8 research outputs found

    Parametrización de modelo de circuito equivalente de polarización dual de una celda de ion Litio utilizando la técnica de optimización por enjambre de partículas modificada.

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    Context: Battery modeling is an activity that can be complex if techniques based on chemical behavior are employed. Nowadays, there are other strategies to build the modeling as inverse modeling based on experimental curves and adjustments of circuit models. There are different techniques to parameterize the battery modeling based on their complexity, accuracy, and convergence time. Method: In this paper is used a particle swarm optimization algorithm to parameterize a dual-polarization model for a 18650-lithium cell. The proposed methodology divides the problem into different optimization cases and proposes a localized search strategy based on the experience of the previous particle. Results: The PSO algorithm allows adjusting the model parameters for each case analyzed. Problem division by stages allows improving the global precision while reducing the convergence times of the algorithm. From possible cases, it is possible to find the dynamics of each of the parameters as a function of the state of charge. Conclusions: The proposed methodology allows reducing the parameterization times of the dual-polarization model. Due to the approximation generated by the previous experiences, it is possible to decrease the number of the swarm population and further decrease the convergence time of the process. Additionally, the methodology can be used with different optimization algorithms.Contexto: El modelado de baterías es una actividad que puede ser compleja si se utilizan técnicas basadas en el comportamiento químico, para facilitar esto se han utilizado estrategias de modelo inverso que se basan en curvas experimentales y ajustes de modelos circuitales. Para la parametrización se utilizan diferentes técnicas que radican en su complejidad, exactitud y tiempo de convergencia. Método: En este trabajo se utiliza un algoritmo de optimización por enjambre de partículas para la parametrización de un modelo de polarización dual para una celda de ion litio de tipo 18650. La metodología propuesta divide el problema en diferentes casos de optimización y propone una estrategia de búsqueda localizada basada en la experiencia del caso anterior. Resultados: El algoritmo PSO permite ajustar los parámetros del modelo para cada uno de los casos analizados. La división del problema por casos permite mejorar la precisión global del problema y a su vez disminuir los tiempos de convergencia del algoritmo. A partir de los posibles casos se puede encontrar la dinámica de cada uno de los parámetros en función del estado de carga. Conclusiones: La metodología propuesta permite reducir los tiempos de parametrización del modelo de polarización dual. Debido a la aproximación generada por las experiencias anteriores, es posible disminuir el número de la población del enjambre y disminuir aún más el tiempo de convergencia del proceso. Adicionalmente, la metodología puede ser utilizada con diferentes algoritmos de optimización

    Modeling and control of fuel cell-battery hybrid energy sources

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    Environmental, political, and availability concerns regarding fossil fuels in recent decades have garnered substantial research and development in the area of alternative energy systems. Among various alternative energy systems, fuel cells and batteries have attracted significant attention both in academia and industry considering their superior performances and numerous advantages. In this dissertation, the modeling and control of these two electrochemical sources as the main constituents of fuel cell-battery hybrid energy sources are studied with ultimate goals of improving their performance, reducing their development and operational costs and consequently, easing their widespread commercialization. More specifically, Paper I provides a comprehensive background and literature review about Li-ion battery and its Battery Management System (BMS). Furthermore, the development of an experimental BMS design testbench is introduced in this paper. Paper II discusses the design of a novel observer for Li-ion battery State of Charge (SOC) estimation, as one of the most important functionalities of BMSs. Paper III addresses the control-oriented modeling and analysis of open-cathode fuel cells in order to provide a comprehensive system-level understanding of their real-time operation and to establish a basis for control design. Finally, in Paper IV a feedback controller, combined with a novel output-injection observer, is designed and implemented for open-cathode fuel cell temperature control. It is shown that temperature control not only ensures the fuel cell temperature reference is properly maintained, but, along with an uncertainty estimator, can also be used to adaptively stabilize the output voltage --Abstract, page iv

    Reduced-Order Electrochemical Model-Based SOC Observer with Output Model Uncertainty Estimation

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    As an integral part of energy storage systems, Li-ion batteries require extensive management to guarantee their safe and efficient operation. Estimation of the remaining energy capability of the battery, usually expressed in terms of state of charge (SOC), plays an important role in any battery-powered application. Electrochemical model-based estimation techniques have proven very attractive for this purpose due to the additional information they provide regarding the internal battery operating conditions. A modified reduced-order model based on the single particle approximation of the electrochemical model, suitable for the real-time implementation of SOC estimation, is employed in this paper. This model, while maintaining some of the physical insights about the battery operation, provides a basis for an output-injection observer design to estimate the SOC. Output model uncertainties, originating primarily from the electrolyte-phase potential difference approximation and encountered mainly at higher discharge rates, are handled by incorporating an adaptation algorithm in the observer. Therefore, the proposed method, while being suitable for online implementation, provides an electrochemical model-based solution for battery SOC estimation over a wide range of operations. System stability and the robustness of the estimates given measurement noise are proved analytically using Lyapunov stability. Finally, accurate performance of the proposed SOC estimation technique is illustrated using simulation data obtained from a full-order electrochemical model of a lithium manganese oxide battery

    Reduced-Order Electrochemical Model-Based SOC Observer With Output Model Uncertainty Estimation

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    Direct and Non-Invasive Monitoring of Battery Internal State Via Novel GMI-IDT Magnetic Sensor

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    Efficient battery management systems (BMSs) in rechargeable battery-based systems require precise measurements of various battery parameters including state of charge (SOC), state of health (SOH) and charge capacity. Presently, SOC, charge capacity and SOH can only be indirectly inferred from long-term measurement of current, open circuit voltage (OCV), and temperature using multiple sensors. These techniques can only give an approximation of SOC and often require knowledge of the recent battery history to prevent excessive inaccuracy.To improve the performance of the BMS, an alternative method of monitoring the internal state of Li-ion batteries is presented here. Theoretical analysis of Li-ion batteries has indicated that the concentration of active lithium ions in the cathode is directly related to the magnetic susceptibility of the electrode materials. While charging/discharging, due to the change in the oxidation and/or spin state of metal atoms, the magnetic moment in the cathode varies. This indicates the potential for directly probing the internal state of the Li-ion batteries during charging/discharging by monitoring the changes in magnetic susceptibility via an appropriately designed magnetic sensor. In this research, a highly sensitive micromagnetic sensor design is investigated consisting of a single interdigital transducer (IDT) shunt-loaded with a magnetically sensitive Giant Magnetoimpedance (GMI) microwire. This design takes advantage of the coupling of the impedance characteristics of the GMI microwire to the IDT transduction process. The initial GMI-IDT sensor design is further developed and modified to maximize sensitivity and linearity. The sensor can detect magnetic field in the range of 900 nT and minute changes less than 1 μT when operated at or near its peak sensitivity. In addition, an appropriate procedure for preconditioning the GMI wire is developed to achieve sensor repeatability. Furthermore, using the identified optimum geometry of the experimental setup, the proposed sensor is implemented in monitoring the internal state of two types of Li-ion cells used in electric vehicles (EVs). The initial characterization results confirm that the GMI-IDT sensor can be used to directly monitor the charge capacity of the investigated Li-ion batteries. Other possible applications also include energy storage for renewable energy sources, and portable electronic devices

    Development and management of advanced batteries via additive manufacturing and modeling

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    The applications of Li-ion batteries require higher energy and power densities, improved safety, and sophisticated battery management systems. To satisfy these demands, as battery performances depend on the network of constituent materials, it is necessary to optimize the electrode structure. Simultaneously, the states of the battery have to be accurately estimated and controlled to maintain a durable condition of the battery system. For those purposes, this research focused on the innovation of 3D electrode via additive manufacturing, and the development of fast and accurate physical based models to predict the battery status for control purposes. Paper I proposed a novel 3D structure electrode, which exhibits both high areal and specific capacity, overcoming the trade-off between the two of the conventional batteries. Paper II proposed a macro-micro-controlled Li-ion 3D battery electrode. The battery structure is controlled by electric fields at the particle level to increase the aspect ratio and then improve battery performance. Paper III introduced a 3D model to simulate the electrode structure. The effect of electrode thickness and solid phase volume fraction were systematically studied. Paper IV proposed a low-order battery model that incorporates stress-enhanced diffusion and electrolyte physic into a Single Particle model that addresses the challenges of battery modeling for BMS: accuracy and computational efficiency. Paper V proposed a single particle-based degradation model by including Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI) layer formation coupled with crack propagation. Paper VI introduced a single-particle-based degradation model by considering the dissolution of active materials and the Li-ion loss due to SEI layer formation with crack propagation for LiMn₂O₄/Graphite battery --Abstract, page iv

    Superconducting wireless power transfer for electric vehicles

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are an important pillar for the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable future as renewable energy can penetrate into the transportation section and act as energy storage to cope with the intermittent supply of such energy sources. EVs have recently been significantly developed in terms of both performance and drive range. Various models are already commercially available, and the number of EVs on roads increases rapidly. Rather than being limited by physical cable connections, the wireless (inductive) link creates the opportunity of dynamic charging – charging while driving. Once realised, EVs will no longer be limited by their achievable range and the requirement for battery capacity will be greatly reduced. However, wireless charging systems are limited in their transfer distance and power density. Such drawbacks can be alleviated through high-temperature superconductors (HTS) and their increased current carrying capacity, which can substitute conventionally used copper coils in the charging pads. This thesis investigates the effectiveness of wireless power transfer (WPT) systems as a whole and when HTS coils are used as well as HTS performance at operating frequencies commonly used in WPT-systems. Initially, the fundamentals of superconductivity are outlined to give some background on how such conductors can help tackle problems occurring in WPT-systems and how their behaviour can be simulated. Subsequently, key technical components of wireless charging are summarised and compared, such as compensation topologies, coil design and communication. In addition, health and safety concerns regarding wireless charging are addressed, as well as their relevant standards. Economically, the costs of a wide range of wireless charging systems has also been summarised and compared. To explore the benefits of WPT-system for EVs, a force-based vehicle model is coupled with an extended battery model to simulate the impact of wireless charging on the state of charge of the accumulator sub-system. In total, three different scenarios, i.e. urban, highway and combined driving are presented. The trade-off between having a standalone charging option versus combined dynamic (or on-road charging) and quasi-dynamic (stationary charging in a dynamic environment) wireless charging is outlined and minimum system requirements, such as charging power levels and road coverage, for unlimited range are established. Furthermore, the effects of external factors such as ambient temperature, battery age and wireless transfer efficiency are investigated. It is shown that employing combined charging at medium power levels is sufficient to achieve unlimited range compared to high power requirements for standalone charging. HTS coils show great potential to enhance the WPT-system performance with high current-carrying capability and extremely low losses under certain conditions. However, HTS coils exhibit highly nonlinear loss characteristics, especially at high frequencies (above 1 kHz), which negatively influence the overall system performance. To investigate the improvements, copper, HTS and hybrid wireless charging systems in the frequency range of 11-85 kHz are experimentally tested. Results are compared with finite element analysis (FEA) simulations, which have been combined with electrical circuit models for performance analysis. The measurements and modelling results show good agreement for the WPT-system and HTS charging systems have a much higher transfer efficiency than copper at frequencies below 50 kHz. As the operating frequency increases towards 100 kHz, the performance of HTS systems deteriorates and becomes comparable to copper systems. Similar results are obtained from hybrid systems with a mixture of HTS and copper coils, either as transmitting or receiving coils. Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that HTS significantly improves the transfer efficiency of wireless charging within a certain range of frequencies. The AC losses occurring in HTS coils, particularly transport current loss, magnetisation loss and combined loss, at high frequencies are studied further. A multilayer 2D axisymmetric coil model based on H-formulation is proposed and validated by experimental results as the HTS film layer is inapplicable at such frequencies. Three of the most commonly employed coil configurations, namely: double pancake, solenoid and circular spiral are examined. While spiral coils experience the highest transport current loss, solenoid coils are subject to the highest magnetisation loss due to the overall distribution of the turns. Furthermore, a transition frequency is defined for each coil when losses in the copper layer exceed the HTS losses. It is much lower for coils due to the interactions between the different turns compared to single HTS tapes. At higher frequencies, the range of magnetic field densities, causing a shift where the highest losses occur, decreases until losses in the copper stabilisers always dominate. In addition, case studies investigating the suitability of HTS-WPT are proposed. Lastly, methods to reduce AC losses of HTS coils are investigated with particular focus on flux diverters, which have been used for low frequency superconducting applications but their effectiveness at high frequencies is unexplored. Therefore, the impact of flux diverters on HTS double pancake coils operating at high frequencies up to 85 kHz is researched. Various geometric characteristics of the flux diverter are investigated such as air gap between diverter and coil, width and thickness. An FEA-model was used to examine the coil and diverter losses at such frequencies and different load factors between 0.1 and 0.8. It is demonstrated that flux diverters are a viable option to reduce the coil losses even at high frequencies and the width of the coil has the biggest impact on the loss reduction. In general, flux diverters are more suitable for applications using high load factors. Lastly, the impact of the diverter in terms of magnetic field distribution above the coil and overall loss distribution in the HTS coil was examined

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 2

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