4,824 research outputs found

    Ecodesign and Energy Label for Household Dishwashers

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    European Commission launched in 2014 the revision of the ecodesign and energy-/resource label implementing measures for the product group 'household dishwashers (DW)'. The revision study follows the Commission’s Methodology for the Evaluation of Energy related Products (MEErP) and includes sections related to the scope and definition market analysis, analysis of user behaviour and system aspects, analysis of technologies, environmental and economics, design options and policy analysis and scenarios.This research was based on available scientific information and data, uses a life-cycle thinking approach, and has engaged stakeholder experts in order to discuss key issues, and to the extent possible reach consensus on the proposals The outcomes of this study provides policy makers with the evidence basis for assessing whether and how to revise the existing Regulations.JRC.B.5-Circular Economy and Industrial Leadershi

    Korea's energy standards&labeling

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    노트 : Performance Improvements during the First 19 years and a Vision for the Futur

    An investigation of the socio-economic, technical and appliance related factors affecting high electrical energy demand in UK homes

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    The amount of electricity used in individual UK homes varies considerably. Previous UK energy research has identified that high electricity consuming homes not only use more electricity, compared with others, but appear to be consuming even more electricity over time. Furthermore, there is additional evidence which shows that high consuming dwellings also have a greater potential to make energy savings than those who consume less. It has been suggested that future UK energy policy might focus on reducing the demand of high electricity consumers in order to reduce overall CO2 emissions. Therefore, understanding what drives high usage in domestic buildings is essential to support informed decisions. This thesis asserts that to improve knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting high electrical energy consumption in UK domestic buildings, it is necessary to combine an analysis of the occupants socio-economic characteristics, dwelling technical characteristics and appliance related aspects, with detailed monitoring of the ownership, power demand and occupants use of electrical appliances. Using a sample of 315 UK homes, the influence of socio-economic, technical and appliance related characteristics on the probability of a household being a high electrical energy consumer was investigated (Odds ratio analysis). Detailed appliance monitoring data was collected from 27 UK homes to establish the contributions of appliance ownership, power demand and use to high electrical energy demand (Appliance Electricity Use Survey). The current research found similar skewed electricity distributions towards high electricity consumers for both the 315 and 27 home cohorts. Conflicting results were however obtained from the two household samples with regard to whether high electricity consumers are increasing electrical energy demand over time. The results of the odds ratio analysis and Appliance Electricity Use Survey suggest that high electricity consumption in domestic buildings is related to a combination of the socio-economic characteristics of the building occupants, technical characteristics of the dwelling and the ownership, power demand and use of electrical appliances

    Ecodesign and Energy Label for Household Washing machines and washer dryers

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    The European Commission launched in 2014 the revision of the ecodesign and energy-/resource label implementing measures for the product group 'household washing machines and household washer dryers (WM-WD)'. The revision study follows the Commission’s Methodology for the Evaluation of Energy related Products (MEErP) consisting of: Scope definition, standard methods and legislation, Market analysis, Analysis of user behaviour and system aspects, Analysis of technologies, Environmental and economics, Design options and Policy analysis and scenarios The comprehensive analysis of the product group following the steps above will feed as research evidence basis into the revision of the existing Energy Label Regulation (EC) 1060/2010 and the Ecodesign Regulation (EC) 1015/2010 on household washing machines. The research is based on available scientific information and data, uses a life-cycle thinking approach, and has engaged stakeholder experts in order to discuss key issues, and to the extent possible reach consensus on the proposals.JRC.B.5-Circular Economy and Industrial Leadershi

    Energy sufficiency in private households enabled by adequate appliances

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    Energy efficiency of a range of domestic appliances covered by the labelling and ecodesign directives has improved significantly over the last 15 years. However, the power consumption of the German residential sector has remained relatively constant over this period. Besides other factors, such as decreasing average household size, the main reasons for this development were the increases of the types, features, size, equipment stock and usage times of appliances and devices in private households. The project "Energy Sufficiency - strategies and instruments for a technical, systemic and cultural transformation towards sustainable restriction of energy demand in the field of construction and everyday life" investigates how the complementation of energy efficiency with energy sufficiency could lead to more user adequate domestic products and product-service systems and thereby result in an absolute reduction of power consumption. In this project, energy sufficiency is defined as a strategy to reduce energy consumption by three approaches: 1. Quantitative reduction of sizes, features, usage times of devices etc. 2. Substitution of technical equipment in households by e.g.urban services. 3. Adjustment of technical services delivered by appliances toutility needed and desired by users. The energy saving effects of an application of these approaches were modelled for different types of households and the energy saving potentials of energy sufficiency quantified. Innovative approaches for user adequate products and services were developed in open innovation workshops by the Design Thinking method. The paper summarizes some of the intermediate results of theoretical and transdisciplinary investigations of the project that runs until May 31, 2016. Furthermore, a first set of design criteria for user adequate appliances enabling energy sufficiency are developed based on these results. The paper concludes with suggestions for the future development of energy labelling and ecodesign derived from the design criteria and supplemented by examples of existing requirements according to the voluntary environmental label "Blauer Engel"

    Graphical language for identification of control strategies allowing Demand Response

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    Proceedings are available at http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/conference/6th-international-conference-energy-efficiency-domestic-appliances-and-lighting-eedal11Presentation is available at http://www.eedal.dk/Conference/~/media/EEDAL/Sessions/Session%201/Graphical_language_for_identification_of_control_strategies_allowing_Demand_Response_Silva_Duplessis_Adn.ashxInternational audienceDue to new innovations in communication systems, electrical appliances are now capable of participating actively in smart grids control management. Each appliance has already several controls incorporated. In order to determine the best way to control an appliance in a smart grid context, we present a methodology based on a graphical language, which makes possible an easy identification of the available control strategies and will be used for future developments in terms of smart controls. The Language is divided into two different levels of complexity with different results. First level: Based on an empirical description of the controls available to the user, a first graphical representation of the appliance operation can be produced. This will allow the identification of the electric appliance availability for demand response control strategies based on the appliance existing controllers. Second level: This level requires detailed information and/or measurements of the appliance operation, so that more complex control strategies can be deduced. Due to the more complex operation description some of the deduced strategies, for this second level, could need adding new controls to allow their correct application. However it is up to the user of the language to choose the degree of the description complexity. This second level allows the user to know which components are the more energy and power demanding and how they are controlled, meaning that more accurate strategies can deducted. Manufacturers and power utilities can then identify their control strategies to be implemented in terms of demand response for electrical appliances

    Design of an innovative off road hybrid vehicle by energy efficiency criteria

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    The environmental impact of road transport is significant because it is a major user of energy and the major user of the world's petroleum that is extracted every year. This creates air pollution, including nitrous oxides and particulates, and is a significant contributor to global warming through emission of carbon dioxide, for which transport is the fastest-growing emission sector. These impacts assume a particular importance if considered the place where they are emitted such as the cities and highways that develop near the human settlements. By subsector, road transport can globally be considered the largest contributor to global warming. This paper takes into account an effective design methodology, which is based on an effective energy optimization of the vehicle and its main components. This method takes inspiration from constructal law, even if it could not be limited to this. The inspiration is limited to considering the fluxes of different physical magnitudes inside a complex system, such as a vehicle is, and analyzing how they develop and how they develop and mix. This analysis leads to a general analysis to the vehicle and to an effective optimization based on energy principle by a step by step optimization that allows identifying the critical elements that limit the flow of the different magnitudes inside the system, with particular attention to the factor that limits energy efficiency at different scale levels. The components have been considered only if they are industrial grade and inside a modular design, which allows merging design, finalized to energy efficiency, minimization of exergy disruption and of LCA impacts. The emotion that has been caused by the end of the production of the most successful British vehicle that is Land Rover Defender has stimulated to produce a sample design of a vehicle in this class producing different alternatives for different uses. The case of a vehicle that can compete with Discovery in terms of use and specifications has been considered, Results have been surprising demonstrating that the use of industrial grade components and their accurate choice will allow defining new vehicle platforms that can radically improve energy efficiency of vehicles

    Clean Venice: Infrastructure & Place-Making in Venice, Italy

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    Venice is deteriorating. The fragile city is crumbling, and eventually will be swallowed into the water which surrounds it. Besides the prospect of sinking, the infrastructure is damaged weekly by the cruise ships which visit the city and account for about 2 million tourists every year. Typically, these ships produce 50 tons of garbage, 210,000 gallons of sewage, and 35,000 gallons of oil-contaminated water. That being said, these floating cities contribute to about 20% of harmful emissions in coastal and port cities. In an already damaged state, Venice is negatively affected by traffic and pollution from these vessels. Recently, the Venetian Prime Minister announced that Venice plans to limit, and eventually ban these ships from entering the lagoon. By hindering the access of these ships, Venice will suffer economically, while the city will delay its inevitable fate. This project explores the treatment and recycling of waste produced by these cruise ships as a way to better the ecosystem in Venice, while also creating a valuable green space within the congested city. Sustainability is the future of architecture, however, sustainable options frequently act as appendages in the design process. Architectural design and sustainability should work in tandem, and thus communicate their purpose in real time. This project explores a creative outlook on sustainable architecture while also extending the education and understanding of sustainable elements in motion

    Aeroplane design studies conventional and V.T.O.L. freighter aircraft (Academic Years 1959 and 1961)

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    During the second year of their course in the Department of Aircraft Design, students have the option of working as a member of a team engaged in a design study. The subjects for the studies are chosen to represent the current interests of the industry and include unusual features considered to be worthy of investigation. Examples of these design studies are the F-59 freighter and its derivative the F-61, V. T.O. L. freighter. In a conventional role these designs are intended to carry a payload of up to 77000 lb. , over 800 nautical miles range, using four turboprop engines. V. T.O. L. capability is given to the F-61 design by the addition of two wing pods, each of which houses 22 lift engines. The application of boundary layer control in the form of blown ailerons and flaps has been investigated for the F-59 design. Both aircraft have been designed in detail. The major conclusion of the studies is that the application of V. T.O. L. to large freight aircraft is feasible, but further detailed work is necessary to resolve some flutter and noise problems
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