1,835 research outputs found

    Indexical Realism by Inter-Agentic Reference

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    I happen to believe that though human experiences are to be characterized as pluralistic they are all rooted in the one reality. I would assume the thesis of pluralism but how could I maintain my belief in the realism? There are various discussions in favor of realism but they appear to stay within a particular paradigm so to be called “internal realism”. In this paper I would try to justify my belief in the reality by discussing a special use of indexicals. I will argue for my indexical realism by advancing the thesis that indexicals can be used as an inter-agentic referential term. Three arguments for the thesis will be presented. The first argument derives from a revision of Kaplan-Kvart’s notion of exportation. Their notions of exportation of singular terms can be analyzed as intra-agentic exportation in the context of a single speaker and theirs may be revised so as to be an inter-agentic exportation in the context of two speakers who use the same indexicals. The second is an argument from the notion of causation which is specifically characterized in the context of inter-theoretic reference. I will argue that any two theories may each say “this” in order to refer what is beyond its own theory. Two theories address themselves to ‘this’ same thing though what ‘this’ represents in each theory turn out to be different objects all together. The third argument is an argument which is based on a possibility of natural reference. Reference is used to be taken mostly as a 3-place predicate: Abe refers an object oi with an expression ej. The traditional notion of reference is constructive and anthropocentric. But I would argue that natural reference is a reference that we humans come to recognize among denumerably many objects in natural states: at a moment mi in a natural state there is a referential relation among objects o1, o2, o3, . . , oj, o j+1, . . which interact to each other as agents of information processors. Natural reference is an original reference which is naturally given and to which humans are passive as we derivatively refer it by using ‘this’


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    Abstrak Diskusi kelas menuntut siswa untuk terlibat aktif sehingga diskusi kelas tersebut dapat berjalan baik. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi oleh para guru dalam melaksanakan diskusi kelas adalah bahwa siswa sering merasa enggan dan malu untuk memberikan kontribusi mereka selama diskusi kelas berlangsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan (1) fitur penuturan guru apa sajakah yang dapat memicu keterlibatan siswa dan (2) keterlibatan apasajakah yang dilakukan siswa selama diskusi kelas sebagai respon terhadap penuturan guru yang digunakan. Penlitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Peneliti menganalisis data secara kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah seorang guru bahasa Inggris dengan pengalaman mengajar selama lebih dari 7 (tujuh) tahun dan para siswa kelas XI MIA 8 di SMA Negeri 1 Gresik. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui kegiatan pengamatan dan wawancara. Peneliti menggunakan field note, rekaman video, dan panduan wawancara untuk membantu peneliti dalam memperoleh data. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru menggunakan 9 (sembilan) fitur penuturan guru untuk memicu keterlibatan siswa. Fitur-fitur tersebut adalah direct repair, display question, referential question, extended teacher turn, extended student turn, seeking clarification, confirmation check, teacher echo, and teacher interruption. Fitur-fitur tersebut dapat memberi kesempatan bagi siswa untuk terlibat langsung dalam diskusi kelas. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa siswa melakukan beberapa keterlibatan selama diskusi kelas sebagai respon terhadap usaha guru dalam memicu keterlibatan siswa. Keterlibatan-keterlibatan tersebut adalah menanyakan pertanyaan, menjawab pertanyaan, serta mengutarakan pendapat. Kata Kunci:Interaksi kelas, penuturan guru, SETT, keterlibatan siswa, diskusi Abstract Classroom discussion requires students to get involved actively so that the classroom discussion can go well. The problem that is often faced by the teacher in conducting classroom discussion is the fact that students are often reluctant and shy to give their contributions during the classroom discussion. This study is aimed to (1) describe the features of teacher talk the teacher used to lead student involvement and (2) what involvement students did during the classroom discussion as the response toward the teacher talk. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The researcher analyzed the data qualitatively. The subjects of the study are an English teacher with more-than-7-year-teaching-experience and eleventh graders at SMA Negeri 1 Gresik. The data were obtained through observation. The researcher used field note, video recording, and interview guide to help her obtain the data. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the teacher used 9 (nine) features of teacher talk to lead student involvement while conducting classroom discussions. Those features were direct repair, display question, referential question, extended teacher turn, extended student turn, seeking clarification, confirmation check, teacher echo, and teacher interruption. Those features were able to give chance to students to give their contributions in classroom discussion. This study also found that students did some contributions to respond the teacher’s attempt to lead their involvement. Those contributions were asking questions, answering questions, and sharing ideas. Keywords: Classroom interaction, teacher talk, SETT, student involvement, discussio

    The development of a theory of life-environment disruption to account for the phenomenon of premature morbidities and mortalities associated with a radical change in a person’s living environment

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    The thesis originates in an unresolved phenomenon associated with moving into a nursing home and concerns the reports of emotional distress, depression and increased risk of morbidity and mortality associated with the move; shedding-life is used to capture the broad character of this phenomenon. Shedding-life has been the subject of scientific inquiry for seventy years and yet the phenomenon is still not understood and, possibly because of this, there appears to be no generally accepted approaches to ameliorate this harm. This thesis inquiries into the genesis of shedding life and presents a theory to account for it. The failure of existing research to account for shedding-life indicated an alternative approach was required. As shedding-life arises in the context of a significant change in a person’s living-environment it was surmised that the phenomenon involves the relationship between the person and the changing environment in which they live. Based on this, the approach taken was to use the philosophical research of Martin Heidegger concerning the structural relationship between the person and their living environment, an approach not previously explored. Heidegger’s research, undertaken within the empiricist tradition, identifies and describes the structural processes by which the person is both constituted by its formative socio-cultural environment and bound to it as the locus and source of its ongoing existence. This means that who the individual human person becomes is both contingent and dependent upon the living environment into which it is born and raised, where the concept of living environment is understood in terms of possibilities for a meaningful life. On this account if a person’s access to their living environment is materially disrupted they are at risk of experiencing a decline in the meaningfulness of their existence. As this is a naturalistic account, founded on the biological processes of the body, the loss of an appropriate living environment is reflected in psychological distress which in turn is frequently manifested in bodily morbidities; this is the basis of shedding life, a structural rather than a psychological phenomenon. This contingent account of the person is in stark contrast to the materialist approach that posits the person as essentially the biological body, independent of its environment. The materialist view informs the design and running of nursing homes resulting in a significant disruption to a person’s life-environment contributing to rather than ameliorating shedding-life, as such nursing homes are iatrogenic, i.e. cause harm. Left unaddressed nursing home environments will continue to cause harm and fail to assist older people live a meaningful life in their remaining years. While the thesis commenced from a concern about nursing homes, the phenomenon of shedding-life is a much broader phenomenon. The Theory of Life- Environment Disruption, derived from the structure of being a person, provides an account of shedding-life by identifying the essential relationship between the person and their life-environment. The theory predicts that whenever there is a material disruption to a person’s life-environment they are at risk of shedding life and as such the theory has broad applicability for human affairs more generallyThesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, The Joanna Briggs Institute, 201

    'I Just Express My Views & Leave Them to Work': Olive Schreiner as a Feminist Protagonist in a Masculine Political Landscape with Figures

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    There are disturbances as well as regularities in the gender order, including challenges to and re-workings of conventional hierarchies. An example of such re-workings provides the focus of discussion: the political interventions of South African feminist writer and social theorist Olive Schreiner (18551920). Discussion of Schreiners letters to a number of important white political figures is organised around an epistemological question: can Schreiners political influencewithin the masculine political landscape of the Cape in the latenineteenth and early-twentieth centuries be convincingly demonstrated by concrete epistolary examples and compelling evidence? Discussed here regarding womens presence in a masculine political landscape, this epistemological question exercises historiography more generally: with what certainty can knowledgeclaims about the past be advanced? The ideas context in which these questions are explored is feminist historiography concerning gender and in particular separate spheres, which were particularly troubled and complex in the South African context. We argue that the performative dimensions of letter writing need to be encompassed within notions of influence and proof, rather than this being conceived as always lying outside the text: texts and words can have powerful effects, with the evidence in Schreiners case pointing strongly to her significant political influence. Chapters © 2013 The Authors. Book compilation © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Deconstructing Presence: Rethinking the Intentionality of the Subject on the Basis of the Existentiality of Dasein

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    Having begun from the assumption that our most fundamental way to relate to the world stems from an #I think# and that consciousness is at the center of this act, Edmund Husserl sets himself up for a very narrow and specialized view of human experience. In the end, such assumptions in the philosophical tradition and their terms often remain unquestioned and ingrained in a paradigm of discourse. My aim is to move beneath these assumptions-using Heidegger\u27s and Merleau-Ponty\u27s phenomenological work-so as to, first, explicitly undermine the scope of Husserlian intentionality at its foundation and, second, decenter the subject in contemporary phenomenological literature. An account of human experience in terms of inner intentional content, I argue, yields an incomplete and misleading picture of our human involvements and we must ultimately move beyond the subject and its logic. The way we are always already being-in-the-world and embodied in the phenomenal texture of everydayness leaves the cogito one step behind

    On Minds' Localization

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    A confluence of clues from a range of academic topics suggests that minds localization in nature consists of relativistically moving microphysical particles, whose motion is physiologically modulated. Here those clues are shown to imply that the localization of the operations of observers (minds or existentialities) in nature are the actions carriers of a force field, which action carriers are slightly slowed from near-c speed motion by electroneurobiological variations in brain physiology – thus gating through relativistic time dilation the observer’s time resolution and putting her or him in operative connection or disconnection with the cerebral representation of the surrounding occurrences. In this scenario, minds as well as sensory knowledge acquire a precise definition and appear situated in a particular point of causal sequences. Summary in general terms: Why were minds selected to turn accidents into opportunities, i. e., to progress toward biological goals through appropriate steps for which the instructions are nonetheless undefinable? Minds appear situated in certain force-carrying particles whose speed sets wakefulness or sleep. Through this force, observable by its influence on the evolutionary process, minds and bodies interact. Physical actions impinging on a mind generate in it physical reactions whose causal efficiency gets exhausted, so that the reactions cannot continue their causal series. In exchange, they become sensorially known. On them the mind then takes efficient initiatives – whereby minds acquire intellectual development – generating changes. The broken causal sequence seems to be what enables minds for their biological role. Summary in technical terms: Observers’ localization in nature might be relativistically moving particles whose motion is physiologically modulated. Transdisciplinary clues imply that speed variation is imposed onto some action carriers of a force field by their coupling with intensity variations of an overlapping field. The operations of observers (minds or existentialities) in nature seem localized in such actions carriers, slightly slowed from near-c speed motion by electroneurobiological variations – which thus gate the observer’s time resolution and put her or him in operative connection or disconnection with the surroundings. Thereby minds and sensory knowledge appear in a particular point of causal sequences. ---------------- Keywords: Piaget causality mental causation evolution volition free-will pleasure/pain awareness self-consciousness evolution attention genetic epistemology gnoseology philosophical anthropology cerebral biophysics brain- mind relationships cadacualtez cadacualtic cilia ciliary cellular cognition electroneurodynamics engram epistemology memory mind-brain mind definition memoria nervous system evolution neural networks neurobiology cognitive neuroscience neuropsychiatry noergy nous-poietikos ontology consciousness paleontology person philosophy Precambrian psychopathology psychology psychism psychiatry recall special-relativity semovience sleep-biophysics shock soul time perception interval transform ultrahistory schizophrenia Turing machines vegetative artificial-lif

    Autothanatos: The Martyr\u27s Self-Formation

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    Martyrdom is popularly understood as a selfless act, an act of self-sacrifice. In contrast, I argue that martyrdom is first an act of self-formation. To make this claim, I propose two theses. The first is that the most ubiquitous and yet, paradoxically, most overlooked difference of the martyr is the death. The second is that, in keeping with the qualitative difference of the death, martyrdom is a violent action. Connecting these two theses, I represent the martyr as autothanatos, one who enacts self-death. Autothanatos represents a move toward recognition of the martyr\u27s agency and of the ubiquity of death and violence, not only in the martyr\u27s actions, but in the discourse of those who remain. An aim of this study, through establishing the function of death and violence in the Western Christian tradition, is to minimize violence as a decisive factor in distinguishing religious traditions
