5 research outputs found

    Caching Video-on-Demand in Metro and Access Fog Data Centres

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    This paper examines the utilization of metro fog data centres and access fog datacentres with integrated solar cells and Energy Storage Devices (ESDs) to assist cloud data centres in caching Video-on-Demand content and hence, reduce the networking power consumption. A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is used to optimize the delivery of the content from cloud, metro fog, or access fog datacentres. The results for a range of data centre parameters show that savings by up to 38% in the transport network power consumption can be achieved when VoD is optimally served from fully renewable-powered cloud or metro fog data centres or from access fog data centres with 250 m2 solar cells. Additional 8% savings can be achieved when using ESDs of 100 kWh capacity in the access fog data centres

    Energy efficiency in content delivery networks

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    The increasing popularity of bandwidth-intensive video Internet services has positioned Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) in the limelight as the emerging provider platforms for video delivery. The goal of CDNs is to maximise the availability of content in the network while maintaining the quality of experience expected by users. This is a challenging task due to the scattered nature of video content sources and destinations. Furthermore, the high energy consumption associated with content distribution calls for developing energy-efficient solutions able to cater for the future Internet. This thesis addresses the problem of content placement and update while considering energy consumption in CDNs. First, this work contributed a new energy-efficient caching scheme that stores the most popular content at the edge of the core network and optimises the size of cached content to minimise energy usage. It takes into account the trend of daily traffic and recommends putting inactive segments of caches in sleep-mode during off-peak hours. Our results showed that power minimisation is achieved by deploying switch-off capable caches, and the trend of active cache segments over the time of day follows the trend of traffic. Second, the study explores different content popularity distributions and determines their influence on power consumption. The distribution of content popularity dictates the resultant cache hit ratio achieved by storing a certain number of videos. Therefore, it directly influences the power consumption of the cache. The evaluation results indicated that under video services where the popularity of content is very diverse, the optimum solution is to store the few most popular videos in caches. In contrast, when video popularities are similar, the most power efficient scheme is either to cache the whole library or to avoid caching completely depending on the size of the video library. Third, this thesis contributed an evaluation of the power consumption of the network under real world TV data and considering standard and high definition TV programmes. We proposed a cache replacement algorithm based on the predictable nature of TV viewings. The time-driven proactive cache replacement algorithm replaces cache contents several times a day to minimise power consumption. The algorithm achieves major power savings on top of the power reductions introduced by caching. CDNs are expected to continue to be the backbone for Internet video applications. This work has shown that storing the right amount of popular videos in core caches reduces from 42% to 72% of network power consumption considering a range of content popularity distributions. Maintaining up-to-date cache contents reduces up to 48% and 86% of power consumption considering fixed and sleep-mode capable caches, respectively. Reducing the energy consumption of CDNs provides a valuable contribution for future green video delivery

    Future PON Data Centre Networks

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    Significant research efforts have been devoted over the last decade to design efficient data centre networks. However, major concerns are still raised about the power consumption of data centres and its impact on global warming in the first place and on the electricity bill of data centres in the second place. Passive Optical Network (PON) technology with its proven performance in residential access networks can provide energy efficient, high capacity, low cost, scalable, and highly elastic solutions to support connectivity inside modern data centres. Here, we focus on introducing PONs in the architecture of data centres to resolve many issues in current data centre designs such as high cost and high power consumption resulting from the large number of access and aggregation switches needed to interconnect hundreds of thousands of servers. PONs can also overcome the problems of switch oversubscription and unbalanced traffic in data centres where PON architectures and protocols have historically been optimised to deal with these problems and handle bursty traffic efficiently. In this thesis, five novel PON data centre designs are proposed and compared to facilitate intra and inter rack communications. In addition to maximising the use of only passive optical devices, other challenges have to be addressed by these designs including off-loading the inter-rack traffic from the Optical Line Terminal (OLT) switch to avoid undesired power consumption and delays, facilitating multi-path routing, and reducing or eliminating the need for expensive tuneable lasers. The Scalability of the proposed architectures in terms of efficiently accommodating hundreds of thousands of servers is discussed. CAPEX and energy consumption of the proposed architectures are also investigated and savings compared to conventional architectures, such as the Fat-Tree and BCube, are demonstrated. The Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) in intra and inter rack communication and the resource provisioning needed to cater for different applications that can be hosted in data centre are optimised using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models to minimise the PON designs power consumption. Furthermore, real-time energy-efficient routing and resource provisioning algorithms are developed. In addition to optimising the power consumption, delay is also considered for the delay sensitive applications that can be hosted in the proposed data centre architectures. To further reduce power consumption and overcome issues related to link oversubscription and multi-path routing, Software Defined Network (SDN) based design is proposed