18 research outputs found

    Refactoring proofs

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    Refactoring is an important Software Engineering technique for improving the structure of a program after it has been written. Refactorings improve the maintainability, readability, and design of a program without affecting its external behaviour. In analogy, this thesis introduces proof refactoring to make structured, semantics preserving changes to the proof documents constructed by interactive theorem provers as part of a formal proof development. In order to formally study proof refactoring, the first part of this thesis constructs a proof language framework, Hiscript. The Hiscript framework consists of a procedural tactic language, a declarative proof language, and a modular theory language. Each level of this framework is equipped with a formal semantics based on a hierarchical notion of proof trees. Furthermore, this framework is generic as it does not prescribe an underlying logical kernel. This part contributes an investigation of semantics for formal proof documents, which is proved to construct valid proofs. Moreover, in analogy with type-checking, static well-formedness checks of proof documents are separated from evaluation of the proof. Furthermore, a subset of the SSReflect language for Coq, called eSSence, is also encoded using hierarchical proofs. Both Hiscript and eSSence are shown to have language elements with a natural hierarchical representation. In the second part, proof refactoring is put on a formal footing with a definition using the Hiscript framework. Over thirty refactorings are formally specified and proved to preserve the semantics in a precise way for the Hiscript language, including traditional structural refactorings, such as rename item, and proof specific refactorings such as backwards proof to forwards proof and declarative to procedural. Finally, a concrete, generic refactoring framework, called Polar, is introduced. Polar is based on graph rewriting and has been implemented with over ten refactorings and for two proof languages, including Hiscript. Finally, the third part concludes with some wishes for the future

    Capturing Hiproofs in HOL Light

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    Hierarchical proof trees (hiproofs for short) add structure to ordinary proof trees, by allowing portions of trees to be hierarchically nested. The additional structure can be used to abstract away from details, or to label particular portions to explain their purpose. In this paper we present two complementary methods for capturing hiproofs in HOL Light, along with a tool to produce web-based visualisations. The first method uses tactic recording, by modifying tactics to record their arguments and construct a hierarchical tree; this allows a tactic proof script to be modified. The second method uses proof recording, which extends the HOL Light kernel to record hierachical proof trees alongside theorems. This method is less invasive, but requires care to manage the size of the recorded objects. We have implemented both methods, resulting in two systems: Tactician and HipCam

    Refactoring SASyLF Proofs

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    Refactoring is a common practice undertaken by software developers that is used to improve the quality of existing code. Originally done by hand, several automated refactorings have been introduced over the years, saving both time and effort expended by the developer. Proof engineering, on the other hand, is a more recent concept which has not advanced as quickly over the years, thus they do not have similar tools to be able to make similar changes automatically. Since proof assistants resemble programming languages in many regards, a similar practice may be applied.Thus, the main idea behind this thesis is introduced. The topic of refactoring is discussed, and how it can be applied to proof assistants as well as for programming languages. The framework of the proof assistant SASyLF is also introduced, including a description of its different components and its syntax. Additionally, some related work regarding proof refactoring is mentioned

    Proof Repair Infrastructure for Supervised Models: Building a Large Proof Repair Dataset

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    We report on our efforts building a new, large proof-repair dataset and benchmark suite for the Coq proof assistant. The dataset is made up of Git commits from open-source projects with old and new versions of definitions and proofs aligned across commits. Building this dataset has been a significant undertaking, highlighting a number of challenges and gaps in existing infrastructure. We discuss these challenges and gaps, and we provide recommendations for how the proof assistant community can address them. Our hope is to make it easier to build datasets and benchmark suites so that machine-learning tools for proofs will move to target the tasks that matter most and do so equitably across proof assistants

    Proving Correctness of a Chez Scheme Compiler Pass

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    We present a proof of correctness for a pass of the Chez Scheme compiler over a subset of the Scheme programming language. To improve trust in our proof approach, we provide two different validation frameworks. The first, created with the Coq proof assistant, is a partial mechanization of the proof, notably implementing a formal semantics for our subset of Scheme. This framework was designed to serve as a basis for the future work of a complete mechanization of our proof. The second framework uses an existing implementation of the Scheme semantics to demonstrate correctness of the pass on a variety of individual examples. We discuss our proof and frameworks in-depth, and give a historical background on compiler correctness proofs and their mechanization