329 research outputs found

    Recursive Approach to the Design of a Parallel Self Timed Adder

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    As innovation scales down into the lower nanometer values control, postpone region and recurrence gets to be im¬portant parameters for the examination and plan of any circuits. This short exhibits a parallel single-rail self-coordinated viper. It depends on a recursive definition for performing multi bit double expansion. The operation is parallel for those bits that needn't bother with any convey chain spread. Therefore, the outline achieves logarithmic performance over arbitrary operand conditions with no extraordinary speedup hardware or look-ahead pattern. A viable execution is furnished alongside a finish recognition unit. The usage is regular and does not have any commonsense confinements of high fanouts. A high fan-in entryway is required however yet this is unavoidable for offbeat rationale and is overseen by associating the transistors in parallel. Reproductions have been performed utilizing an industry standard toolbox confirm the reasonableness and prevalence of the proposed approach over existing offbeat adders

    Area Efficient Self Timed Adders For Low Power Applications in VLSI

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    ABSTRACT: In today"s world there is a great need for low power design and area efficient high performance in DIP (Digital Image Processing) systemIn this paper the proposed method presents a parallel single-rail self-timed adder. It uses recursive method for performing multi bit binary addition. This design attains good performance without any special speedup circuitry. A practical implementation is provided along with a completion detection unit. The implementation is regular and does not have any practical limitations of high fan outs. The recursive method based adder consumes least power among other Self-timed adders. In our work this can be reduced with proposed adder. This technique presents a pre-processing and post processing adder to minimize the multiplier technique. A high fan-in gate is required though but this is unavoidable for asynchronous logic and is managed by connecting the transistors in parallel. Simulations have been performed using cadence tool and superiority of the proposed approach over existing asynchronous adders. In this proposed system we are using a parallel prefix adder it is used to reduce the power consumption, area efficiently .Simulation of this technique is carried out by the cadence tool CADENCE GPDK 180nm Technolog

    Computational structures for application specific VLSI processors

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    Asynchronous Data Processing Platforms for Energy Efficiency, Performance, and Scalability

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    The global technology revolution is changing the integrated circuit industry from the one driven by performance to the one driven by energy, scalability and more-balanced design goals. Without clock-related issues, asynchronous circuits enable further design tradeoffs and in operation adaptive adjustments for energy efficiency. This dissertation work presents the design methodology of the asynchronous circuit using NULL Convention Logic (NCL) and multi-threshold CMOS techniques for energy efficiency and throughput optimization in digital signal processing circuits. Parallel homogeneous and heterogeneous platforms implementing adaptive dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) based on the observation of system fullness and workload prediction are developed for balanced control of the performance and energy efficiency. Datapath control logic with NULL Cycle Reduction (NCR) and arbitration network are incorporated in the heterogeneous platform for large scale cascading. The platforms have been integrated with the data processing units using the IBM 130 nm 8RF process and fabricated using the MITLL 90 nm FDSOI process. Simulation and physical testing results show the energy efficiency advantage of asynchronous designs and the effective of the adaptive DVS mechanism in balancing the energy and performance in both platforms

    CAD Tool Design for NCL and MTNCL Asynchronous Circuits

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    This thesis presents an implementation of a method developed to readily convert Boolean designs into an ultra-low power asynchronous design methodology called MTNCL, which combines multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) with NULL Convention Logic (NCL) systems. MTNCL provides the leakage power advantages of an all high-Vt implementation with a reasonable speed penalty compared to the all low-Vt implementation, and has negligible area overhead. The proposed tool utilizes industry-standard CAD tools. This research also presents an Automated Gate-Level Pipelining with Bit-Wise Completion (AGLPBW) method to maximize throughput of delay-insensitive full-word pipelined NCL circuits. These methods have been integrated into the Mentor Graphics and Synopsis CAD tools, using a C-program, which performs the majority of the computations, such that the method can be easily ported to other CAD tool suites. Both methods have been successfully tested on circuits, including a 4-bit × 4-bit multiplier, an unsigned Booth2 multiplier, and a 4-bit/8-operation arithmetic logic unit (ALU

    Assessing Approximate Arithmetic Designs in the presence of Process Variations and Voltage Scaling

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    As environmental concerns and portability of electronic devices move to the forefront of priorities, innovative approaches which reduce processor energy consumption are sought. Approximate arithmetic units are one of the avenues whereby significant energy savings can be achieved. Approximation of fundamental arithmetic units is achieved by judiciously reducing the number of transistors in the circuit. A satisfactory tradeoff of energy vs. accuracy of the circuit can be determined by trial-and-error methods of each functional approximation. Although the accuracy of the output is compromised, it is only decreased to an acceptable extent that can still fulfill processing requirements. A number of scenarios are evaluated with approximate arithmetic units to thoroughly cross-check them with their accurate counterparts. Some of the attributes evaluated are energy consumption, delay and process variation. Additionally, novel methods to create such approximate units are developed. One such method developed uses a Genetic Algorithm (GA), which mimics the biologically-inspired evolutionary techniques to obtain an optimal solution. A GA employs genetic operators such as crossover and mutation to mix and match several different types of approximate adders to find the best possible combination of such units for a given input set. As the GA usually consumes a significant amount of time as the size of the input set increases, we tackled this problem by using various methods to parallelize the fitness computation process of the GA, which is the most compute intensive task. The parallelization improved the computation time from 2,250 seconds to 1,370 seconds for up to 8 threads, using both OpenMP and Intel TBB. Apart from using the GA with seeded multiple approximate units, other seeds such as basic logic gates with limited logic space were used to develop completely new multi-bit approximate adders with good fitness levels. iii The effect of process variation was also calculated. As the number of transistors is reduced, the distribution of the transistor widths and gate oxide may shift away from a Gaussian Curve. This result was demonstrated in different types of single-bit adders with the delay sigma increasing from 6psec to 12psec, and when the voltage is scaled to Near-Threshold-Voltage (NTV) levels sigma increases by up to 5psec. Approximate Arithmetic Units were not affected greatly by the change in distribution of the thickness of the gate oxide. Even when considering the 3-sigma value, the delay of an approximate adder remains below that of a precise adder with additional transistors. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the GA obtains innovative solutions to the appropriate combination of approximate arithmetic units, to achieve a good balance between energy savings and accuracy

    Micropipeline controller design and verification with applications in signal processing

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    High level optimizations in compiling process descriptions to asynchronous circuits

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    technical reportAsynchronous/'Self-Timed designs are beginning to attract attention as promising means of dealing with the complexity of modern VLSI technology. In this paper, we present our views on why asynchronous systems matter. We then present details of our high level synthesis tool SHILPA that can automatically synthesize asynchronous circuits from descriptions in our concurrent programming language, hopCP. We outline some of the high level communication abstractions available in hopCP. We illustrate how these abstractions are realized in the asynchronous circuits generated by SHILPA. We then present a series of examples that present many of the high level optimization strategies used by SHILPA. Some of these optimizations aim to speed up the generated circuits by avoiding un-necessary waiting. Others synthesize components that are much easier to realize in a variety of technologies. We also discuss some of the tradeoffs possible between optimizations and timing constraints