12 research outputs found

    Load Repartition for Congestion Control in Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks with Multipath Routing

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    Wireless sensor networks hold a great potential in the deployment of several applications of a paramount importance in our daily life. Video sensors are able to improve a number of these applications where new approaches adapted to both wireless sensor networks and video transport specific characteristics are required. The aim of this work is to provide the necessary bandwidth and to alleviate the congestion problem to video streaming. In this paper, we investigate various load repartition strategies for congestion control mechanism on top of a multipath routing feature. Simulations are performed in order to get insight into the performances of our proposals

    Comprehensive Survey Congestion Control Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks:Comprehensive Survey

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) occupies the top rank of the widely used networks for gathering different type of information from different averments. WSN has nodes with limited resources so congestion can cause a critical damage to such network where it limited resources can be exhausted. Many approaches has been proposed to deal with this problem. In this paper, different proposed algorithm for congestion detection, notification, mitigation and avoidance has been listed and discussed. These algorithms has been investigated by presenting its advantages and disadvantages. This paper provides a robust background for readers and researches for wireless sensor networks congestion control approaches. Keywords: WSN, Congestion Control, congestion mitigation, congestion detection, sink channel load, buffer load

    Pengembangan Metode Routing Menggunakan Mekanisme Swing Routing dengan Penanganan Routing Hole Sebagai Peningkatan Kinerja Wireless Sensor Network

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    WSN menggunakan jaringan nirkabel untuk menghubungkan node sensor dan sink node. Node sensor bertugas mengumpulkan informasi dengan melakukan sensing terhadap target seperti panas, cahaya, dan suhu. Namun, node sensor memiliki keterbatasan dalam hal memori, sumber daya pengolahan, energi, dan masa pakai, yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja jaringan, termasuk network lifetime dan packet delivery ratio. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan protokol yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kinerja jaringan WSN. Salah satu penelitian untuk meningkatkan kinerja jaringan adalah menggunakan Shortest Geopath Routing (SGP) berbasis tetangga terdekat dan lokasi. Namun, SGP memiliki permasalahan seperti seringnya terjadi kongesti yang menyebabkan packet drop dan kegagalan pengiriman data saat terjadi Routing hole. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini melakukan protokol SGP dengan mekanisme Swing routing untuk meningkatkan kinerja jaringan WSN. Dalam mengatasi Routing hole, Swing routing Protocol juga melakukan pencarian jalur alternatif dengan memilih node berdasarkan lokasi koordinat terdekat dengan sink node. Hasil simulasi menggunakan simulator SIDnet-SWAN menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Swing routing Protocol dapat mengurangi warning congestion dalam jaringan sebesar rata-rata 10 node, meningkatkan network lifetime sebesar 5.27% (14 menit), dan meningkatkan packet delivery ratio sebesar 8.27% dibandingkan dengan protokol SGP. Dalam penanganan Routing hole, Swing routing Protocol mendapatkan rata-rata packet delivery ratio sebesar 21.77% dibandingkan dengan protokol SGP

    Hop-by-hop Channel - Alert Routing to Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the major challenges in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) research is to prevent traffic congestion without compromising with the energy of the sensor nodes. Network congestion leads to packet loss, throughput impairment, and energy waste. To address this issue in this paper, a distributed traffic-aware routing scheme with a capacity of adjusting the data transmission rate of nodes is proposed for multi-sink wireless sensor networks that effectively distribute traffic from the source to sink nodes. Our algorithm is designed through constructing a hybrid virtual gradient field using depth and normalized traffic loading to routing and providing a balance between optimal paths and possible congestion on routes toward those sinks. The simulation results indicate that the proposed solution can improve the utilization of network resources, reduce unnecessary packet retransmission, and significantly improve the performance of WSNs. Keywords: Wireless sensor networks; Traffic-aware; Routing; Data transmission rate; Congestion; Gradien

    MCDR: Mitigating Congestion using Distance based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The network performance in WSNs is mainly affected by the congestion due to bursty traffic. Congestion can cause large packet drops, increased energy consumption and latency. Different traffic rate control mechanisms have proposed to mitigate congestion and most of these mechanisms are greatly affecting the fidelity requirement of the applications. In this paper, we proposed an algorithm named, Mitigating Congestion using Distance based Routing (MCDR) technique to mitigate congestion. This technique has successfully reduced congestion by scattering the traffic through the nodes which are placed at comparatively minimum distance from the sink and whose Queue Length is below the threshold value. The Residual Energy and Depth are two added parameters to strengthen the scattering decision. Simulation results shows that the network throughput has significantly improved with minimized latency due to the reduction of loops when compared to previous works

    Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Research Challenges

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    A wireless sensor network is a large collection of sensor nodes with limited power supply and constrained computational capability. Due to the restricted communication range and high density of sensor nodes, packet forwarding in sensor networks is usually performed through multi-hop data transmission. Therefore, routing in wireless sensor networks has been considered an important field of research over the past decade. Nowadays, multipath routing approach is widely used in wireless sensor networks to improve network performance through efficient utilization of available network resources. Accordingly, the main aim of this survey is to present the concept of the multipath routing approach and its fundamental challenges, as well as the basic motivations for utilizing this technique in wireless sensor networks. In addition, we present a comprehensive taxonomy on the existing multipath routing protocols, which are especially designed for wireless sensor networks. We highlight the primary motivation behind the development of each protocol category and explain the operation of different protocols in detail, with emphasis on their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, this paper compares and summarizes the state-of-the-art multipath routing techniques from the network application point of view. Finally, we identify open issues for further research in the development of multipath routing protocols for wireless sensor networks

    Performance and energy efficiency in wireless self-organized networks

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    Reducing Congestion Effects in Wireless Networks by Multipath Routing

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    Abstractβ€”We propose a solution to improve fairness and increase throughput in wireless networks with location information. Our approach consists of a multipath routing protocol-Biased Geographical Routing (BGR)- and two congestion control algorithms- In-Network Packet Scatter (IPS) and End-to-End Packet Scatter (EPS)- that use BGR to avoid the congested areas of the network. BGR achieves good performance while having a communication overhead of just 1 byte and computational complexity similar to greedy geographical routing. IPS deals with transient congestion by splitting traffic right before the congested areas. EPS splits the flow at the source and performs rate control to cope with profound congestion. EPS dynamically selects the path to transmit on and improves efficiency by using a less aggressive congestion control mechanism on nongreedy paths. Simulation and experimental results show that our solution achieves its objectives. In particular, ns-2 simulations show that it improves fairness as compared to single path routing: the variance of throughput across different flows is reduced with 35%; this is mainly achieved by increasing throughput of long-range flows with up to 70 % on average. Furthermore, overall network throughput is increased with around 10%. Experimental results on a 50-node testbed are consistent with our simulation results, suggesting that BGR is effective in practice. I