7 research outputs found

    Comparing direct and indirect interaction in stroke rehabilitation

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    We explore the differences of direct (DI) vs. indirect (IDI) interaction in stroke rehabilitation. Direct interaction is when the patients move their arms in reaction to changes in the augmented physical environment; indirect interaction is when the patients move their arms in reaction to changes on a computer screen. We developed a rehabilitation game in both settings evaluated by a within-subject study with 10 patients with chronic stroke, aiming to answer 2 major questions: (i) do the game scores in either of the two interaction modes correlate with clinical assessment scores? and (ii) whether performance is different using direct versus indirect interaction in patients with stroke. Our experimental results confirm higher performance in use of DI over IDI. They also suggest better correlation of DI and clinical scores. Our study provides evidence for the benefits of direct interaction therapies vs. indirect computer-assisted therapies in stroke rehabilitation

    Modelling basic numeracy learning application for children with autism: a pilot study / Muhamad Fairus Kamaruzaman, Harrinni Mohd Noor and Mustaffa Halabi Hj Azahari

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    Children with autism have various difficulties in developing cognitive abilities and attaining new knowledge. However, it is essential they obtain a competence approach in order to achieve independence. The state of art has shown that a significant aspiration for children with autism is to become independent. Part of attaining independence includes achieving skills that allow for self-determination and involvement in social activities. Hence, it is essential for every child with autism to acquire basic numeracy skills to enhance their self-determination. With the emergence of assistive learning technology such as smartphones, PDAs, tablets, and laptops with touchscreen features, there are extensive ways to improve the quality of life for children with autism. This study, therefore, aims to explore the basic numeracy skills-based dynamic visual for children with autism that will possibly be of assistance to parents, educators, and facilitators in the development of digital assistive learning tools to meet the requirements of children with autism in learning environments. From the proposed theoretical framework, an application was designed and tested with several children with autism. Based on observations from the experiment, the users showed positive attitudes towards the outcome of the application

    Modelling basic numeracy learning application for children with autism: a pilot study / Muhamad Fairus Kamaruzaman, Harrinni Mohd Noor and Mustaffa Halabi Hj Azahari

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    Children with autism have various difficulties in developing cognitive abilities and attaining new knowledge. However, it is essential they obtain a competence approach in order to achieve independence. The state of art has shown that a significant aspiration for children with autism is to become independent. Part of attaining independence includes achieving skills that allow for self-determination and involvement in social activities. Hence, it is essential for every child with autism to acquire basic numeracy skills to enhance their self-determination. With the emergence of assistive learning technology such as smartphones, PDAs, tablets, and laptops with touchscreen features, there are extensive ways to improve the quality of life for children with autism. This study, therefore, aims to explore the basic numeracy skills-based dynamic visual for children with autism that will possibly be of assistance to parents, educators, and facilitators in the development of digital assistive learning tools to meet the requirements of children with autism in learning environments. From the proposed theoretical framework, an application was designed and tested with several children with autism. Based on observations from the experiment, the users showed positive attitudes towards the outcome of the application

    VRShape: A Virtual Reality Tool for Shaping Movement Compensation

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    The majority of persons living with chronic stroke experience some form of upper extremity motor impairment that affects their functional movement, performance of meaningful activities, and participation in the flow of daily life. Stroke survivors often compensate for these impairments by adapting their movement patterns to incorporate additional degrees of freedom at new joints and body segments. One of the most common compensatory movements is the recruitment of excessive trunk flexion when reaching with the affected upper extremity. Long-term use of these compensations may lead to suboptimal motor recovery and chronic pain or injury due to overuse. Rehabilitation focuses on repetitive practice with the impaired limb to stimulate motor learning and neuroplasticity; however, few interventions achieve the required repetition dose or address the possible negative effects of compensatory movements. Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging tool in rehabilitation science that may be capable of (1) objectively measuring compensation during upper extremity movement, (2) motivating persons to perform large doses of repetitive practice through the integration of virtual environments and computer games, and (3) providing the basis for a motor intervention aimed at improving motor performance and incrementally reducing, or shaping, compensation. The purpose of this project was to develop and test a VR tool with these capabilities for shaping movement compensation for persons with chronic stroke, and to achieve this we performed three separate investigations (Chapters 2-4).First, we investigated the validity and reliability of two generations of an off-the-shelf motion sensor, namely the Microsoft Kinect, for measuring trunk compensations during reaching (Chapter 2). A small group of healthy participants performed various reaching movements on two separate days while simultaneously being recorded by the two sensors and a third considered to be the gold standard. We found that the second generation Kinect sensor was more accurate and showed greater validity for measuring trunk flexion relative to the gold standard, especially during extended movements, and therefore recommended that sensor for future VR development. Research with a more heterogeneous and representative population, such as persons with stroke, will further improve the evaluation of these sensors in future work.Second, we tested a newly-designed VR tool, VRShape, for use during a single session of upper extremity movement practice (Chapter 3). VRShape integrates the Microsoft Kinect and custom software to convert upper extremity movements into the control of various virtual environments and computer games while providing real-time feedback about compensation. A small group of participants with stroke used VRShape to repetitively perform reaching movements while simultaneously receiving feedback concerning their trunk flexion relative to a calibrated threshold. Our tool was able to elicit a large number of successful reaches and limit the amount of trunk flexion used during a single practice session while remaining usable, motivating, and safe. However, areas of improvement were identified relative to the efficiency of the software and the variety of virtual environments available. Third, we implemented VRShape over the course of a motor intervention for persons with stroke and evaluated its feasibility and effect on compensation during reaching tasks (Chapter 4). A small group of participants took part in 18 interventions session using VRShape for repetitive reaching practice with incrementally shaped trunk compensation. Trunk flexion decreased significantly and reaching kinematics improved significantly as a result of the intervention. Even with extended use, participants were able to complete intense practice and thousands of repetitions while continually rating the system as usable, motivating, engaging, and safe. Our VR tool demonstrated feasibility and preliminary efficacy within a small study, but future work is needed to identify its ideal applications and address its limitations. In summary, this project shows that use of a VR tool incorporating an accurate sensor (Chapter 2) and feedback from initial testing (Chapter 3) is capable of changing the amount of trunk flexion used during reaching movements for persons with stroke (Chapter 4). More research is needed to establish its efficacy and effectiveness, but improvements in motor recovery and associated decreases in compensation associated with the use of VRShape are important rehabilitation goals that may lead to improved participation and quality of life for persons living with long-term impairments due to chronic stroke

    A Person-Centric Design Framework for At-Home Motor Learning in Serious Games

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    abstract: In motor learning, real-time multi-modal feedback is a critical element in guided training. Serious games have been introduced as a platform for at-home motor training due to their highly interactive and multi-modal nature. This dissertation explores the design of a multimodal environment for at-home training in which an autonomous system observes and guides the user in the place of a live trainer, providing real-time assessment, feedback and difficulty adaptation as the subject masters a motor skill. After an in-depth review of the latest solutions in this field, this dissertation proposes a person-centric approach to the design of this environment, in contrast to the standard techniques implemented in related work, to address many of the limitations of these approaches. The unique advantages and restrictions of this approach are presented in the form of a case study in which a system entitled the "Autonomous Training Assistant" consisting of both hardware and software for guided at-home motor learning is designed and adapted for a specific individual and trainer. In this work, the design of an autonomous motor learning environment is approached from three areas: motor assessment, multimodal feedback, and serious game design. For motor assessment, a 3-dimensional assessment framework is proposed which comprises of 2 spatial (posture, progression) and 1 temporal (pacing) domains of real-time motor assessment. For multimodal feedback, a rod-shaped device called the "Intelligent Stick" is combined with an audio-visual interface to provide feedback to the subject in three domains (audio, visual, haptic). Feedback domains are mapped to modalities and feedback is provided whenever the user's performance deviates from the ideal performance level by an adaptive threshold. Approaches for multi-modal integration and feedback fading are discussed. Finally, a novel approach for stealth adaptation in serious game design is presented. This approach allows serious games to incorporate motor tasks in a more natural way, facilitating self-assessment by the subject. An evaluation of three different stealth adaptation approaches are presented and evaluated using the flow-state ratio metric. The dissertation concludes with directions for future work in the integration of stealth adaptation techniques across the field of exergames.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Motion-Based Video Games for Older Adults in Long-Term Care

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    Older adults in residential care often lead sedentary lifestyles despite physical and cognitive activities being crucial for their well-being. Care facilities face the challenge of encouraging their residents to participate in leisure activities, but as the impact of age-related changes grows, few activities remain accessible. Video games in general – and motion-based games in particular – hold the promise of providing mental, physical and social stimulation for older adults. However, the accessibility of commercially available games for older adults is not considered during the development process. Therefore, many older adults are unable to obtain any of the benefits. In my dissertation, this issue is addressed through the development of motion-based game controls that specifically address the needs of older adults. The first part of this thesis lays the foundation by providing an overview of motion-based game interaction for older adults. The second part demonstrates the general feasibility of motion-based game controls for older adults, develops full-body motion-based and wheelchair-based game controls, and provides guidelines for accessible motion-based game interaction for institutionalized older adults. The third part of this thesis builds on these results and presents two case studies. Motion-based controls are applied and further evaluated in game design projects addressing the special needs of older adults in long-term care, with the first case study focusing on long-term player engagement and the role of volunteers in care homes, and the second case study focusing on connecting older adults and caregivers through play. The results of this dissertation show that motion-based game controls can be designed to be accessible to institutionalized older adults. My work also shows that older adults enjoy engaging with motion-based games, and that such games have the potential of positively influencing them by providing a physically and mentally stimulating leisure activity. Furthermore, results from the case studies reveal the benefits and limitations of computer games in long-term care. Fostering inclusive efforts in game design and ensuring that motion-based video games are accessible to broad audiences is an important step toward allowing all players to obtain the full benefits of games, thereby contributing to the quality of life of diverse audiences