659 research outputs found

    Synchronization and fault-masking in redundant real-time systems

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    A real time computer may fail because of massive component failures or not responding quickly enough to satisfy real time requirements. An increase in redundancy - a conventional means of improving reliability - can improve the former but can - in some cases - degrade the latter considerably due to the overhead associated with redundancy management, namely the time delay resulting from synchronization and voting/interactive consistency techniques. The implications of synchronization and voting/interactive consistency algorithms in N-modular clusters on reliability are considered. All these studies were carried out in the context of real time applications. As a demonstrative example, we have analyzed results from experiments conducted at the NASA Airlab on the Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT) computer. This analysis has indeed indicated that in most real time applications, it is better to employ hardware synchronization instead of software synchronization and not allow reconfiguration

    Characterization of real-time computers

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    A real-time system consists of a computer controller and controlled processes. Despite the synergistic relationship between these two components, they have been traditionally designed and analyzed independently of and separately from each other; namely, computer controllers by computer scientists/engineers and controlled processes by control scientists. As a remedy for this problem, in this report real-time computers are characterized by performance measures based on computer controller response time that are: (1) congruent to the real-time applications, (2) able to offer an objective comparison of rival computer systems, and (3) experimentally measurable/determinable. These measures, unlike others, provide the real-time computer controller with a natural link to controlled processes. In order to demonstrate their utility and power, these measures are first determined for example controlled processes on the basis of control performance functionals. They are then used for two important real-time multiprocessor design applications - the number-power tradeoff and fault-masking and synchronization

    Deaf, Dumb, and Chatting Robots, Enabling Distributed Computation and Fault-Tolerance Among Stigmergic Robot

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    We investigate ways for the exchange of information (explicit communication) among deaf and dumb mobile robots scattered in the plane. We introduce the use of movement-signals (analogously to flight signals and bees waggle) as a mean to transfer messages, enabling the use of distributed algorithms among the robots. We propose one-to-one deterministic movement protocols that implement explicit communication. We first present protocols for synchronous robots. We begin with a very simple coding protocol for two robots. Based on on this protocol, we provide one-to-one communication for any system of n \geq 2 robots equipped with observable IDs that agree on a common direction (sense of direction). We then propose two solutions enabling one-to-one communication among anonymous robots. Since the robots are devoid of observable IDs, both protocols build recognition mechanisms using the (weak) capabilities offered to the robots. The first protocol assumes that the robots agree on a common direction and a common handedness (chirality), while the second protocol assumes chirality only. Next, we show how the movements of robots can provide implicit acknowledgments in asynchronous systems. We use this result to design asynchronous one-to-one communication with two robots only. Finally, we combine this solution with the schemes developed in synchronous settings to fit the general case of asynchronous one-to-one communication among any number of robots. Our protocols enable the use of distributing algorithms based on message exchanges among swarms of Stigmergic robots. Furthermore, they provides robots equipped with means of communication to overcome faults of their communication device

    Advances on CMOS image sensors

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    This paper offers an introduction to the technological advances of image sensors designed using complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) processes along the last decades. We review some of those technological advances and examine potential disruptive growth directions for CMOS image sensors and proposed ways to achieve them. Those advances include breakthroughs on image quality such as resolution, capture speed, light sensitivity and color detection and advances on the computational imaging. The current trend is to push the innovation efforts even further as the market requires higher resolution, higher speed, lower power consumption and, mainly, lower cost sensors. Although CMOS image sensors are currently used in several different applications from consumer to defense to medical diagnosis, product differentiation is becoming both a requirement and a difficult goal for any image sensor manufacturer. The unique properties of CMOS process allows the integration of several signal processing techniques and are driving the impressive advancement of the computational imaging. With this paper, we offer a very comprehensive review of methods, techniques, designs and fabrication of CMOS image sensors that have impacted or might will impact the images sensor applications and markets

    Automatic Reconfiguration for Large-Scale Reliable Storage Systems

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    Byzantine-fault-tolerant replication enhances the availability and reliability of Internet services that store critical state and preserve it despite attacks or software errors. However, existing Byzantine-fault-tolerant storage systems either assume a static set of replicas, or have limitations in how they handle reconfigurations (e.g., in terms of the scalability of the solutions or the consistency levels they provide). This can be problematic in long-lived, large-scale systems where system membership is likely to change during the system lifetime. In this paper, we present a complete solution for dynamically changing system membership in a large-scale Byzantine-fault-tolerant system. We present a service that tracks system membership and periodically notifies other system nodes of membership changes. The membership service runs mostly automatically, to avoid human configuration errors; is itself Byzantine-fault-tolerant and reconfigurable; and provides applications with a sequence of consistent views of the system membership. We demonstrate the utility of this membership service by using it in a novel distributed hash table called dBQS that provides atomic semantics even across changes in replica sets. dBQS is interesting in its own right because its storage algorithms extend existing Byzantine quorum protocols to handle changes in the replica set, and because it differs from previous DHTs by providing Byzantine fault tolerance and offering strong semantics. We implemented the membership service and dBQS. Our results show that the approach works well, in practice: the membership service is able to manage a large system and the cost to change the system membership is low

    Asynchronous Reconfiguration with Byzantine Failures

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    Replicated services are inherently vulnerable to failures and security breaches. In a long-running system, it is, therefore, indispensable to maintain a reconfiguration mechanism that would replace faulty replicas with correct ones. An important challenge is to enable reconfiguration without affecting the availability and consistency of the replicated data: the clients should be able to get correct service even when the set of service replicas is being updated. In this paper, we address the problem of reconfiguration in the presence of Byzantine failures: faulty replicas or clients may arbitrarily deviate from their expected behavior. We describe a generic technique for building asynchronous and Byzantine fault-tolerant reconfigurable objects: clients can manipulate the object data and issue reconfiguration calls without reaching consensus on the current configuration. With the help of forward-secure digital signatures, our solution makes sure that superseded and possibly compromised configurations are harmless, that slow clients cannot be fooled into reading stale data, and that Byzantine clients cannot cause a denial of service by flooding the system with reconfiguration requests. Our approach is modular and based on dynamic lattice agreement abstraction, and we discuss how to extend it to enable Byzantine fault-tolerant implementations of a large class of reconfigurable replicated services
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