growth model of self-assembly. Finally, we show that there exists a 3-sided fractal (which is not a tree fractal) that cannot be finitely self-assembled by any 2HAM system

    Self-Replication via Tile Self-Assembly (Extended Abstract)

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    In this paper we present a model containing modifications to the Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM), a tile-based self-assembly model whose tiles are capable of activating and deactivating glues based on the binding of other glues. These modifications consist of an extension to 3D, the ability of tiles to form "flexible" bonds that allow bound tiles to rotate relative to each other, and allowing tiles of multiple shapes within the same system. We call this new model the STAM*, and we present a series of constructions within it that are capable of self-replicating behavior. Namely, the input seed assemblies to our STAM* systems can encode either "genomes" specifying the instructions for building a target shape, or can be copies of the target shape with instructions built in. A universal tile set exists for any target shape (at scale factor 2), and from a genome assembly creates infinite copies of the genome as well as the target shape. An input target structure, on the other hand, can be "deconstructed" by the universal tile set to form a genome encoding it, which will then replicate and also initiate the growth of copies of assemblies of the target shape. Since the lengths of the genomes for these constructions are proportional to the number of points in the target shape, we also present a replicator which utilizes hierarchical self-assembly to greatly reduce the size of the genomes required. The main goals of this work are to examine minimal requirements of self-assembling systems capable of self-replicating behavior, with the aim of better understanding self-replication in nature as well as understanding the complexity of mimicking it

    Annual Report, 2015-2016

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    Annual Report, 2017-2018

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    Self-Assembly of Tiles: Theoretical Models, the Power of Signals, and Local Computing

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    DNA-based self-assembly is an autonomous process whereby a disordered system of DNA sequences forms an organized structure or pattern as a consequence of Watson-Crick complementarity of DNA sequences, without external direction. Here, we propose self-assembly (SA) hypergraph automata as an automata-theoretic model for patterned self-assembly. We investigate the computational power of SA-hypergraph automata and show that for every recognizable picture language, there exists an SA-hypergraph automaton that accepts this language. Conversely, we prove that for any restricted SA-hypergraph automaton, there exists a Wang Tile System, a model for recognizable picture languages, that accepts the same language. Moreover, we investigate the computational power of some variants of the Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM), as well as propose the concept of {\it Smart Tiles}, i.e., tiles with glues that can be activated or deactivated by signals, and which possess a limited amount of local computing capability. We demonstrate the potential of smart tiles to perform some robotic tasks such as replicating complex shapes

    Simulation in Algorithmic Self-assembly

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    Winfree introduced a model of self-assembling systems called the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) where square tiles with glues on their edges attach spontaneously via matching glues to form complex structures. A generalization of the aTAM called the 2HAM (two-handed aTAM) not only allows for single tiles to bind, but also for supertile assemblies consisting of any number of tiles to attach. We consider a variety of models based on either the aTAM or the 2HAM. The underlying commonality of the work presented here is simulation. We introduce the polyTAM, where a tile system consists of a collection of polyomino tiles, and show that for any polyomino P of size greater than or equal to 3 and any Turing machine M , there exists a temperature-1 polyTAM system containing only shape-P tiles that simulates M . We introduce the RTAM (Reflexive Tile Assembly Model) that works like the aTAM except that tiles can nondeterministically flip prior to binding. We show that the temperature-1 RTAM cannot simulate a Turing machine by showing the much stronger result that the RTAM can only self-assemble periodic patterns. We then define notions of simulation which serve as relations between two tile assembly systems (possibly belonging to different models). Using simulation as a basis of comparison, we first show that cellular automata and the class of all tile assembly systems in the aTAM are equivalent. Next, we introduce the Dupled aTAM (DaTAM) and show that the temperature-2 aTAM and the temperature-1 DaTAM are mutually exclusive by showing that there is an aTAM system that cannot be simulated by any DaTAM system, and vice versa. Third, we consider the restricted glues Tile Assembly Model (rgTAM) and show that there is an aTAM system that cannot be simulated by any rgTAM system. We introduce the Dupled restricted glues Tile Assembly Model (DrgTAM), and show that the DrgTAM is intrinsically universal for the aTAM. Finally, we consider a variation of the Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM) called the STAM+ and show that the STAM+ is intrinsically universal and that the 3-D 2HAM is intrinsically universal for the STAM+