13,197 research outputs found

    Immigrant women’s entrepreneurship: is there a development model in Italy?

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    The aim of this paper is to verify if there is a typical enterprise model for the development of immigrant female entrepreneurship in Italy. Based on the literature on the subject, however, it is useful to ask the following research question: “can membership in a national and international network facilitate the development of immigrant female entrepreneurship operating in Italy”? The survey was carried out by submitting a questionnaire to a sample of immigrant women entrepreneurs in the textile and clothing sector based in Italy. The choice fell on this specific economic segment because it represents the third largest sector for the number of female immigrant entrepreneurs (2.271 units) which amounts to 16% of the total number of entrepreneurs operating in the same sector. The percentage of respondents was 35%, with 795 completed questionnaires. The structure of the questionnaire reflects the need to examine the personal features of female entrepreneurs, the organizational aspects and the style of leadership, the task environment in which the enterprise works and the main possible benefits, or obstacles, they might obtain, or face. In addition to the objective of enlarging the literature regarding the management and governance of businesses run by women entrepreneurs, that is quite limited to date, this paper is a contribution to the analysis of a possible development model of women entrepreneurs

    Clusterisation processes in the Hungarian automotive industry

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    The Importance of Benchmarking in the Innovative Activities of Tourism Enterprises: The Case Study of Lot S.A. Polish Airlines

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    The aim of this article is to identify the importance of benchmarking as a source of innovation in the activities of tourism enterprises through the case study of LOT S.A. Polish Airlines. To expand, the objective was to identify the departments within the company which used benchmarking as a stimulus to create a new or improve an existing offer. The subject was an airline belonging to Star Alliance and 27 employees from selected departments. The study used questionnaires and. with managers of selected departments only, open standardized interviews. Statistical inference methods, including a chi-square test, were applied to analyse the data. Although the introduction of benchmarking in the company’s structure allows for a quick escape route from a cycle of limitation in the company’s own culture and standard behaviour (and the acquisition of knowledge during the process gives rise to new and innovative ideas) the importance of this method in innovative activities did not result in any practical application. A lack of knowledge about benchmarking was noticeable, and an identification of this method with a simple competitive analysis resulted in failures in business activity as well as a lack of creativity in its application


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    On 1 May 2004, as a result of many years’ preparations, Poland became a member of the family of 25 countries of the United Europę. The Accession Act means that Poland’s space and Poland’s economy became opened on the European scale, including the global one. The open economy and space must become innovation space and economy, otherwise they will forfeit their independence within the competitive and dynamie surrounding, and will be dependent on others on many planes such as: economic, political, cultural and scientific. On the threshold of the new Millennium, it is the abilities of States and nations to create, popularize and make use of achievements of science and knowledge that have become the basie source of their development and rise in affluence. A condition and - at same time - manifestation of acąuisition of the capabilities is a high level of innovation activity undertaken in various domains of the economic and social life.The level of innovation of the Polish economy is generally estimated to be Iow. So is the level of innovation of the Polish industry, especially vital in making processes of development and modernization of the whole economy more  dynamie. The present paper aims at verifying such evaluations and essays to explain causes of this state of things, as well as to point to desired directions that induce innovation processes in Poland. It also makes use of ample literature of the subject and results of own research and publications of the Central Statistical Office

    Innovations in the development of socio-economic systems: microeconomic, macroeconomic and mesoeconomic levels. – Collective monograph. – Vol. 2. Lithuania: “Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2016. – 332 р.

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    The paper researches the state of economy clustering in the countries of the European Union. There are considered the legal and regulatory frameworks as well as informational regulations of the clustering processes in the European community. There is substantiated the urgency of the clustering issues along with the preeminence, the cluster participants are able to take advantage of. There is provided insight into the main EU organizations, indulged into the issues of clustering development. The Ukrainian experience in developing cluster initiatives as well as the state of their information support is analyzed. There are determined the factors, which negatively influence the information support to clustering processes in Ukraine. With the aim of improving the information support to clustering processes there are suggested measures, which include the improvement of legal and regulatory frameworks and information support to cluster economics

    National strategy of scientific research to 2020

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    Intermediate Institutions for Interactive Learning Processes in a Governance Perspective: the Case of Aeronautic Industry in Campania Region.

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    The present paper presents the results of the empirical analysis on fifteen enterprises and twenty no-industrial organizations involved at different level in the Aeronautical Cluster in the Campania Region. Information and data on the selected sample are colleted both by a study of the industrial sector, and also by suitable questionnaires and interviews, that the authors have submitted to the entrepreneurs and to the top managers of either the enterprises or the no-industrial organizations. The authors have focalized their study by applying the SWOT analysis on the following issues: • the cluster’s structure by analysing the relational skill developed by single actors of the cluster and by their impact on the innovation capacity of the enterprises; • the effectiveness of cluster’s governance strategies and how different actors actually participate to the local development processes of the aeronautical industrial sector. On these bases the authors wanted to deduce possible policy options for different kind of actors to optimize the cluster’s governance. Particularly they will describe in the present paper some indications to: 1) the SME’s that present strong relations with customers but low integration with large part of the others actors, i.e. with no-customers enterprises; 2) the large enterprises related to the industrial policies and to the suppliers' governance; 3) the policy makers at local level and the intermediate institutions for a better support of the local enterprises. In fact, the research results are based on the conscientious awareness that the analyzed sector is at a critical point, for which it is necessary that all the actors involved put together their efforts in order to steer and to direct the development process, both by identifying participative mechanisms at local level and also by strengthening those exogenous elements which are able to promote local development. Obviously only part of the criticisms can be solved at local and national level and some of them can be solved only partially. This observation opens the question of policy at the international level which can be determinate only with a more exhaustive integration into transnational networks. The research described in the present paper has been undertaken within the framework of the project: “IKINET – International Knowledge and Innovation Network†(EU FP6, N° CIT2-CT-2004-506242).

    Latvian national development plan 2007-2013

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    Towards food security and sustainable development through enhancing efficiency of grain industry

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    International audienceThe new situation of Kazakhstan's participation in the world grain market, which requires scientific generalization, is connected with the transformation of the country's trade turnover from interregional to interstate. In this connection, it is objectively necessary to scientifically and methodically substantiate the system of inter-branch cooperation between enterprises for the production and sale of grain and grain processing products in order to ensure stable provision of demand for them in the regions of the country with minimum costs and export it to foreign markets. The problem of increasing the efficiency of the use of grain requires a comprehensive reduction in its consumption across all consumption channels: on seeds, when processed into flour and cereals, for forage purposes. The paramount importance of effective inter-industry cooperation between grain sub-sector organizations is determined by the leading role of grain in the economy of the agro-industrial complex, food security, and the formation of state, interstate and interregional economic ties of the country. In the current situation, the stable functioning of the grain market should be carried out on the basis of a combination of market mechanisms with state regulation tools and targeted support of its subjects