21 research outputs found

    Web-Based Internet Mobile Application to Manage Organization

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    Information world today’s, where the internet and web technology are used widely. Most of the organizations acknowledge the importance of SMS system and WEB in reaching and interacting with their users. However, there is much discussion regarding the effectiveness when it comes to SMS system. This study helped organization’s students, users of organization, and willing to accept, reading and using SMS messages: effective is SMS messages compared to traditional communications. The goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of SMS messages compared to traditional ways for different aspects and on the other hand, to develop prototype by using Web and SMS technology to apply this system and extent students are willing to accept SMS messages on their mobile phone, since the effectiveness of SMS messages highly depends on this willing. The results of this research indicate that the use of the web and SMS for the benefit of the organization and students in all aspects instead using traditional ways to contact


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    Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air di perumahan Turus Asri, warga menggunakan dan mengelola sendiri sumber air dari sumur bor. Website pengelolaan air Tirta Turus Asri dibuat untuk memudahkan pengurus dan bendahara melakukan rekap tagihan air. Namun dengan adanya website ini beberapa kendala terjadi, petugas dan bendahara harus membuka website secara berkala saat memasukkan dan mengelola data tagihan air. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah aplikasi Tirta Turus Asri berbasis android untuk mempermudah pengelolaan air Tirta Turus Asri melalui smartphone. Warga juga bisa melakukan pembayaran melaluiQuick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) dan bisa update status pembayaran langsung di aplikasi android. Hasil yang didapat adalah aplikasi Tirta Turus Asri dapat menginput data meteran air secara otomatis kemudian menampilkannya dalam bentuk grafik, melakukan pembayaran dengan QRIS, dan mengirimkan notifikasi tagihan kepada warga yang belum membayar. Berdasarkan data dari pengujian black box, aplikasi Tirta Turus Asri berbasis Android berjalan sesuai dengan desain sistem. Rata-rata waktu muat per aktivitas yang dihasilkan oleh aplikasi adalah 2,7252 s pada bandwidth 8,99 Mbps dan 3,05 s pada bandwidth 4,63 Mbps

    Managing technical debt through software metrics, refactoring and traceability

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    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Penjualan Barang Di Toko Sumber Rejeki

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    In trading and manufacturing companies, inventory procedures are very important and as one of the cogs in the company's survival. Administrative management has a huge influence on both financial and goods reports. In the management of the sale and purchase of Sumber Rejeki Stores,they still use a manual system, such as the process of selling goods is still written in books or notes and to find out the stock of goods, they still calculate manually, recording product stock manually. The purpose of this research is to develop a Management Information System for Sales of Goods at Sumber Rejeki Stores to provide information on the process of selling goods, procurement of goods, stock and reporting. This study uses the Waterfall method which consists of analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation. The development of a sales management application involves the use of several software in the form of Xampp as a server, Google Chrome as a web browser, PHP as a web development, Mysql as data management, Visual Code Studio as a code processor. In the system of selling goods, there are monthly reports and can print proof of transactions. The implementation of this design can be done by testing using Black box testing which results in the system being able to run properly according to its functionality and based on the System Usability Scale (SUS) test, it gets a value of 72 which is in the acceptable category or can be accepted by the user

    Implementasi Unified Modeling Language (UML) pada Perancangan Aplikasi WiFiTalkie Berbasis TCP/IP

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    Di dunia komunikasi analog kita mengenal perangkat yang bernama HT (Handy Talkie). Perangkat ini bekerja dengan menggunakan sinyal elektromagnetik pada frekuensi radio tertentu. Perangkat ini berfungsi sebagai pengirim dan penerima sinyal radio.Sinyal yang dikirimkan adalah sinyal suara yang telah diubah menjadi sinyal elektromagnetik. Untuk dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain, maka harus ada kesepakatan antar pengguna untuk menyetel perangkatnya pada frekuensi yang sama. Salah satu kelemahan dari perangkat ini adalah kualitas suara yang cenderung noisy dan sangat bergantung pada kondisi cuaca. Dengan seiring teknologi semikonduktor yang berkembang pesat, terciptalah perangkat digital yang semakin bervariasi kegunaannya. Saat ini sudah banyak diciptakan perangkat digital yang dapat menggantikan perangkat analog secara keseluruhan. Sebagai contohnya adalah pesawat televisi. Pesawat televisi digital memberikan kualitas yang jauh lebih baik daripada perangkat televisi analog dengan ukuran yang jauh lebih ramping. Contoh yang lain saat ini tersedia smartphone yang memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkapyang tertanam pada perangkat yang berukuran relatif kecil. Salah satu fiturnya adalah wifi. Dengan fitur ini sebuah smartphone dapat terhubung satu sama lain, bahkan dapat terhubung dengan internet dengan mudahnya. Dalam rangka digitalisasi perangkat analog dan tersedianya fiturwifidi dalam smartphone ini, maka diciptakan sebuah aplikasi WiFiTalkie. Cara kerjanya yaitu smartphone akan mengirimkan sinyal suara dengan memanfaatkan teknologi TCP/IP melalui jaringan wifi, kemudian smartphone yang lain di dalam network yang sama menerima sinyal ini dan memprosesnya kembali menjadi sinyal suara. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan mengimplementasikan metode perancangan Unified Modeling Language (UML). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas suara yang dihasilkan oleh WiFiTalkie jauh lebih baik daripada HT yang berbasis pada sinyal analog

    Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Layanan Pangkas Rambut Berbasis Web

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    Barbershop business has undergone adjustments in line with developments in the globalization era. The adjustments that occur are not included in the system used in the barbershop business. Some barbershop owners still do not use information technology to manage their barbershop business. Customers who will use barbershop services still have to come to the barbershop and waiting for their turn there. This traditional queuing system is no longer suitable to be applied in current conditions. This study aims to develop a web- based online ordering information system so that the queue at the barbershop can be more organized and effective. The development of an online queue ordering information system in this study uses a structured and systematic waterfall method, supported by the use of the CodeIgniter and MySQL frameworks to manage the database. The test results using blackbox testing state that all functions are running well. It can be concluded that the information system can simplify queuing problems and provide benefits for customers and business owners


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    Use cases are usually treated as second class citizens in the software developmentchain based on models. Their textual descriptions (scenarios) are treatedas informal input to more formal design models that can then be (semi-)automatically transformed down to code. In this paper we will show that usecase scenarios can gain precise metamodel-based notation and semantics enablingautomatic processing. What is more, we will show transformation algorithmsthat can transform use case scenarios directly to dynamic code in Java.The presented transformation can generate the full structure of the system followingthe MVP architectural pattern, including complete method contents forthe application logic (Presenter) and presentation (View) layers. It also providesa code skeleton for the domain logic (Model) layer. The use case notation andthe transformation were implemented within a sophisticated tool suite. Basedon this, the paper discusses the evaluation efforts based on a case study

    Traceability approach for managing changes involving software testing artefacts

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    Software change is inevitable for software product to remain relevant and reusable. As software evolves over time due to specific changes at any point in time during software development and maintenance, the managing aspect of changes may get more complicated and risky. The outdated links would cause the affected artefacts to be not updated timely and effectively. Most of the existing traceability approaches and tools are dedicated and limited to high level artefacts such as requirements and fewer capability made available to address the lower level artefacts such as classes and codes. Most maintainers limit their links to begin at the requirement perspective but there is no valid traceability link being made to support the fine grained level involving testing components. This thesis proposes a new traceability approach to manage changes with the emphasis on the integration of the development artefacts and testing artefacts. The working artefacts cover requirements, packages, classes, methods, test case, and codes. The proposed approach provides a know-how solution to the IEEE 829:2010 standards associated to testing that demands for the support at testing perspective. This approach has the capability to horizontally and vertically manage artefacts from requirement down to code and vice versa. The proposed traceability approach was applied to a case study of a software development project called On- Board Automobile (OBA) with a complete set of documentation including test cases. The evaluation results prove that the proposed traceability approach is significant and useful in managing software changes involving testing artefacts

    Traceability approach for conflict dissolution in handling requirements crosscutting

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    Requirements crosscutting in software development and maintenance has gradually become an important issue in software engineering. There are growing needs of traceability support to achieve some possible understanding in requirements crosscutting throughout phases in software lifecycle. It is aimed to manage practical process in addressing requirements crosscutting at various phases in order to comply with industrial standard. However, due to its distinct nature, many recent works are focusing on identification, modularization, composition and conflict dissolution of requirements crosscutting which are mostly saturated at requirements level. These works fail to practically specify crosscutting properties for functional and nonfunctional requirements at requirements, analysis and design phases. Therefore, this situation leads to inability to provide sufficient support for software engineers to manage requirements crosscutting across the remaining development phases. This thesis proposes a new approach called the Identification, Modularization, Design Composition Rules and Conflict Dissolutions (IM-DeCRuD) that provides a special traceability to facilitate better understanding and reasoning for engineering tasks towards requirements crosscutting during software development and evolution. This study also promotes a simple but significant way to support pragmatic changes of crosscutting properties at requirements, analysis and design phases for medium sizes of software development and maintenance projects. A tool was developed based on the proposed approach to support four main perspectives namely requirements specification definition, requirements specification modification, requirements prioritization setting and graphics visualizing representation. Software design components are generated using Generic Modeling Environment (GME) with Java language interpreter to incorporate all these features. The proposed IM-DeCRuD was applied to an industrial strength case study of medium-scaled system called myPolicy. The tool was evaluated and the results were verified by some experts for validation and opinion. The feedbacks were then gathered and analyzed using DESMET qualitative method. The outcomes show that the IM-DeCRuD is applicable to address some tedious job of engineering process in handling crosscutting properties at requirements, analysis and design phases for system development and evolution

    Exploiting Parts-of-Speech for Effective Automated Requirements Traceability

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    Context: Requirement traceability (RT) is defined as the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement. RT helps developers ensure that relevant requirements are implemented and that the source code is consistent with its requirement with respect to a set of traceability links called trace links. Previous work leverages Parts Of Speech (POS) tagging of software artifacts to recover trace links among them. These studies work on the premise that discarding one or more POS tags results in an improved accuracy of Information Retrieval (IR) techniques. Objective: First, we show empirically that excluding one or more POS tags could negatively impact the accuracy of existing IR-based traceability approaches, namely the Vector Space Model (VSM) and the Jensen Shannon Model (JSM). Second, we propose a method that improves the accuracy of IR-based traceability approaches. Method: We developed an approach, called ConPOS, to recover trace links using constraint-based pruning. ConPOS uses major POS categories and applies constraints to the recovered trace links for pruning as a filtering process to significantly improve the effectiveness of IR-based techniques. We conducted an experiment to provide evidence that removing POSs does not improve the accuracy of IR techniques. Furthermore, we conducted two empirical studies to evaluate the effectiveness of ConPOS in recovering trace links compared to existing peer RT approaches. Results: The results of the first empirical study show that removing one or more POS negatively impacts the accuracy of VSM and JSM. Furthermore, the results from the other empirical studies show that ConPOS provides 11%-107%, 8%-64%, and 15%-170% higher precision, recall, and mean average precision (MAP) than VSM and JSM. Conclusion: We showed that ConPosout performs existing IR-based RT approaches that discard some POS tags from the input documents