70,188 research outputs found

    Deep Reflectance Maps

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    Undoing the image formation process and therefore decomposing appearance into its intrinsic properties is a challenging task due to the under-constraint nature of this inverse problem. While significant progress has been made on inferring shape, materials and illumination from images only, progress in an unconstrained setting is still limited. We propose a convolutional neural architecture to estimate reflectance maps of specular materials in natural lighting conditions. We achieve this in an end-to-end learning formulation that directly predicts a reflectance map from the image itself. We show how to improve estimates by facilitating additional supervision in an indirect scheme that first predicts surface orientation and afterwards predicts the reflectance map by a learning-based sparse data interpolation. In order to analyze performance on this difficult task, we propose a new challenge of Specular MAterials on SHapes with complex IllumiNation (SMASHINg) using both synthetic and real images. Furthermore, we show the application of our method to a range of image-based editing tasks on real images.Comment: project page: http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~krematas/DRM

    Photometric Depth Super-Resolution

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    This study explores the use of photometric techniques (shape-from-shading and uncalibrated photometric stereo) for upsampling the low-resolution depth map from an RGB-D sensor to the higher resolution of the companion RGB image. A single-shot variational approach is first put forward, which is effective as long as the target's reflectance is piecewise-constant. It is then shown that this dependency upon a specific reflectance model can be relaxed by focusing on a specific class of objects (e.g., faces), and delegate reflectance estimation to a deep neural network. A multi-shot strategy based on randomly varying lighting conditions is eventually discussed. It requires no training or prior on the reflectance, yet this comes at the price of a dedicated acquisition setup. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on synthetic and real-world scenarios.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), 2019. First three authors contribute equall

    DeLight-Net: Decomposing Reflectance Maps into Specular Materials and Natural Illumination

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    In this paper we are extracting surface reflectance and natural environmental illumination from a reflectance map, i.e. from a single 2D image of a sphere of one material under one illumination. This is a notoriously difficult problem, yet key to various re-rendering applications. With the recent advances in estimating reflectance maps from 2D images their further decomposition has become increasingly relevant. To this end, we propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture to reconstruct both material parameters (i.e. Phong) as well as illumination (i.e. high-resolution spherical illumination maps), that is solely trained on synthetic data. We demonstrate that decomposition of synthetic as well as real photographs of reflectance maps, both in High Dynamic Range (HDR), and, for the first time, on Low Dynamic Range (LDR) as well. Results are compared to previous approaches quantitatively as well as qualitatively in terms of re-renderings where illumination, material, view or shape are changed.Comment: Stamatios Georgoulis and Konstantinos Rematas contributed equally to this wor

    Terrain analysis using radar shape-from-shading

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    This paper develops a maximum a posteriori (MAP) probability estimation framework for shape-from-shading (SFS) from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. The aim is to use this method to reconstruct surface topography from a single radar image of relatively complex terrain. Our MAP framework makes explicit how the recovery of local surface orientation depends on the whereabouts of terrain edge features and the available radar reflectance information. To apply the resulting process to real world radar data, we require probabilistic models for the appearance of terrain features and the relationship between the orientation of surface normals and the radar reflectance. We show that the SAR data can be modeled using a Rayleigh-Bessel distribution and use this distribution to develop a maximum likelihood algorithm for detecting and labeling terrain edge features. Moreover, we show how robust statistics can be used to estimate the characteristic parameters of this distribution. We also develop an empirical model for the SAR reflectance function. Using the reflectance model, we perform Lambertian correction so that a conventional SFS algorithm can be applied to the radar data. The initial surface normal direction is constrained to point in the direction of the nearest ridge or ravine feature. Each surface normal must fall within a conical envelope whose axis is in the direction of the radar illuminant. The extent of the envelope depends on the corrected radar reflectance and the variance of the radar signal statistics. We explore various ways of smoothing the field of surface normals using robust statistics. Finally, we show how to reconstruct the terrain surface from the smoothed field of surface normal vectors. The proposed algorithm is applied to various SAR data sets containing relatively complex terrain structure

    Using electronic structure changes to map the H-T phase diagram of alpha'-NaV2O5

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    We report polarized optical reflectance studies of \alpha'-NaV2O5 as a function of temperature (4-45 K) and magnetic field (0-60 T). Rung directed electronic structure changes, as measured by near-infrared reflectance ratios \Delta R(H)=R(H)/R(H=0 T), are especially sensitive to the phase boundaries. We employ these changes to map out an H-T phase diagram. Topological highlights include the observation of two phase boundaries slightly below T_{SG}, enhanced curvature of the 34 K phase boundary above 35 T, and, surprisingly, strong hysteresis effects of both transitions with applied field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, PRB accepte

    Variational Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo under General Lighting

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    Photometric stereo (PS) techniques nowadays remain constrained to an ideal laboratory setup where modeling and calibration of lighting is amenable. To eliminate such restrictions, we propose an efficient principled variational approach to uncalibrated PS under general illumination. To this end, the Lambertian reflectance model is approximated through a spherical harmonic expansion, which preserves the spatial invariance of the lighting. The joint recovery of shape, reflectance and illumination is then formulated as a single variational problem. There the shape estimation is carried out directly in terms of the underlying perspective depth map, thus implicitly ensuring integrability and bypassing the need for a subsequent normal integration. To tackle the resulting nonconvex problem numerically, we undertake a two-phase procedure to initialize a balloon-like perspective depth map, followed by a "lagged" block coordinate descent scheme. The experiments validate efficiency and robustness of this approach. Across a variety of evaluations, we are able to reduce the mean angular error consistently by a factor of 2-3 compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: Haefner and Ye contributed equall

    The GNSS-R Eddy Experiment II: L-band and Optical Speculometry for Directional Sea-Roughness Retrieval from Low Altitude Aircraft

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    We report on the retrieval of directional sea-roughness (the full directional mean square slope, including MSS, direction and isotropy) through inversion of Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R) and SOlar REflectance Speculometry (SORES)data collected during an experimental flight at 1000 m. The emphasis is on the utilization of the entire Delay-Doppler Map (for GNSS-R) or Tilt Azimuth Map (for SORES) in order to infer these directional parameters. Obtained estimations are analyzed and compared to Jason-1 measurements and the ECMWF numerical weather model.Comment: Proceedings from the 2003 Workshop on Oceanography with GNSS Reflections, Barcelona, Spain, 200

    STAR: A Structure and Texture Aware Retinex Model

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    © 2020 IEEE. Retinex theory is developed mainly to decompose an image into the illumination and reflectance components by analyzing local image derivatives. In this theory, larger derivatives are attributed to the changes in reflectance, while smaller derivatives are emerged in the smooth illumination. In this paper, we utilize exponentiated local derivatives (with an exponent γ ) of an observed image to generate its structure map and texture map. The structure map is produced by been amplified with γ \u3e 1, while the texture map is generated by been shrank with γ \u3c 1. To this end, we design exponential filters for the local derivatives, and present their capability on extracting accurate structure and texture maps, influenced by the choices of exponents γ. The extracted structure and texture maps are employed to regularize the illumination and reflectance components in Retinex decomposition. A novel Structure and Texture Aware Retinex (STAR) model is further proposed for illumination and reflectance decomposition of a single image. We solve the STAR model by an alternating optimization algorithm. Each sub-problem is transformed into a vectorized least squares regression, with closed-form solutions. Comprehensive experiments on commonly tested datasets demonstrate that, the proposed STAR model produce better quantitative and qualitative performance than previous competing methods, on illumination and reflectance decomposition, low-light image enhancement, and color correction. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/csjunxu/STAR
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