6 research outputs found

    The Morse theory of \v{C}ech and Delaunay complexes

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    Given a finite set of points in Rn\mathbb R^n and a radius parameter, we study the \v{C}ech, Delaunay-\v{C}ech, Delaunay (or Alpha), and Wrap complexes in the light of generalized discrete Morse theory. Establishing the \v{C}ech and Delaunay complexes as sublevel sets of generalized discrete Morse functions, we prove that the four complexes are simple-homotopy equivalent by a sequence of simplicial collapses, which are explicitly described by a single discrete gradient field.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, improved expositio

    A parallel algorithm for computing the flow complex: theory and applications

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    Wir präsentieren einen parallelen Algorithmus zur Berechnung des Hasse-Diagramms des Flow-Komplexes einer Punktwolke im euklidischen Raum. Bekannte Algorithmen in zwei und drei Dimensionen berechnen zunächst dessen geometrische Realisierung und müssen vorher die Delaunay-Triangulierung berechnen. Unser Algorithmus berechnet nur das Hasse-Diagramm des Flow-Komplexes, welches, mit ausreichend geometrischen Informationen versehen, die selbe topologische Multiskalenanalyse ermöglicht wie die Alpha-Shape Filtration. Wir zeigen mit experimentelle Ergebnissen für mittlere Dimensionen, dass unser Algorithmus gut mit der Anzahl der verfügbaren Kerne auf einer Mehrkern-Architektur skaliert. Wir wenden unseren Algorithmus an, um den Träger eines wahrscheinlichkeitsmaßes auf Basis von Punkten zu skizzieren, welche aus dem euklidischen Raum gezogen wurden. Des Weiteren wenden wir unseren Algorithmus auf Streudiagramme an, welche zur Korrelationsanalyse verwendet werden, aber auch ein nützliches Werkzeug sind, um die Verteilung hochdimensionaler Punktwolken zu verstehen

    Recursive geometry of the flow complex and topology of the flow complex filtration

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    AbstractThe flow complex is a geometric structure, similar to the Delaunay tessellation, to organize a set of (weighted) points in Rk. Flow shapes are topological spaces corresponding to substructures of the flow complex. The flow complex and flow shapes have found applications in surface reconstruction, shape matching, and molecular modeling. In this article we give an algorithm for computing the flow complex of weighted points in any dimension. The algorithm reflects the recursive structure of the flow complex. On the basis of the algorithm we establish a topological similarity between flow shapes and the nerve of a corresponding ball set, namely homotopy equivalence

    Exploring 3D Shapes through Real Functions

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    This thesis lays in the context of research on representation, modelling and coding knowledge related to digital shapes, where by shape it is meant any individual object having a visual appareance which exists in some two-, three- or higher dimensional space. Digital shapes are digital representations of either physically existing or virtual objects that can be processed by computer applications. While the technological advances in terms of hardware and software have made available plenty of tools for using and interacting with the geometry of shapes, to manipulate and retrieve huge amount of data it is necessary to define methods able to effectively code them. In this thesis a conceptual model is proposed which represents a given 3D object through the coding of its salient features and defines an abstraction of the object, discarding irrelevant details. The approach is based on the shape descriptors defined with respect to real functions, which provide a very useful shape abstraction method for the analysis and structuring of the information contained in the discrete shape model. A distinctive feature of these shape descriptors is their capability of combining topological and geometrical information properties of the shape, giving an abstraction of the main shape features. To fully develop this conceptual model, both theoretical and computational aspects have been considered, related to the definition and the extension of the different shape descriptors to the computational domain. Main emphasis is devoted to the application of these shape descriptors in computational settings; to this aim we display a number of application domains that span from shape retrieval, to shape classification and to best view selection.Questa tesi si colloca nell\u27ambito di ricerca riguardante la rappresentazione, la modellazione e la codifica della conoscenza connessa a forme digitali, dove per forma si intende l\u27aspetto visuale di ogni oggetto che esiste in due, tre o pi? dimensioni. Le forme digitali sono rappresentazioni di oggetti sia reali che virtuali, che possono essere manipolate da un calcolatore. Lo sviluppo tecnologico degli ultimi anni in materia di hardware e software ha messo a disposizione una grande quantit? di strumenti per acquisire, rappresentare e processare la geometria degli oggetti; tuttavia per gestire questa grande mole di dati ? necessario sviluppare metodi in grado di fornirne una codifica efficiente. In questa tesi si propone un modello concettuale che descrive un oggetto 3D attraverso la codifica delle caratteristiche salienti e ne definisce una bozza ad alto livello, tralasciando dettagli irrilevanti. Alla base di questo approccio ? l\u27utilizzo di descrittori basati su funzioni reali in quanto forniscono un\u27astrazione della forma molto utile per analizzare e strutturare l\u27informazione contenuta nel modello discreto della forma. Una peculiarit? di tali descrittori di forma ? la capacit? di combinare propriet? topologiche e geometriche consentendo di astrarne le principali caratteristiche. Per sviluppare questo modello concettuale, ? stato necessario considerare gli aspetti sia teorici che computazionali relativi alla definizione e all\u27estensione in ambito discreto di vari descrittori di forma. Particolare attenzione ? stata rivolta all\u27applicazione dei descrittori studiati in ambito computazionale; a questo scopo sono stati considerati numerosi contesti applicativi, che variano dal riconoscimento alla classificazione di forme, all\u27individuazione della posizione pi? significativa di un oggetto