11 research outputs found

    Algorithms and lower bounds in finite automata size complexity

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-99).In this thesis we investigate the relative succinctness of several types of finite automata, focusing mainly on the following four basic models: one-way deterministic (1)FAs), one-way nondeterministic (1NFAs), two-way deterministic (2DFAS), and two-way nondeterministic (2NFAS). First, we establish the exact values of the trade-offs for all conversions from two-way to one-way automata. Specifically, we prove that the functions ... return the exact values of the trade-offs from 2DFAS to 1DFAS, from 2NFAS to 1DFAs, and from 2DFAs or 2NFAS to 1NFAs, respectively. Second, we examine the question whether the trade-offs from NFAs or 2NFAS to 2DiFAs are polynomial or not. We prove two theorems for liveness, the complete problem for the conversion from 1NFAS to 2DFAS. We first focus on moles, a restricted class of 2NFAs that includes the polynomially large 1NFAS which solve liveness. We prove that, in contrast, 2DFA moles cannot solve liveness, irrespective of size.(cont.) We then focus on sweeping 2NFAS, which can change the direction of their input head only on the end-markers. We prove that all sweeping 2NFAs solving the complement of liveness are of exponential size. A simple modification of this argument also proves that the trade-off from 2DFAS to sweeping 2NFAS is exponential. Finally, we examine conversions between two-way automata with more than one head-like devices (e.g., heads, linearly bounded counters, pebbles). We prove that, if the automata of some type A have enough resources to (i) solve problems that no automaton of some other type B can solve, and (ii) simulate any unary 2DFA that has additional access to a linearly-bounded counter, then the trade-off from automata of type A to automata of type B admits no recursive upper bound.by Christos Kapoutsis.Ph.D

    On the membership problem for pattern languages and related topics

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    In this thesis, we investigate the complexity of the membership problem for pattern languages. A pattern is a string over the union of the alphabets A and X, where X := {x_1, x_2, x_3, ...} is a countable set of variables and A is a finite alphabet containing terminals (e.g., A := {a, b, c, d}). Every pattern, e.g., p := x_1 x_2 a b x_2 b x_1 c x_2, describes a pattern language, i.e., the set of all words that can be obtained by uniformly substituting the variables in the pattern by arbitrary strings over A. Hence, u := cacaaabaabcaccaa is a word of the pattern language of p, since substituting cac for x_1 and aa for x_2 yields u. On the other hand, there is no way to obtain the word u' := bbbababbacaaba by substituting the occurrences of x_1 and x_2 in p by words over A. The problem to decide for a given pattern q and a given word w whether or not w is in the pattern language of q is called the membership problem for pattern languages. Consequently, (p, u) is a positive instance and (p, u') is a negative instance of the membership problem for pattern languages. For the unrestricted case, i.e., for arbitrary patterns and words, the membership problem is NP-complete. In this thesis, we identify classes of patterns for which the membership problem can be solved efficiently. Our first main result in this regard is that the variable distance, i.e., the maximum number of different variables that separate two consecutive occurrences of the same variable, substantially contributes to the complexity of the membership problem for pattern languages. More precisely, for every class of patterns with a bounded variable distance the membership problem can be solved efficiently. The second main result is that the same holds for every class of patterns with a bounded scope coincidence degree, where the scope coincidence degree is the maximum number of intervals that cover a common position in the pattern, where each interval is given by the leftmost and rightmost occurrence of a variable in the pattern. The proof of our first main result is based on automata theory. More precisely, we introduce a new automata model that is used as an algorithmic framework in order to show that the membership problem for pattern languages can be solved in time that is exponential only in the variable distance of the corresponding pattern. We then take a closer look at this automata model and subject it to a sound theoretical analysis. The second main result is obtained in a completely different way. We encode patterns and words as relational structures and we then reduce the membership problem for pattern languages to the homomorphism problem of relational structures, which allows us to exploit the concept of the treewidth. This approach turns out be successful, and we show that it has potential to identify further classes of patterns with a polynomial time membership problem. Furthermore, we take a closer look at two aspects of pattern languages that are indirectly related to the membership problem. Firstly, we investigate the phenomenon that patterns can describe regular or context-free languages in an unexpected way, which implies that their membership problem can be solved efficiently. In this regard, we present several sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for the regularity and context-freeness of pattern languages. Secondly, we compare pattern languages with languages given by so-called extended regular expressions with backreferences (REGEX). The membership problem for REGEX languages is very important in practice and since REGEX are similar to pattern languages, it might be possible to improve algorithms for the membership problem for REGEX languages by investigating their relationship to patterns. In this regard, we investigate how patterns can be extended in order to describe large classes of REGEX languages

    Proceedings of JAC 2010. Journées Automates Cellulaires

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    The second Symposium on Cellular Automata “Journ´ees Automates Cellulaires” (JAC 2010) took place in Turku, Finland, on December 15-17, 2010. The first two conference days were held in the Educarium building of the University of Turku, while the talks of the third day were given onboard passenger ferry boats in the beautiful Turku archipelago, along the route Turku–Mariehamn–Turku. The conference was organized by FUNDIM, the Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics research center at the mathematics department of the University of Turku. The program of the conference included 17 submitted papers that were selected by the international program committee, based on three peer reviews of each paper. These papers form the core of these proceedings. I want to thank the members of the program committee and the external referees for the excellent work that have done in choosing the papers to be presented in the conference. In addition to the submitted papers, the program of JAC 2010 included four distinguished invited speakers: Michel Coornaert (Universit´e de Strasbourg, France), Bruno Durand (Universit´e de Provence, Marseille, France), Dora Giammarresi (Universit` a di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy) and Martin Kutrib (Universit¨at Gie_en, Germany). I sincerely thank the invited speakers for accepting our invitation to come and give a plenary talk in the conference. The invited talk by Bruno Durand was eventually given by his co-author Alexander Shen, and I thank him for accepting to make the presentation with a short notice. Abstracts or extended abstracts of the invited presentations appear in the first part of this volume. The program also included several informal presentations describing very recent developments and ongoing research projects. I wish to thank all the speakers for their contribution to the success of the symposium. I also would like to thank the sponsors and our collaborators: the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, the French National Research Agency project EMC (ANR-09-BLAN-0164), Turku Centre for Computer Science, the University of Turku, and Centro Hotel. Finally, I sincerely thank the members of the local organizing committee for making the conference possible. These proceedings are published both in an electronic format and in print. The electronic proceedings are available on the electronic repository HAL, managed by several French research agencies. The printed version is published in the general publications series of TUCS, Turku Centre for Computer Science. We thank both HAL and TUCS for accepting to publish the proceedings.Siirretty Doriast

    Beyond Logic. Proceedings of the Conference held in Cerisy-la-Salle, 22-27 May 2017

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    The project "Beyond Logic" is devoted to what hypothetical reasoning is all about when we go beyond the realm of "pure" logic into the world where logic is applied. As such extralogical areas we have chosen philosophy of science as an application within philosophy, informatics as an application within the formal sciences, and law as an application within the field of social interaction. The aim of the conference was to allow philosophers, logicians and computer scientists to present their work in connection with these three areas. The conference took place 22-27 May, 2017 in Cerisy-la-Salle at the Centre Culturel International de Cerisy. The proceedings collect abstracts, slides and papers of the presentations given, as well as a contribution from a speaker who was unable to attend

    Some representation learning tasks and the inspection of their models

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    Today, the field of machine learning knows a wide range of tasks with a wide range of supervision sources, ranging from the traditional classification tasks with neatly labeled data, over data with noisy labels to data with no labels, where we have to rely on other forms of supervision, like self-supervision. In the first part of this thesis, we design machine learning tasks for applications where we do not immediately have access to neatly-labeled training data. First, we design unsupervised representation learning tasks for training embedding models for mathematical expression that allow retrieval of related formulae. We train convolutional neural networks, transformer models and graph neural networks to embed formulas from scientific articles into a real-valued vector space using contextual similarity tasks as well as self-supervised tasks. We base our studies on a novel dataset that consists of over 28 million formulae that we have extracted from scientific articles published on arXiv.org. We represent the formulas in different input formats — images, sequences or trees — depending on the embedding model. We compile an evaluation dataset with annotated search queries from several different disciplines and showcase the usefulness of our approach for deploying a search engine for mathematical expressions. Second, we investigate machine learning tasks in astrophysics. Prediction models are currently trained on simulated data, with hand-crafted features and using multiple singletask models. In contrast, we build a single multi-task convolutional neural network that works directly on telescope images and uses convolution layers to learn suitable feature representations automatically. We design loss functions for each task and propose a novel way to combine the different loss functions to account for their different scales and behaviors. Next, we explore another form of supervision that does not rely on simulated training data, but learns from actual telescope recordings. Through the framework of noisy label learning, we propose an approach for learning gamma hadron classifiers that outperforms existing classifiers trained on simulated, fully-labeled data. Our method is general: it can be used for training models in scenarios that fit our noise assumption of class-conditional label noise with exactly one known noise probability. In the second part of this work, we develop methods to inspect models and gain trust into their decisions. We focus on large, non-linear models that can no longer be understood in their entirety through plain inspection of their trainable parameters. We investigate three approaches for establishing trust in models. First, we propose a method to highlight influential input nodes for similarity computations performed by graph neural networks. We test this approach with our embedding models for retrieval of related formulas and show that it can help understand the similarity scores computed by the models. Second, we investigate explanation methods that provide explanations based on the training process that produced the model. This way we provide explanations that are not merely an approximation of the computation of the prediction function, but actually an investigation into why the model learned to produce an output grounded in the actual data. We propose two different methods for tracking the training process and show how they can be easily implemented within existing deep learning frameworks. Third, we contribute a method to verify the adversarial robustness of random forest classifiers. Our method is based on knowledge distillation of a random forest model into a decision tree model. We bound the approximation error of using the decision tree as a proxy model to the given random forest model and use these bounds to provide guarantees on the adversarial robustness of the random forest. Consequently, our robustness guarantees are approximative, but we can provably control the quality of our results using a hyperparameter


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters