7 research outputs found

    Notes on Randomized Algorithms

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    Lecture notes for the Yale Computer Science course CPSC 469/569 Randomized Algorithms. Suitable for use as a supplementary text for an introductory graduate or advanced undergraduate course on randomized algorithms. Discusses tools from probability theory, including random variables and expectations, union bound arguments, concentration bounds, applications of martingales and Markov chains, and the Lov\'asz Local Lemma. Algorithmic topics include analysis of classic randomized algorithms such as Quicksort and Hoare's FIND, randomized tree data structures, hashing, Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling, randomized approximate counting, derandomization, quantum computing, and some examples of randomized distributed algorithms

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    Recursive Randomized Coloring Beats Fair Dice Random Colorings

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    We investigate a re ned recursive coloring approach to construct balanced colorings for hypergraphs. A coloring is called balanced if each hyperedge has (roughly) the same number of vertices in each color

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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