309 research outputs found

    Recursion and Iteration Support in USE Validator with AnATLyzer

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) Model finders enable numerous verification approaches based on searching the existence of models satisfying certain properties of interest. One of such approaches is anATLyzer, a static analysis tool for ATL transformations, which relies on USE Validator to provide fine grained analysis based on finding witness models that satisfy the OCL path conditions associated to particular errors. However it is limited by the fact that USE Validator does not include built-in support for analysing recursive operations and the iterate collection operator. This paper reports our approach to allow USE Validator to analyse OCL path conditions containing recursive operations and iterate, with the aim of widening the amount of actual transformations that can be processed by anATLyzer. We present our approach, based on unfolding recursion into a finite number of steps, and we discuss how to take into account practical aspects such as inheritance and details about the implementation.This work has been supported by the Spanish MINECO (TIN2011-24139 and TIN2014-52129-R), the R&D programme of the Madrid Region (S2013/ICE-3006), and the EU commission (FP7-ICT-2013-10, #611125)

    An exercise in transformational programming: Backtracking and Branch-and-Bound

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    We present a formal derivation of program schemes that are usually called Backtracking programs and Branch-and-Bound programs. The derivation consists of a series of transformation steps, specifically algebraic manipulations, on the initial specification until the desired programs are obtained. The well-known notions of linear recursion and tail recursion are extended, for structures, to elementwise linear recursion and elementwise tail recursion; and a transformation between them is derived too

    Solving the TTC 2011 Reengineering Case with GrGen.NET

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    The challenge of the Reengineering Case is to extract a state machine model out of the abstract syntax graph of a Java program. The extracted state machine offers a reduced view on the full program graph and thus helps to understand the program regarding the question of interest. We tackle this task employing the general purpose graph rewrite system GrGen.NET (www.grgen.net).Comment: In Proceedings TTC 2011, arXiv:1111.440

    Logical presentations of domains

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    Bibliography: pages 168-174.This thesis combines a fairly general overview of domain theory with a detailed examination of recent work which establishes a connection between domain theory and logic. To start with, the theory of domains is developed with such issues as the semantics of recursion and iteration; the solution of recursive domain equations; and non-determinism in mind. In this way, a reasonably comprehensive account of domains, as ordered sets, is given. The topological dimension of domain theory is then revealed, and the logical insights gained by regarding domains as topological spaces are emphasised. These logical insights are further reinforced by an examination of pointless topology and Stone duality. A few of the more prominent categories of domains are surveyed, and Stone-type dualities for the objects of some of these categories are presented. The above dualities are then applied to the task of presenting domains as logical theories. Two types of logical theory are considered, namely axiomatic systems, and Gentzen-style deductive systems. The way in which these theories describe domains is by capturing the relationships between the open subsets of domains

    The cognitive architecture of recursion: Behavioral and fMRI evidence from the visual, musical and motor domains

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    In this manuscript, we summarize the results of our research program aiming at describing the cognitive architecture underlying the representation of recursive hierarchical embedding. After conducting a series of behavioral and fMRI experiments in the visual, musical and motor domains, we found that, behaviorally, the acquisition of recursive rules seems supported by cognitive resources that are general across domains. However, when we test well-trained participants in the fMRI, their representation of recursion seems supported by activating schemas stored in (visual, musical and motor) domain-specific repositories. This suggests that the resources necessary to acquire recursive rules are different from those necessary to utilize these rules after extensive training

    Course Specifications for New Introductory Courses: Computer Science 227X and 228X

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    Computer Science 227X introduces first-year students to programming using Scheme. Computer Science 228X is an introduction to data structures in C++. Both courses attempt to teach principles through extensive practice in programming. This document specifies the course\u27s general objectives and gives an overview of what would be taught

    Recursion in action: An fMRI study on the generation of new hierarchical levels in motor sequences

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    Generation of hierarchical structures, such as the embedding of subordinate elements into larger structures, is a core feature of human cognition. Processing of hierarchies is thought to rely on lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). However, the neural underpinnings supporting active generation of new hierarchical levels remain poorly understood. Here, we created a new motor paradigm to isolate this active generative process by means of fMRI. Participants planned and executed identical movement sequences by using different rules: a Recursive hierarchical embedding rule, generating new hierarchical levels; an Iterative rule linearly adding items to existing hierarchical levels, without generating new levels; and a Repetition condition tapping into short term memory, without a transformation rule. We found that planning involving generation of new hierarchical levels (Recursive condition vs. both Iterative and Repetition) activated a bilateral motor imagery network, including cortical and subcortical structures. No evidence was found for lateral PFC involvement in the generation of new hierarchical levels. Activity in basal ganglia persisted through execution of the motor sequences in the contrast Recursive versus Iteration, but also Repetition versus Iteration, suggesting a role of these structures in motor short term memory. These results showed that the motor network is involved in the generation of new hierarchical levels during motor sequence planning, while lateral PFC activity was neither robust nor specific. We hypothesize that lateral PFC might be important to parse hierarchical sequences in a multi‐domain fashion but not to generate new hierarchical levels