204 research outputs found

    Approaching the theoretical limits of a mesh NoC with a 16-node chip prototype in 45nm SOI

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    In this paper, we present a case study of our chip prototype of a 16-node 4x4 mesh NoC fabricated in 45nm SOI CMOS that aims to simultaneously optimize energy-latency-throughput for unicasts, multicasts and broadcasts. We first define and analyze the theoretical limits of a mesh NoC in latency, throughput and energy, then describe how we approach these limits through a combination of microarchitecture and circuit techniques. Our 1.1V 1GHz NoC chip achieves 1-cycle router-and-link latency at each hop and energy-efficient router-level multicast support, delivering 892Gb/s (87.1% of the theoretical bandwidth limit) at 531.4mW for a mixed traffic of unicasts and broadcasts. Through this fabrication, we derive insights that help guide our research, and we believe, will also be useful to the NoC and multicore research community

    Dual Data Rate Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are becoming increasing important for the performance of modern multi-core systems-on-chip. The performance of current NoCs is limited, among others, by two factors: their limited clock frequency and long router pipeline. The clock frequency of a network defines the limits of its saturation throughput. However, for high throughput routers, clock is constrained by the control logic (for virtual channel and switch allocation) whereas the datapath (crossbar switch and links) possesses significant slack. This slack in the datapath wastes network throughput potential. Secondly, routers require flits to go through a large number of pipeline stages increasing packet latency at low traffic loads. These stages include router resource allocation, switch traversal (ST) and link traversal (LT). The allocation stages are used to manage contention among flits attempting to simultaneously access switch and links, and the ST stage is needed to change the routing dimension. In some cases, these stages are not needed and then requiring flits to go through them increases packet latency. The aim of this thesis is to improve NoC performance, in terms of network throughput, by removing the slack in the router datapath, and in terms of average packet latency, by enabling incoming flits to bypass, when possible, allocation and ST stages. More precisely, this thesis introduces Dual Data-Rate (DDR) NoC architectures which exploit the slack present in the NoC datapath to operate it at DDR. This requires a clock with period twice the datapath delay and removes the control logic from the critical path. DDR datapaths enable throughput higher than existing single data-rate (SDR) networks where the clock period is defined by the control logic. Additionally, this thesis supplements DDR NoC architectures with varying levels of pipeline stage bypassing capabilities to reduce low-load packet latency. In order to avoid complex logic required for bypassing from all inputs to all outputs, this thesis implements and evaluates a simplified bypassing approach. DDR NoC routers support bypassing of the allocation stage for flits propagating an in-network straight hop (i.e. East to West, North to South and vice versa) and when entering or exiting the network. Disabling bypassing during XY-turns limits its benefits, but, for most routing algorithms under low traffic loads, flits encounter at most one XY-turn on their way to the destination. Bypassing allocation stage enables incoming flits to directly initiate ST, when required conditions are met, and propagate at one cycle per hop. Furthermore, DDR NoC routers allow flits to bypass the ST stage when propagating a straight hop from the head of a specific input VC. Restricting ST bypassing from a specific VC further simplifies check logic to have clock period defined by datapath delays. Bypassing ST requires dedicated bypass paths from non-local input ports to opposite output ports. It enables flits to propagate half a cycle per hop. This thesis shows that compared to current state-of-the-art SDR NoCs, operating router’s datapath at DDR improves throughput by up to 20%. Adding to a DDR NoC an allocation bypassing mechanism for straight hops reduces its packet latency by up to 45%, while maintaining the DDR throughput advantage. Enhancing allocation bypassing to include flits entering and exiting the network further reduces latency by another 24%. Finally, adding ST bypassing further reduces latency by another 32%. Overall, DDR NoCs offer up to 40% lower latency and about 20% higher throughput compared to the SDR networks

    SWIFT: A Low-Power Network-On-Chip Implementing the Token Flow Control Router Architecture With Swing-Reduced Interconnects

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    A 64-bit, 8 Ă— 8 mesh network-on-chip (NoC) is presented that uses both new architectural and circuit design techniques to improve on-chip network energy-efficiency, latency, and throughput. First, we propose token flow control, which enables bypassing of flit buffering in routers, thereby reducing buffer size and their power consumption. We also incorporate reduced-swing signaling in on-chip links and crossbars to minimize datapath interconnect energy. The 64-node NoC is experimentally validated with a 2 Ă— 2 test chip in 90 nm, 1.2 V CMOS that incorporates traffic generators to emulate the traffic of the full network. Compared with a fully synthesized baseline 8 Ă— 8 NoC architecture designed to meet the same peak throughput, the fabricated prototype reduces network latency by 20% under uniform random traffic, when both networks are run at their maximum operating frequencies. When operated at the same frequencies, the SWIFT NoC reduces network power by 38% and 25% at saturation and low loads, respectively

    Extending the performance of hybrid NoCs beyond the limitations of network heterogeneity

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    To meet the performance and scalability demands of the fast-paced technological growth towards exascale and Big-Data processing with the performance bottleneck of conventional metal based interconnects (wireline), alternative interconnect fabrics such as inhomogeneous three-dimensional integrated Network-on-Chip (3D NoC) and hybrid wired-wireless Network-on-Chip (WiNoC) have emanated as a cost-effective solution for emerging System-on-Chip (SoC) design. However, these interconnects trade-off optimized performance for cost by restricting the number of area and power hungry 3D routers and wireless nodes. Moreover, the non-uniform distributed traffic in chip multiprocessor (CMP) demands an on-chip communication infrastructure which can avoid congestion under high traffic conditions while possessing minimal pipeline delay at low-load conditions. To this end, in this paper, we propose a low-latency adaptive router with a low-complexity single-cycle bypassing mechanism to alleviate the performance degradation due to the slow 2D routers in such emerging hybrid NoCs. The proposed router transmits a flit using dimension-ordered routing (DoR) in the bypass datapath at low-loads. When the output port required for intra-dimension bypassing is not available, the packet is routed adaptively to avoid congestion. The router also has a simplified virtual channel allocation (VA) scheme that yields a non-speculative low-latency pipeline. By combining the low-complexity bypassing technique with adaptive routing, the proposed router is able balance the traffic in hybrid NoCs to achieve low-latency communication under various traffic loads. Simulation shows that, the proposed router can reduce applications’ execution time by an average of 16.9% compared to low-latency routers such as SWIFT. By reducing the latency between 2D routers (or wired nodes) and 3D routers (or wireless nodes) the proposed router can improve performance efficiency in terms of average packet delay by an average of 45% (or 50%) in 3D NoCs (or WiNoCs)

    FastTrackNoC: A DDR NoC with FastTrack Router Datapaths

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    This paper introduces FastTrackNoC, a Network-on-Chip router architecture that reduces latency by bypassing its switch traversal (ST) stage. FastTrackNoC adds a fast-track path between the head of a particular virtual channel (VC) buffer at each input port and the link of the opposite output. This allows non-turning flits to bypass ST when the required router resources are available. FastTrackNoC combines ST bypassing with existing techniques for reducing latency, namely, pipeline bypassing of control stages, precomputed routing and lookahead control signaling, to allow at best a flit to proceed directly to link traversal (LT). FastTrackNoC is applied to a Dual Data Rate (DDR) router in order to maximize throughput. Post place and route results in 28nm technology show that (i) compared to the current state of the art DDR NoCs, FastTrackNoC offers the same throughput and reduces average packet latency by 11-32% requiring up to 5% more power and (ii) compared to current state of the art Single Data Rate (SDR) NoCs, FastTrackNoC reduces packet latency by 9-40% and achieves 16-19% higher throughput with 5% higher power at the SDR NoC saturation point

    Adaptive memory-side last-level GPU caching

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    Emerging GPU applications exhibit increasingly high computation demands which has led GPU manufacturers to build GPUs with an increasingly large number of streaming multiprocessors (SMs). Providing data to the SMs at high bandwidth puts significant pressure on the memory hierarchy and the Network-on-Chip (NoC). Current GPUs typically partition the memory-side last-level cache (LLC) in equally-sized slices that are shared by all SMs. Although a shared LLC typically results in a lower miss rate, we find that for workloads with high degrees of data sharing across SMs, a private LLC leads to a significant performance advantage because of increased bandwidth to replicated cache lines across different LLC slices. In this paper, we propose adaptive memory-side last-level GPU caching to boost performance for sharing-intensive workloads that need high bandwidth to read-only shared data. Adaptive caching leverages a lightweight performance model that balances increased LLC bandwidth against increased miss rate under private caching. In addition to improving performance for sharing-intensive workloads, adaptive caching also saves energy in a (co-designed) hierarchical two-stage crossbar NoC by power-gating and bypassing the second stage if the LLC is configured as a private cache. Our experimental results using 17 GPU workloads show that adaptive caching improves performance by 28.1% on average (up to 38.1%) compared to a shared LLC for sharing-intensive workloads. In addition, adaptive caching reduces NoC energy by 26.6% on average (up to 29.7%) and total system energy by 6.1% on average (up to 27.2%) when configured as a private cache. Finally, we demonstrate through a GPU NoC design space exploration that a hierarchical two-stage crossbar is both more power- and area-efficient than full and concentrated crossbars with the same bisection bandwidth, thus providing a low-cost cooperative solution to exploit workload sharing behavior in memory-side last-level caches

    An efficient 2D router architecture for extending the performance of inhomogeneous 3D NoC-based multi-core architectures

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    To meet the performance and scalability demands of the fast-paced technological growth towards exascale and Big-Data processing with the performance bottleneck of conventional metal based interconnects, alternative interconnect fabrics such as inhomogeneous three dimensional integrated Network-on-Chip (3D NoC) has emanated as a cost-effective solution for emerging multi-core design. However, these interconnects trade-off optimized performance for cost by restricting the number of area and power hungry 3D routers. Consequently, in this paper, we propose a low-latency adaptive router with a low-complexity single-cycle bypassing mechanism to alleviate the performance degradation due to the slow 2D routers in inhomogeneous 3D NoCs. By combining the low-complexity bypassing technique with adaptive routing, the proposed router is able to balance the traffic in the network to reduce the average packet latency under various traffic loads. Simulation shows that, the proposed router can reduce the average packet delay by an average of 45% in 3D NoCs
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