2,860 research outputs found

    Analyse des performances de stockage, en mémoire et sur les périphériques d'entrée/sortie, à partir d'une trace d'exécution

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    Le stockage des données est vital pour l’industrie informatique. Les supports de stockage doivent être rapides et fiables pour répondre aux demandes croissantes des entreprises. Les technologies de stockage peuvent être classifiées en deux catégories principales : stockage de masse et stockage en mémoire. Le stockage de masse permet de sauvegarder une grande quantité de données à long terme. Les données sont enregistrées localement sur des périphériques d’entrée/sortie, comme les disques durs (HDD) et les Solid-State Drive (SSD), ou en ligne sur des systèmes de stockage distribué. Le stockage en mémoire permet de garder temporairement les données nécessaires pour les programmes en cours d’exécution. La mémoire vive est caractérisée par sa rapidité d’accès, indispensable pour fournir rapidement les données à l’unité de calcul du processeur. Les systèmes d’exploitation utilisent plusieurs mécanismes pour gérer les périphériques de stockage, par exemple les ordonnanceurs de disque et les allocateurs de mémoire. Le temps de traitement d’une requête de stockage est affecté par l’interaction entre plusieurs soussystèmes, ce qui complique la tâche de débogage. Les outils existants, comme les outils d’étalonnage, permettent de donner une vague idée sur la performance globale du système, mais ne permettent pas d’identifier précisément les causes d’une mauvaise performance. L’analyse dynamique par trace d’exécution est très utile pour l’étude de performance des systèmes. Le traçage permet de collecter des données précises sur le fonctionnement du système, ce qui permet de détecter des problèmes de performance difficilement identifiables. L’objectif de cette thèse est de fournir un outil permettant d’analyser les performances de stockage, en mémoire et sur les périphériques d’entrée/sortie, en se basant sur les traces d’exécution. Les défis relevés par cet outil sont : collecter les données nécessaires à l’analyse depuis le noyau et les programmes en mode utilisateur, limiter le surcoût du traçage et la taille des traces générées, synchroniser les différentes traces, fournir des analyses multiniveau couvrant plusieurs aspects de la performance et enfin proposer des abstractions permettant aux utilisateurs de facilement comprendre les traces.----------ABSTRACT: Data storage is an essential resource for the computer industry. Storage devices must be fast and reliable to meet the growing demands of the data-driven economy. Storage technologies can be classified into two main categories: mass storage and main memory storage. Mass storage can store large amounts of data persistently. Data is saved locally on input/output devices, such as Hard Disk Drives (HDD) and Solid-State Drives (SSD), or remotely on distributed storage systems. Main memory storage temporarily holds the necessary data for running programs. Main memory is characterized by its high access speed, essential to quickly provide data to the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Operating systems use several mechanisms to manage storage devices, such as disk schedulers and memory allocators. The processing time of a storage request is affected by the interaction between several subsystems, which complicates the debugging task. Existing tools, such as benchmarking tools, provide a general idea of the overall system performance, but do not accurately identify the causes of poor performance. Dynamic analysis through execution tracing is a solution for the detailed runtime analysis of storage systems. Tracing collects precise data about the internal behavior of the system, which helps in detecting performance problems that are difficult to identify. The goal of this thesis is to provide a tool to analyze storage performance based on lowlevel trace events. The main challenges addressed by this tool are: collecting the required data using kernel and userspace tracing, limiting the overhead of tracing and the size of the generated traces, synchronizing the traces collected from different sources, providing multi-level analyses covering several aspects of storage performance, and lastly proposing abstractions allowing users to easily understand the traces. We carefully designed and inserted the instrumentation needed for the analyses. The tracepoints provide full visibility into the system and track the lifecycle of storage requests, from creation to processing. The Linux Trace Toolkit Next Generation (LTTng), a free and low-overhead tracer, is used for data collection. This tracer is characterized by its stability, and efficiency with highly parallel applications, thanks to the lock-free synchronization mechanisms used to update the content of the trace buffers. We also contributed to the creation of a patch that allows LTTng to capture the call stacks of userspace events

    Achieving High Reliability and Efficiency in Maintaining Large-Scale Storage Systems through Optimal Resource Provisioning and Data Placement

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    With the explosive increase in the amount of data being generated by various applications, large-scale distributed and parallel storage systems have become common data storage solutions and been widely deployed and utilized in both industry and academia. While these high performance storage systems significantly accelerate the data storage and retrieval, they also bring some critical issues in system maintenance and management. In this dissertation, I propose three methodologies to address three of these critical issues. First, I develop an optimal resource management and spare provisioning model to minimize the impact brought by component failures and ensure a highly operational experience in maintaining large-scale storage systems. Second, in order to cost-effectively integrate solid-state drives (SSD) into large-scale storage systems, I design a holistic algorithm which can adaptively predict the popularity of data objects by leveraging temporal locality in their access pattern and adjust their placement among solid-state drives and regular hard disk drives so that the data access throughput as well as the storage space efficiency of the large-scale heterogeneous storage systems can be improved. Finally, I propose a new checkpoint placement optimization model which can maximize the computation efficiency of large-scale scientific applications while guarantee the endurance requirements of the SSD-based burst buffer in high performance hierarchical storage systems. All these models and algorithms are validated through extensive evaluation using data collected from deployed large-scale storage systems and the evaluation results demonstrate our models and algorithms can significantly improve the reliability and efficiency of large-scale distributed and parallel storage systems

    Interactive Feature Selection and Visualization for Large Observational Data

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    Data can create enormous values in both scientific and industrial fields, especially for access to new knowledge and inspiration of innovation. As the massive increases in computing power, data storage capacity, as well as capability of data generation and collection, the scientific research communities are confronting with a transformation of exploiting the advanced uses of the large-scale, complex, and high-resolution data sets in situation awareness and decision-making projects. To comprehensively analyze the big data problems requires the analyses aiming at various aspects which involves of effective selections of static and time-varying feature patterns that fulfills the interests of domain users. To fully utilize the benefits of the ever-growing size of data and computing power in real applications, we proposed a general feature analysis pipeline and an integrated system that is general, scalable, and reliable for interactive feature selection and visualization of large observational data for situation awareness. The great challenge tackled in this dissertation was about how to effectively identify and select meaningful features in a complex feature space. Our research efforts mainly included three aspects: 1. Enable domain users to better define their interests of analysis; 2. Accelerate the process of feature selection; 3. Comprehensively present the intermediate and final analysis results in a visualized way. For static feature selection, we developed a series of quantitative metrics that related the user interest with the spatio-temporal characteristics of features. For timevarying feature selection, we proposed the concept of generalized feature set and used a generalized time-varying feature to describe the selection interest. Additionally, we provided a scalable system framework that manages both data processing and interactive visualization, and effectively exploits the computation and analysis resources. The methods and the system design together actualized interactive feature selections from two representative large observational data sets with large spatial and temporal resolutions respectively. The final results supported the endeavors in applications of big data analysis regarding combining the statistical methods with high performance computing techniques to visualize real events interactively

    Adaptive Redundancy Management for Durable P2P Backup

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    We design and analyze the performance of a redundancy management mechanism for Peer-to-Peer backup applications. Armed with the realization that a backup system has peculiar requirements -- namely, data is read over the network only during restore processes caused by data loss -- redundancy management targets data durability rather than attempting to make each piece of information availabile at any time. In our approach each peer determines, in an on-line manner, an amount of redundancy sufficient to counter the effects of peer deaths, while preserving acceptable data restore times. Our experiments, based on trace-driven simulations, indicate that our mechanism can reduce the redundancy by a factor between two and three with respect to redundancy policies aiming for data availability. These results imply an according increase in storage capacity and decrease in time to complete backups, at the expense of longer times required to restore data. We believe this is a very reasonable price to pay, given the nature of the application. We complete our work with a discussion on practical issues, and their solutions, related to which encoding technique is more suitable to support our scheme

    Efficient data reliability management of cloud storage systems for big data applications

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    Cloud service providers are consistently striving to provide efficient and reliable service, to their client's Big Data storage need. Replication is a simple and flexible method to ensure reliability and availability of data. However, it is not an efficient solution for Big Data since it always scales in terabytes and petabytes. Hence erasure coding is gaining traction despite its shortcomings. Deploying erasure coding in cloud storage confronts several challenges like encoding/decoding complexity, load balancing, exponential resource consumption due to data repair and read latency. This thesis has addressed many challenges among them. Even though data durability and availability should not be compromised for any reason, client's requirements on read performance (access latency) may vary with the nature of data and its access pattern behaviour. Access latency is one of the important metrics and latency acceptance range can be recorded in the client's SLA. Several proactive recovery methods, for erasure codes are proposed in this research, to reduce resource consumption due to recovery. Also, a novel cache based solution is proposed to mitigate the access latency issue of erasure coding

    High latency cause detection using multilevel dynamic analysis

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    The performance of applications remains a major concern to programmers. An unexpected latency can be caused by a bug or a bad program design, but it can also be caused by external factors such as resource contention or system overload. There exist tools, program profilers, that are used to detect latency. These tools, however, provide a limited view of a system's execution. For example, user space profilers can only detect slow functions but are unable to pinpoint the root causes-whether the problem comes from a slow I/O operation, interrupt, lock contention, or other problems. Kernel tracers, on the other hand, are able to collect detailed information about the operating system execution at various levels from hardware counters to system calls, disks, network I/O, etc, from which the main performance problems can be detected. In this paper, we combine user space and kernel space tracing data to understand and diagnose system performance problems and to guide users to identify the root causes. Our approach works by making a single data model by synchronizing and correlating the data gathered from different layers. We show the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to understand the latency of PHP web applications in handling web requests
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