
Graphical language for identification of control strategies allowing Demand Response


Proceedings are available at is available at audienceDue to new innovations in communication systems, electrical appliances are now capable of participating actively in smart grids control management. Each appliance has already several controls incorporated. In order to determine the best way to control an appliance in a smart grid context, we present a methodology based on a graphical language, which makes possible an easy identification of the available control strategies and will be used for future developments in terms of smart controls. The Language is divided into two different levels of complexity with different results. First level: Based on an empirical description of the controls available to the user, a first graphical representation of the appliance operation can be produced. This will allow the identification of the electric appliance availability for demand response control strategies based on the appliance existing controllers. Second level: This level requires detailed information and/or measurements of the appliance operation, so that more complex control strategies can be deduced. Due to the more complex operation description some of the deduced strategies, for this second level, could need adding new controls to allow their correct application. However it is up to the user of the language to choose the degree of the description complexity. This second level allows the user to know which components are the more energy and power demanding and how they are controlled, meaning that more accurate strategies can deducted. Manufacturers and power utilities can then identify their control strategies to be implemented in terms of demand response for electrical appliances

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