419 research outputs found

    On CSP and the Algebraic Theory of Effects

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    We consider CSP from the point of view of the algebraic theory of effects, which classifies operations as effect constructors or effect deconstructors; it also provides a link with functional programming, being a refinement of Moggi's seminal monadic point of view. There is a natural algebraic theory of the constructors whose free algebra functor is Moggi's monad; we illustrate this by characterising free and initial algebras in terms of two versions of the stable failures model of CSP, one more general than the other. Deconstructors are dealt with as homomorphisms to (possibly non-free) algebras. One can view CSP's action and choice operators as constructors and the rest, such as concealment and concurrency, as deconstructors. Carrying this programme out results in taking deterministic external choice as constructor rather than general external choice. However, binary deconstructors, such as the CSP concurrency operator, provide unresolved difficulties. We conclude by presenting a combination of CSP with Moggi's computational {\lambda}-calculus, in which the operators, including concurrency, are polymorphic. While the paper mainly concerns CSP, it ought to be possible to carry over similar ideas to other process calculi

    Natural Factors of the Medvedev Lattice Capturing IPC

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    Skvortsova showed that there is a factor of the Medvedev lattice which captures intuitionistic propositional logic (IPC). However, her factor is unnatural in the sense that it is constructed in an ad hoc manner. We present a more natural example of such a factor. We also show that for every non-trivial factor of the Medvedev lattice its theory is contained in Jankov's logic, the deductive closure of IPC plus the weak law of the excluded middle. This answers a question by Sorbi and Terwijn

    On lattices and their ideal lattices, and posets and their ideal posets

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    For P a poset or lattice, let Id(P) denote the poset, respectively, lattice, of upward directed downsets in P, including the empty set, and let id(P)=Id(P)-\{\emptyset\}. This note obtains various results to the effect that Id(P) is always, and id(P) often, "essentially larger" than P. In the first vein, we find that a poset P admits no "<"-respecting map (and so in particular, no one-to-one isotone map) from Id(P) into P, and, going the other way, that an upper semilattice S admits no semilattice homomorphism from any subsemilattice of itself onto Id(S). The slightly smaller object id(P) is known to be isomorphic to P if and only if P has ascending chain condition. This result is strengthened to say that the only posets P_0 such that for every natural number n there exists a poset P_n with id^n(P_n)\cong P_0 are those having ascending chain condition. On the other hand, a wide class of cases is noted here where id(P) is embeddable in P. Counterexamples are given to many variants of the results proved.Comment: 8 pages. Copy at http://math.berkeley.edu/~gbergman/papers may be updated more frequently than arXiv copy. After publication, updates, errata, etc. may be noted at that pag

    Automaton semigroups: new construction results and examples of non-automaton semigroups

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    This paper studies the class of automaton semigroups from two perspectives: closure under constructions, and examples of semigroups that are not automaton semigroups. We prove that (semigroup) free products of finite semigroups always arise as automaton semigroups, and that the class of automaton monoids is closed under forming wreath products with finite monoids. We also consider closure under certain kinds of Rees matrix constructions, strong semilattices, and small extensions. Finally, we prove that no subsemigroup of (N,+)(\mathbb{N}, +) arises as an automaton semigroup. (Previously, (N,+)(\mathbb{N},+) itself was the unique example of a finitely generated residually finite semigroup that was known not to arise as an automaton semigroup.)Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures; substantially revise

    Entailment systems for stably locally compact locales

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    The category SCFrU of stably continuous frames and preframe ho-momorphisms (preserving ¯nite meets and directed joins) is dual to the Karoubi envelope of a category Ent whose objects are sets and whose morphisms X ! Y are upper closed relations between the ¯nite powersets FX and FY . Composition of these morphisms is the \cut composition" of Jung et al. that interfaces disjunction in the codomains with conjunctions in the domains, and thereby relates to their multi-lingual sequent calculus. Thus stably locally compact locales are represented by \entailment systems" (X; `) in which `, a generalization of entailment relations,is idempotent for cut composition. Some constructions on stably locally compact locales are represented in terms of entailment systems: products, duality and powerlocales. Relational converse provides Ent with an involution, and this gives a simple treatment of the duality of stably locally compact locales. If A and B are stably continuous frames, then the internal preframe hom A t B is isomorphic to e A ­ B where e A is the Hofmann-Lawson dual. For a stably locally compact locale X, the lower powerlocale of X is shown to be the dual of the upper powerlocale of the dual of X

    Type-Based Termination, Inflationary Fixed-Points, and Mixed Inductive-Coinductive Types

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    Type systems certify program properties in a compositional way. From a bigger program one can abstract out a part and certify the properties of the resulting abstract program by just using the type of the part that was abstracted away. Termination and productivity are non-trivial yet desired program properties, and several type systems have been put forward that guarantee termination, compositionally. These type systems are intimately connected to the definition of least and greatest fixed-points by ordinal iteration. While most type systems use conventional iteration, we consider inflationary iteration in this article. We demonstrate how this leads to a more principled type system, with recursion based on well-founded induction. The type system has a prototypical implementation, MiniAgda, and we show in particular how it certifies productivity of corecursive and mixed recursive-corecursive functions.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2012, arXiv:1202.317

    Using models to model-check recursive schemes

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    We propose a model-based approach to the model checking problem for recursive schemes. Since simply typed lambda calculus with the fixpoint operator, lambda-Y-calculus, is equivalent to schemes, we propose the use of a model of lambda-Y-calculus to discriminate the terms that satisfy a given property. If a model is finite in every type, this gives a decision procedure. We provide a construction of such a model for every property expressed by automata with trivial acceptance conditions and divergence testing. Such properties pose already interesting challenges for model construction. Moreover, we argue that having models capturing some class of properties has several other virtues in addition to providing decidability of the model-checking problem. As an illustration, we show a very simple construction transforming a scheme to a scheme reflecting a property captured by a given model.Comment: Long version of a paper presented at TLCA 201
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