2,737 research outputs found

    Inverse Projection Representation and Category Contribution Rate for Robust Tumor Recognition

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    Sparse representation based classification (SRC) methods have achieved remarkable results. SRC, however, still suffer from requiring enough training samples, insufficient use of test samples and instability of representation. In this paper, a stable inverse projection representation based classification (IPRC) is presented to tackle these problems by effectively using test samples. An IPR is firstly proposed and its feasibility and stability are analyzed. A classification criterion named category contribution rate is constructed to match the IPR and complete classification. Moreover, a statistical measure is introduced to quantify the stability of representation-based classification methods. Based on the IPRC technique, a robust tumor recognition framework is presented by interpreting microarray gene expression data, where a two-stage hybrid gene selection method is introduced to select informative genes. Finally, the functional analysis of candidate's pathogenicity-related genes is given. Extensive experiments on six public tumor microarray gene expression datasets demonstrate the proposed technique is competitive with state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures, 10 table

    Optimal classifier selection and negative bias in error rate estimation: An empirical study on high-dimensional prediction

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    In biometric practice, researchers often apply a large number of different methods in a "trial-and-error" strategy to get as much as possible out of their data and, due to publication pressure or pressure from the consulting customer, present only the most favorable results. This strategy may induce a substantial optimistic bias in prediction error estimation, which is quantitatively assessed in the present manuscript. The focus of our work is on class prediction based on high-dimensional data (e.g. microarray data), since such analyses are particularly exposed to this kind of bias. In our study we consider a total of 124 variants of classifiers (possibly including variable selection or tuning steps) within a cross-validation evaluation scheme. The classifiers are applied to original and modified real microarray data sets, some of which are obtained by randomly permuting the class labels to mimic non-informative predictors while preserving their correlation structure. We then assess the minimal misclassification rate over the different variants of classifiers in order to quantify the bias arising when the optimal classifier is selected a posteriori in a data-driven manner. The bias resulting from the parameter tuning (including gene selection parameters as a special case) and the bias resulting from the choice of the classification method are examined both separately and jointly. We conclude that the strategy to present only the optimal result is not acceptable, and suggest alternative approaches for properly reporting classification accuracy

    Histopathological image analysis : a review

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    Over the past decade, dramatic increases in computational power and improvement in image analysis algorithms have allowed the development of powerful computer-assisted analytical approaches to radiological data. With the recent advent of whole slide digital scanners, tissue histopathology slides can now be digitized and stored in digital image form. Consequently, digitized tissue histopathology has now become amenable to the application of computerized image analysis and machine learning techniques. Analogous to the role of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms in medical imaging to complement the opinion of a radiologist, CAD algorithms have begun to be developed for disease detection, diagnosis, and prognosis prediction to complement the opinion of the pathologist. In this paper, we review the recent state of the art CAD technology for digitized histopathology. This paper also briefly describes the development and application of novel image analysis technology for a few specific histopathology related problems being pursued in the United States and Europe

    Estimation and Regularization Techniques for Regression Models with Multidimensional Prediction Functions

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    Boosting is one of the most important methods for fitting regression models and building prediction rules from high-dimensional data. A notable feature of boosting is that the technique has a built-in mechanism for shrinking coefficient estimates and variable selection. This regularization mechanism makes boosting a suitable method for analyzing data characterized by small sample sizes and large numbers of predictors. We extend the existing methodology by developing a boosting method for prediction functions with multiple components. Such multidimensional functions occur in many types of statistical models, for example in count data models and in models involving outcome variables with a mixture distribution. As will be demonstrated, the new algorithm is suitable for both the estimation of the prediction function and regularization of the estimates. In addition, nuisance parameters can be estimated simultaneously with the prediction function

    Classification of clinical outcomes using high-throughput and clinical informatics.

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    It is widely recognized that many cancer therapies are effective only for a subset of patients. However clinical studies are most often powered to detect an overall treatment effect. To address this issue, classification methods are increasingly being used to predict a subset of patients which respond differently to treatment. This study begins with a brief history of classification methods with an emphasis on applications involving melanoma. Nonparametric methods suitable for predicting subsets of patients responding differently to treatment are then reviewed. Each method has different ways of incorporating continuous, categorical, clinical and high-throughput covariates. For nonparametric and parametric methods, distance measures specific to the method are used to make classification decisions. Approaches are outlined which employ these distances to measure treatment interactions and predict patients more sensitive to treatment. Simulations are also carried out to examine empirical power of some of these classification methods in an adaptive signature design. Results were compared with logistic regression models. It was found that parametric and nonparametric methods performed reasonably well. Relative performance of the methods depends on the simulation scenario. Finally a method was developed to evaluate power and sample size needed for an adaptive signature design in order to predict the subset of patients sensitive to treatment. It is hoped that this study will stimulate more development of nonparametric and parametric methods to predict subsets of patients responding differently to treatment

    Identification and Optimization of Classifier Genes from Multi-Class Earthworm Microarray Dataset

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    Monitoring, assessment and prediction of environmental risks that chemicals pose demand rapid and accurate diagnostic assays. A variety of toxicological effects have been associated with explosive compounds TNT and RDX. One important goal of microarray experiments is to discover novel biomarkers for toxicity evaluation. We have developed an earthworm microarray containing 15,208 unique oligo probes and have used it to profile gene expression in 248 earthworms exposed to TNT, RDX or neither. We assembled a new machine learning pipeline consisting of several well-established feature filtering/selection and classification techniques to analyze the 248-array dataset in order to construct classifier models that can separate earthworm samples into three groups: control, TNT-treated, and RDX-treated. First, a total of 869 genes differentially expressed in response to TNT or RDX exposure were identified using a univariate statistical algorithm of class comparison. Then, decision tree-based algorithms were applied to select a subset of 354 classifier genes, which were ranked by their overall weight of significance. A multiclass support vector machine (MC-SVM) method and an unsupervised K-mean clustering method were applied to independently refine the classifier, producing a smaller subset of 39 and 30 classifier genes, separately, with 11 common genes being potential biomarkers. The combined 58 genes were considered the refined subset and used to build MC-SVM and clustering models with classification accuracy of 83.5% and 56.9%, respectively. This study demonstrates that the machine learning approach can be used to identify and optimize a small subset of classifier/biomarker genes from high dimensional datasets and generate classification models of acceptable precision for multiple classes

    Microarray Data Mining and Gene Regulatory Network Analysis

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    The novel molecular biological technology, microarray, makes it feasible to obtain quantitative measurements of expression of thousands of genes present in a biological sample simultaneously. Genome-wide expression data generated from this technology are promising to uncover the implicit, previously unknown biological knowledge. In this study, several problems about microarray data mining techniques were investigated, including feature(gene) selection, classifier genes identification, generation of reference genetic interaction network for non-model organisms and gene regulatory network reconstruction using time-series gene expression data. The limitations of most of the existing computational models employed to infer gene regulatory network lie in that they either suffer from low accuracy or computational complexity. To overcome such limitations, the following strategies were proposed to integrate bioinformatics data mining techniques with existing GRN inference algorithms, which enables the discovery of novel biological knowledge. An integrated statistical and machine learning (ISML) pipeline was developed for feature selection and classifier genes identification to solve the challenges of the curse of dimensionality problem as well as the huge search space. Using the selected classifier genes as seeds, a scale-up technique is applied to search through major databases of genetic interaction networks, metabolic pathways, etc. By curating relevant genes and blasting genomic sequences of non-model organisms against well-studied genetic model organisms, a reference gene regulatory network for less-studied organisms was built and used both as prior knowledge and model validation for GRN reconstructions. Networks of gene interactions were inferred using a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) approach and were analyzed for elucidating the dynamics caused by perturbations. Our proposed pipelines were applied to investigate molecular mechanisms for chemical-induced reversible neurotoxicity
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