4 research outputs found

    Refactoring Support for Modularity Maintenance in Erlang

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    Low coupling between modules and high cohesion inside each module are the key features of good software architecture. Systems written in modern programming languages generally start with some reasonably well-designed module structure; however with continuous feature additions, modifications and bug fixes, software modularity gradually deteriorates; and there is a need for incrementally improving modularity to avoid the situation when the structure of the system becomes too complex to maintain. We demonstrate how Wrangler, a general-purpose refactoring tool for Erlang, could be used to maintain and improve the modularity of programs written in Erlang without dramatically changing the existing module structure. We identify a set of ''modularity smells'' and show how they can be detected by Wrangler and removed by way of a variety of refactorings implemented in Wrangler. Validation of the approach and usefulness of the tool are demonstrated by case studies

    Model construction, evolution, and use in testing of software systems

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    The ubiquity of software places emphasis on the need for techniques that allow us to ensure that software behaves as we expect it to behave. The most widely-used approach to ensuring software quality is unit testing, but this is arguably not a very efficient solution, since each test only checks that the software behaves as expected in one single scenario. There exist more advanced techniques, like property-based testing, model-checking, and formal verification, but they usually rely on properties, models, and specifications. One source of friction faced by testers that want to use these advanced techniques is that they require the use of abstraction and, as humans, we tend to find it more difficult to think of abstract specifications than to think of concrete examples. In this thesis, we study how to make it easier to create models that can be used for testing software. In particular, we research the creation of reusable models, ways of automating the generalisation of code and models, and ways of automating the generation of models from legacy unit tests and execution traces. As a result, we provide techniques for generating tests from state machine models, techniques for inferring parametrised state machines from code, and refactorings that automate the introduction of abstraction for property-based testing models and code in general. All these techniques are illustrated with concrete examples and with open-source implementations that are publicly available