51 research outputs found

    Combining Task-level and System-level Scheduling Modes for Mixed Criticality Systems

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    Different scheduling algorithms for mixed criticality systems have been recently proposed. The common denominator of these algorithms is to discard low critical tasks whenever high critical tasks are in lack of computation resources. This is achieved upon a switch of the scheduling mode from Normal to Critical. We distinguish two main categories of the algorithms: system-level mode switch and task-level mode switch. System-level mode algorithms allow low criticality (LC) tasks to execute only in normal mode. Task-level mode switch algorithms enable to switch the mode of an individual high criticality task (HC), from low (LO) to high (HI), to obtain priority over all LC tasks. This paper investigates an online scheduling algorithm for mixed-criticality systems that supports dynamic mode switches for both task level and system level. When a HC task job overruns its LC budget, then only that particular job is switched to HI mode. If the job cannot be accommodated, then the system switches to Critical mode. To accommodate for resource availability of the HC jobs, the LC tasks are degraded by stretching their periods until the Critical mode exhibiting job complete its execution. The stretching will be carried out until the resource availability is met. We have mechanized and implemented the proposed algorithm using Uppaal. To study the efficiency of our scheduling algorithm, we examine a case study and compare our results to the state of the art algorithms.Comment: \copyright 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    Parallel Real-Time Scheduling for Latency-Critical Applications

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    In order to provide safety guarantees or quality of service guarantees, many of today\u27s systems consist of latency-critical applications, e.g. applications with timing constraints. The problem of scheduling multiple latency-critical jobs on a multiprocessor or multicore machine has been extensively studied for sequential (non-parallizable) jobs and different system models and different objectives have been considered. However, the computational requirement of a single job is still limited by the capacity of a single core. To provide increasingly complex functionalities of applications and to complete their higher computational demands within the same or even more stringent timing constraints, we must exploit the internal parallelism of jobs, where individual jobs are parallel programs and can potentially utilize more than one core in parallel. However, there is little work considering scheduling multiple parallel jobs that are latency-critical. This dissertation focuses on developing new scheduling strategies, analysis tools, and practical platform design techniques to enable efficient and scalable parallel real-time scheduling for latency-critical applications on multicore systems. In particular, the research is focused on two types of systems: (1) static real-time systems for tasks with deadlines where the temporal properties of the tasks that need to execute is known a priori and the goal is to guarantee the temporal correctness of the tasks prior to their executions; and (2) online systems for latency-critical jobs where multiple jobs arrive over time and the goal to optimize for a performance objective of jobs during the execution. For static real-time systems for parallel tasks, several scheduling strategies, including global earliest deadline first, global rate monotonic and a novel federated scheduling, are proposed, analyzed and implemented. These scheduling strategies have the best known theoretical performance for parallel real-time tasks under any global strategy, any fixed priority scheduling and any scheduling strategy, respectively. In addition, federated scheduling is generalized to systems with multiple criticality levels and systems with stochastic tasks. Both numerical and empirical experiments show that federated scheduling and its variations have good schedulability performance and are efficient in practice. For online systems with multiple latency-critical jobs, different online scheduling strategies are proposed and analyzed for different objectives, including maximizing the number of jobs meeting a target latency, maximizing the profit of jobs, minimizing the maximum latency and minimizing the average latency. For example, a simple First-In-First-Out scheduler is proven to be scalable for minimizing the maximum latency. Based on this theoretical intuition, a more practical work-stealing scheduler is developed, analyzed and implemented. Empirical evaluations indicate that, on both real world and synthetic workloads, this work-stealing implementation performs almost as well as an optimal scheduler

    Hard Real Time and Mixed Time Criticality on Off-The-Shelf Embedded Multi-Cores

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    International audienceThe paper describes a pragmatic solution to the parallel execution of hard real-time tasks on off-the-shelf embedded multiprocessors. We propose a simple timing isolation protocol allowing computational tasks to communicate with hard real-time ones. Excellent parallel resource utilization can be achieved while preserving timing compositionality. An extension to a synchronous language enables the correct-by-construction compilation to efficient parallel code. We do not explicitly address certification issues at this stage, yet our approach is designed to enable full system certification at the highest safety standards, such as SIL 4 in IEC 61508 or DAL A in DO-178B


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    Safety-critical applications in cyber-physical domains such as avionics and automotive systems require strict timing constraints because loss of life or severe financial repercussions may occur if they fail to produce correct outputs at the right moment. We call such systems “real-time systems.” When designing a real-time system, a multicore platform would be desirable to use because such platforms have advantages in size, weight, and power constraints, especially in embedded systems. However, the multicore revolution is having limited impact in safety-critical application domains. A key reason is the “one-out-of-m” problem: when validating real-time constraints on an m-core platform, excessive analysis pessimism can effectively negate the processing capacity of the additional m-1 cores so that only “one core’s worth” of capacity is available. The root of this problem is that shared hardware resources are not predictably managed. Two approaches have been investigated previously to address this problem: mixed-criticality analysis, which provision less-critical software components less pessimistically, and hardware-management techniques, which make the underlying platform itself more predictable. The goal of the research presented in this dissertation is to combine both approaches to reduce the capacity loss caused by contention for shared hardware resources in multicore platforms. Towards that goal, fundamentally new criticality-cognizant hardware-management tradeoffs must be explored. Such tradeoffs are investigated in the context of a new variant of a mixed-criticality framework, called MC2, that supports configurable criticality-based hardware management. This framework allows specific DRAM banks and areas of the last-level cache to be allocated to certain groups of tasks to provide criticality-aware isolation. MC2 is further extended to support the sharing of memory locations, which is required to realize the ability to support real-world workloads. We evaluate the impact of combining mixed-criticality provisioning and hardware-management techniques with both micro-benchmark experiments and schedulability studies. In our micro-benchmark experiments, we evaluate each hardware-management technique and consider tradeoffs that arise when applying them together. The effectiveness of the overall framework in resolving such tradeoffs is investigated via largescale overhead-aware schedulability studies. Our results demonstrate that mixed-criticality analysis and hardware-management techniques can be much more effective when applied together instead of alone.Doctor of Philosoph

    smARTflight: An Environmentally-Aware Adaptive Real-Time Flight Management System

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    Multi-rotor drones require real-time sensor data processing and control to maintain flight stability, which is made more challenging by external disturbances such as wind. In this paper we introduce smARTflight: an environmentally-aware adaptive real-time flight management system. smARTflight adapts the execution frequencies of flight control tasks according to timing and safety-critical constraints, in response to transient fluctuations of a drone’s attitude. In contrast to current state-of-the-art methods, smARTflight’s criticality-aware scheduler reduces the latency to return to a steady-state target attitude. The system also improves the overall control accuracy and lowers the frequency of adjustments to motor speeds to conserve power. A comparative case-study with a well-known autopilot shows that smARTflight reduces unnecessary control loop executions under stable conditions, while reducing response time latency by as much as 60% in a given axis of rotation when subjected to a 15° step attitude disturbance.https://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/richwest/papers/smARTflight-ecrts20.pdfhttps://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2020/12387/pdf/LIPIcs-ECRTS-2020-24.pdfPublished versio

    Mixed Criticality Systems - A Review : (13th Edition, February 2022)

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    This review covers research on the topic of mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s 2007 paper. It covers the period up to end of 2021. The review is organised into the following topics: introduction and motivation, models, single processor analysis (including job-based, hard and soft tasks, fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, related topics, realistic models, formal treatments, systems issues, industrial practice and research beyond mixed-criticality. A list of PhDs awarded for research relating to mixed-criticality systems is also included
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