154 research outputs found

    The homotopy theory of bialgebras over pairs of operads

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    We endow the category of bialgebras over a pair of operads in distribution with a cofibrantly generated model category structure. We work in the category of chain complexes over a field of characteristic zero. We split our construction in two steps. In the first step, we equip coalgebras over an operad with a cofibrantly generated model category structure. In the second one we use the adjunction between bialgebras and coalgebras via the free algebra functor. This result allows us to do classical homotopical algebra in various categories such as associative bialgebras, Lie bialgebras or Poisson bialgebras in chain complexes.Comment: 27 pages, final version, to appear in the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    The Recursion Scheme from the Cofree Recursive Comonad

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    AbstractWe instantiate the general comonad-based construction of recursion schemes for the initial algebra of a functor F to the cofree recursive comonad on F. Differently from the scheme based on the cofree comonad on F in a similar fashion, this scheme allows not only recursive calls on elements structurally smaller than the given argument, but also subsidiary recursions. We develop a Mendler formulation of the scheme via a generalized Yoneda lemma for initial algebras involving strong dinaturality and hint a relation to circular proofs Ă  la Cockett, Santocanale

    The homotopy theory of coalgebras over a comonad

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    Let K be a comonad on a model category M. We provide conditions under which the associated category of K-coalgebras admits a model category structure such that the forgetful functor to M creates both cofibrations and weak equivalences. We provide concrete examples that satisfy our conditions and are relevant in descent theory and in the theory of Hopf-Galois extensions. These examples are specific instances of the following categories of comodules over a coring. For any semihereditary commutative ring R, let A be a dg R-algebra that is homologically simply connected. Let V be an A-coring that is semifree as a left A-module on a degreewise R-free, homologically simply connected graded module of finite type. We show that there is a model category structure on the category of right A-modules satisfying the conditions of our existence theorem with respect to the comonad given by tensoring over A with V and conclude that the category of V-comodules in the category of right A-modules admits a model category structure of the desired type. Finally, under extra conditions on R, A, and V, we describe fibrant replacements in this category of comodules in terms of a generalized cobar construction.Comment: 34 pages, minor corrections. To appear in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Societ

    Unifying Structured Recursion Schemes

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    AbstractFolds and unfolds have been understood as fundamental building blocks for total programming, and have been extended to form an entire zoo of specialised structured recursion schemes. A great number of these schemes were unified by the introduction of adjoint folds, but more exotic beasts such as recursion schemes from comonads proved to be elusive. In this paper, we show how the two canonical derivations of adjunctions from (co)monads yield recursion schemes of significant computational importance: monadic catamorphisms come from the Kleisli construction, and more astonishingly, the elusive recursion schemes from comonads come from the Eilenberg–Moore construction. Thus, we demonstrate that adjoint folds are more unifying than previously believed.</jats:p

    Structured general corecursion and coinductive graphs [extended abstract]

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    Bove and Capretta's popular method for justifying function definitions by general recursive equations is based on the observation that any structured general recursion equation defines an inductive subset of the intended domain (the "domain of definedness") for which the equation has a unique solution. To accept the definition, it is hence enough to prove that this subset contains the whole intended domain. This approach works very well for "terminating" definitions. But it fails to account for "productive" definitions, such as typical definitions of stream-valued functions. We argue that such definitions can be treated in a similar spirit, proceeding from a different unique solvability criterion. Any structured recursive equation defines a coinductive relation between the intended domain and intended codomain (the "coinductive graph"). This relation in turn determines a subset of the intended domain and a quotient of the intended codomain with the property that the equation is uniquely solved for the subset and quotient. The equation is therefore guaranteed to have a unique solution for the intended domain and intended codomain whenever the subset is the full set and the quotient is by equality.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2012, arXiv:1202.317
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